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Posts posted by JerekKruger

  1. 17 minutes ago, TaeRam said:

    Has anyone been surprised that the orcs and goblins battalion box has been a sales failure?

    I wasn't. Ancient Orcs and ancient Orc Chariots aren't particularly appealing. The Dwarf one looks a lot better: the warriors are oldish, but much less old than the Orcs, and the Gyro(copters/bombers) are pretty new, and really nice kits.

  2. 3 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Alex Hedstrom!

    Perry Beastmen would have had way smaller weapons, human proportions and straight up goat faces, not monstrous ones with a dash of stretched human in.

    The Perrys did the 4th edition beastmen, and most of the 5th edition ones when they became a bespoke army for the first time (including the brilliantly scrawny, miserable looking original Ungor)


    That era of Beastmen was definitely what sold me on them as a faction, particularly the introduction of Ungors and Bestigor*. Fleshing out the faction in that way was very cool, and I loved their chaotic naturalist aesthetic (always loved woods and forests, so Wood Elves and Beastmen are two factions I naturally kinda gravitate towards).

    *Or rather miniatures for them, they were in, iirc, Realms of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned.

    • Like 1
  3. As an aside, I've been pleasantly surprised with Beastmen plastics. I had assumed the Gors were the same ones that came in the 2003ish (the one with a mix of Gors and Ungors), but in fact it's from 2010 and is a CAD designed kit. This means the minis are lovely smooth plastic and mould lines are minimal, but also being an early CAD kit it's fairly modular and not overdesigned, so the minis are relatively simple. Kind of a perfect middle fur a relatively hordey army.

    • Like 2
  4. Warriors of Chaos are gifted with incredibly strong lungs by their chaotic patrons. So strong in fact that they can produce enough air current through the narrow seal of their helmet to blow a horn. It's one of the less well documented Chaos Gifts.

    As in a related note, I do think the fact that the Chaos Knights musician has a cut out to allow him to blow his horn is kinda hilarious. Imagine, when the Chaos Gods bestow you with your Chaos Armour, that they give you a helmet with a perfect cut out to blow a horn, and you realize you're destined to be a musician. Must be disappointing. I don't Archaon or Asavar Kul ever spent time as musicians before becoming the Everchosen 😄

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    • Haha 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    I prefer GW miniatures partly because they share a coherent design language that may change over the years but still remains remarkably consistent on some key philosophies of design.

    I have that too. It's very rare for me to find a non-GW mini that I think fits aesthetically with GW stuff, and my threshold for tolerating that is pretty low.

    • Like 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    for any other’s I might just go for some awesome 3d sculpts

    I mean, for people who are happy with 3D printing and/or buying off Etsy this is the obvious move. Raven Twin Miniatures have an excellent range of Beastmen which fit in very well with GW's Beastmen aesthetics. That said, for whatever reason I just kinda prefer working in plastic, so outside of cases where I have basically no other option, I'm inclined to try to find ways to make GW minis work (with kitbashing).

    • Like 3
  7. 9 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    Finding chariots and Minotaurs has been really hard but I did find some reasonably priced classic harpies

    What are your thoughts on GW's Ogroid Theridon minis as mino replacements? I really like them, apart from possibly their faces.

  8. Well I ended up buying an ungodly number* of Beasts of Chaos Vanguard boxes over the past week. Whilst they are sold out online, and are being resold on eBay for absurd money, it turns out bricks and mortar stores still have them fairly reliably. If I wanted to I could make a fair profit on eBay reselling them (particularly the Dragon Ogres), but I don't want to. I do have far too many Bray Shamans now, even with them being really powerful.

    I read the Goonhammer article a few days ago, and thought the idea of a Gorebull in a unit of Ungors with Spears sounded pretty interesting. Cheap, frenzied two rank fighting can give you a lot of attacks. It's probably not good, but it's fun at least.

    I do think that Gors are a bit overtuned at the moment though. They just seem superior to both Ungors and Bestigors in most situations.

    *Four in the end 😮

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    I feel like the Dwarfen Holds are on top because they're the hyped ones in recent social media (including youtubers) due to their release being "soon". That includes the arcane journal people are eagerly waiting to know its full content.

    Agreed. They're the new, unreleased thing, with a shiny new plastic kit and a cool new banner character coming out. That's going to make people excited for them. That excitement will wear off (for most) after they are released and the next factions are previewed.

    Beyond that, mostly I see people tempted by factions with good model quality. Dark Elves score fairly highly, and they have one if the most recent WHFB refreshes; Skaven also score well and they're about to get a gorgeous refresh in AoS; Warriors of Chaos have a great AoS range that ports over to TOW very well etc.

    Tomb Kings are hurt, I think, because they are an acquired taste and because what they have some lovely newer sculpts, they are also using some atrocious ancient ones. Their horses statistically have a child in primary school, they're that old.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Trokair said:

    Is there any reason not to put him on the base like this?  I ask as I don’t think I have seen any model on a rectangular base with the long side as their front/rear, only ever the long side as the flank.

    I think the first number quoted on base sizes is meant to be the front facing, but I can't actually find any specifically rule stating this so I don't know if that's just "common knowledge" in the community. I certainly wouldn't object to you playing the long edge forward: I don't think it'd make much difference to the game in the end.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I thought the same when someone mentioned the Empire Knights. CoS Cavaliers fit perfectly, even GW compared to the old Empire ones on release at Warcom.

    Yup, you could run them exactly as they are, it do a little work to make them more Empirey (give them have and traditional shields, and get rid of the big diamond Barding) but they're houses are just so much more dynamic than the old plastic ones that actual Empire Knights come on.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Anyway the HE are in a really good place when finally released. It just needs new spearmen, archers and Silverhelms. Sadly this is very unlikely.

    An expensive, but good looking, option for Silverhelms is the Lumineth Dawnriders. They'll need some work to make them fit into High Elf aesthetic, but not that much, and their horses look great.

    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    That's the point of making vague statements in a youtube video : people can always interpret it the way they want it (people watching Valrak want these to be actual "official rumors" to be hyped about, and Valrak knows that people will watch his video hoping about that), and the youtuber can't be caught telling false rumors. He can always hide behind its vagueness.

    Yeah that's not how people think. He says "High Elves and Chaos are coming after Dwarves" and people hear that as "High Elves and Chaos are the next two armies". If he turns out to be wrong, is called on it, and replies with "I only said they'd come out after, not next" people are still going to judge him as both being wrong and making ****** up. He isn't going to gain any protection by his vagueness. He might be technically correct, but his reputation will still take a hit. Technically correct won't protect it.


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  14. 8 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    And anyway, technically he will be always true with that kind of statement. I mean, Chaos and High Elves will obviously come any time after Dwarves without any time stamp, and it's clear Dwarves can't come out after Chaos and High Elves because GW didn't preview any of the last 2 already.

    Technically sure, but that's not how anyone would interpret it.

  15. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    I am hoping that Dwarfs will be still in may/june, but I fear that it will be after july 😞.

    That's what I'm assuming now. I think this week was our last, best how for a pre-AoS 4th release. It's not impossible that we'll be which in before in the next week or two /especially if AoS 4th is delayed) but I'm not counting on it.

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