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Everything posted by Jetlife

  1. We have seen the rumor picture of a Seraphon spear few months ago. Also they are due a new Battletome in 2023. I don’t think a large wave but perhaps more than a hero. I’ll assume some new salamander and kroxigor either through new kit, warcry or underworlds
  2. 100% I’ve painted enough of those triangles to know it’s Seraphon. The orb is similar to that of the realm shaper engine too. I would be extremely disappointed if it was just terrain though.
  3. GW definitely has their finger on the pulse of the community. They know they have their customers chomping at the bit to know what the destruction times are. Building hype is always good for a brand. With that being said, AOS in its short existence has had a lot of new stuff come out. Rules, books, models Battletomes etc. I don’t play 40k but a lot of their armies and models were due an update and it is their bread winner. We are at the point now where AOS 3.0 is a year old. In one year, we have gotten 11 Battletomes of the 24 armies. Plus we already know at least 3 (2 destruction, S2D) will be here by 2023. So they’ve updated half the armies in one year. I think that’s pretty good in the grand scheme. We also know that everything has been delayed and because of that they spent a ton of money to move production from over seas to in Nottingham, so a delay is to be expected. As much as we want more new AOS stuff right now, and 2022 has by far been the slowest AOS year since it’s release, we can feel it coming. The flood gates are going to open. I/we have all heard the rumors and actual statements from GW that they are sitting on a ton of stuff waiting to be released. I think Nova will be announcement of the destruction Tomes. And there’s usually always something right before Christmas. Remember, October of 2019 was OBR October 2020 was Sons then in 21 we had Soulblight that came out in March but was supposed to be fall release. So I’m expecting something good this fall
  4. I did just see they updated the GHB on the AOS app so that you can look at battleplans now. Been waiting for that feature for a while
  5. I don’t think we will see a major preview until Nova.
  6. I’m not convinced we are getting non chaos warbands for warcry….. There was maybe 1 or 2. It looks like they save the other armies for underworlds. And while yes there is a map of other factions that might just be a box full of older minis put together to make a warband like they did the first time around.
  7. I think that would make Chaos and Archaon more interesting. All these Chaos gods are fighting for followers to gain more power, but Archaon seems to just be looking to destroy every world. Would love to see him make more of a selfish play in the story. Plus with Belakor getting more and more steam to be his own thing, it sets up some interesting dynamics within the chaos Alligence.
  8. More chaos https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/07/22/belakors-chosen-heed-the-warcry-and-head-towards-the-gnarlwood/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=warcry&utm_content=chaoslegionaries&fbclid=IwAR0PmszCfuJ0YsD-sMxg3nC-qXcJNYG1hKeOL5FPsCCHItej9Dt9QqWmHbg
  9. I’m still going with Dawnbringers vs Chaos Dwarves or whatever they will be called. I remember being told that end of 3.0 will have the chaos dwarves with some giant weapon going to tear down the gates of Azyr. So that would check out with that assumption. I don’t know much about hashut but after reading everyone’s posts about him, he seems like a really flavorful enemy character for the story. Now that Archaon has fizzled out a bit, Nagash got his lights punched out, Belakor made his play and Kragnos attempt was stopped there is a need for a new character to mix things up. Hashut seems like he could fit that need. While every edition has started with stormcast and I know they sell well and that could be Beacuse they force it or just because it truly is popular (don’t want to go down that rabbit hole) I do feel like their range is expansive and almost tapped out. Starting the new editon with the Dawnbringers could be a home run. They will obviously be tied closely with stormcast that they could flawlessly be the new main thing for 4.0. Considering you will probably be able to run stormcast with them, like in COS. From a lore perspective, who better to stand up and protect Azyr then loyal followers.
  10. So on board with this. The ever winter lore is a really cool concept and would love to them dive into this more with model redesign and rules.
  11. Destruction doesn’t really have a beast faction…. I could see them taking trolls, and possibly roll them into a larger beast faction. Remade yehtis, gorgers, and whatever else they wanted to come up with. Could be a really nice army to pair with Kragnos
  12. Perhaps. Night haunt was the launch death army of 2.0. Was an extension of previous ghosts similar to how Kruleboyz are for Orcs. So if we follow that pattern which GW does keep at times, Death got the other 2 armies. 3.0 being about destruction would tend to lead us towards one brand new faction and another revamp. Following in the OBR and SBG format. The real question is what would the brand new destruction faction be? I for one will continue with this silent people talk!!! but I also feel like Kragnos needs his own army
  13. With 2.0 being Death focused, we got night haunt, OBR and a Gravelords redo. If the whole edition is 3.0 I’ll assume we will get at least one new destruction army and a rebrand at some point.
  14. I can’t remember but did Warcry produce any new non chaos models outside of the khanate shadow stalkers?? I know they have other army kits but isn’t it just old models mixed in?!! I know the setting was in chaos lands but with this new edition in ghur I was hoping they would just have all destruction warbands. The fact that it starts with similar chaos style warbands to the original version has me skeptical that we will actually see new stuff outside of chaos. I hope this isn’t true because the lore they have set for this “season” is very immersive.
  15. I feel like Seraphon doesn’t need a lot. Everything that is played is plastic outside of Salamanders and Kroxigor… which is coming at some point. The rest of their sculpts look decent enough to continue with. Skaven, Beasts and Ogres need a decent over work in my opinion. Skaven has a lot of decent stuff, but at same time a lot of old metal or resin. I think they could get an honest legit update with only a handful kits and be good for foreseeable future. Beasts to me needs a complete overhaul. Similar to how they did Soulblight. New models everywhere. Ogres is a weird one. Their aesthetic is just overweight human. Nothing about their look screams man eating ogre. However I can’t see them doing a complete overhaul when a majority of their line is already in plastic. I assume they will just update some of the kits over time. Flesh eater just needs some beautifully sculpted heroes. Named ones at that. I know I heard a rumbling of a ushoran model. Two of the rumored pictures might be him sitting on a throne. The rest from a gameplay prospective have enough. The sad part is, it’s impossible to get that much variety on the table as far as units anyways and you will never get every model from a faction into most games. From a collectors viewpoint then bring on waves to collect!!! **Exception to the rule might be Fyreslayers. But I think that is more we just want to see some unit variance. Everything looks exactly that same. Tapping into some volcano creatures could help stir the straw in that drink again….
  16. Nova is early September. I could see it around then. We know Tzeentch and Lrl is first for fall so they will have time.
  17. Gloomspite, lumineth Tzeentch and Ogors never got a White Dwarf tome Celestial update. We’ve already seen Lumineth and Tzeentch. It’s definitely a fair inference that the other two are the next books. Followed by S2D in winter and SOB. Based upon the recent trend it appears they like the dual army release approach. I think we will see less battle boxes though and just the release of two books at a time.
  18. I agree. I think Warcry is more of a seperate space with its own thing. Most of the non chaos warbands were just old models put in a box. Now they have built a decent chaos human following collection, so that’s something that could be in play down the road with Dawnbringers. Underworlds is where they sometimes use the design space to give a model an update or alternate pose. Using your Gutterrunner example, the new Skaven underworlds models could easily replace the old gutterrunners as a substitute. Plus the lore of underworlds does have direct correlation to main storyline .
  19. I’m almost positive we will see something similar at the end of this edition. How they used it to progress the story, drop new models and set up the new Kruleboyz army was awesome. I’ve heard that it will set up Chaos Dwarves and I’ve heard it will set up Malerion. Which, if any of those rumors are true… who knows
  20. 1. Salamanders- they are too damn good to be looking terrible. They are a frequent pick but just looking at them makes me want to smash them with my fist. 2. Valkia- She needs a glowup and some nice rules to allow her to really buff the mortal side of Khorne 3. I would like to see the Rogue Idol re made in plastic and updated to run with bonesplitazz
  21. Yes, the battlescroll update is interesting and the new GHB doesn’t help sons. Either way I think all 3 are around the corner. Rumor images are always weird. Sometimes they post them and they are revealed for a year. Sometimes there’s giant releases and there isn’t any rumor pics. The one giveaway to me that Sons is out there is they accidentally reposted the old Gargant sprue rumor pic once… the million dollar question is when? Considering they all could be individual releases outside of the battlebox they could technically switch up the release order to whatever they want.
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