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Everything posted by Jetlife

  1. Especially since you can play a game with them without adding more units! I just started the Warclans (Kruleboyz) box.
  2. I don't usually overreact to things like this, nor do I collect dwarves or am I a dwarf enthusiast, but this is kind of weak that they wouldn't acknowledge them. Yet again, they didn't mention Vampires, Skeletons, or Lizardmen either.
  3. I would imagine Beasts of Chaos will stay around for the first rule set of Spearhead. They are supposed to be getting index for at least a year and you figure they will try to push whatever remaining stock they have of the BOC vanguard box.
  4. Wouldn’t the new large rattling gun count as the update for the old rattling gun team?
  5. It feels like majority were excited for this launch box, but from my conversations with people in my AOS community and following along on TGA and other social platforms it feels like a lot of people are passing on the starter. I think we all agree that Skaven needed a refresh and all the models look amazing, but it seems like most are happy for Skaven players but it’s not their thing per say. I’m wondering if Skaven was proper choice for starter. Most people who love Skaven already have bought into Skaven. Probably spent thousands of dollars over the years to collect everything. Painted 60+ clanrats, 40+ stormvermin and countless ends of troops. While the new stuff looks fantastic, it’s not really new. Are the clan rats such a massive upgrade that someone would easily replace the 60 they had previous. Same logic could carry into the stormcast side was well. Nighthaunt and Kruleboyz were completely new ideas with original sculpts meaning no one had an equity in the army previously and since it was new people would buy them before they had time to decide if they really liked them or not. Most AOS players have already decided on Skaven already. For a new player is Skaven enticing? Having to paint 40 models of a unit off the bat could feel daunting. Again, none of this is fact, just my observation over the response to the box. I’m curious to what those who want and do not want the box feel.
  6. Is there really a launch box allegiance pattern or is it just been coincidence based upon what armies they have coming out. I know it obvious to say it's Chaos, Death, Destruction, Chaos or is that just the way it shook out. I don't know that they go into a new edition saying we have to plan and design an army for a specific allegiance. So far the launch armies have kind of been a need of replacement. AOS needed spirit/ghosts,needed to replace Bonesplittaz and Skaven was overly due a reboot. This makes me think that anything could be on the table for 5th. We know ogres are hanging around and given enough attention to stay (We assume). We also assume we will get BOC of elements in something new (Maybe Chaos Dwarves) We then know Malerion will be around at some point. I definitely agree with others that there will be some sort of big release mid way through 4th to carry the hype into 5th. We forgot we had two giant releases during 3rd with Seraphon and Cities. IF I had to guess I think we will see Ogres and Tzeentch with a refresh while Chaos Dwarves appear for 5th edition launch.
  7. I’m really curious what these index’s will look like. I’ll assume based on what we have seen of rules so far that some traits, artifacts and extra abilities will be copy and pasted while others might require a complete rewrite that will need more of a scope outside of an index. Armies that come to mind and could be early on favorites to come with first wave of Battletomes are : stormcast (Oldest tome) Orrucks (Old and KB need a lot of help) skaven (Now looking back it was obvious that tome was just a filler to fill time before the relaunch) bonereapers (Change to command abilities and battleshock cuts them at the knees. They need a complete rework) tzeentch (Changes to magic could alter how they play. While the magic phase isn’t completely different having Tzeentch cast spells in both hero phases could be over powered.) sylvaneth (Changes to terrain rules could hinder their biggest gimmick and my require more work) Kharadron (With changes to shooting phase and out of turn shooting will require them to have a legit relook to make sure their shooting is balanced properly) Sons (with objective size changing and terrain not being able to be smashed to rubble could make it really hard for them to move around the board, plus spearhead challenge could mean they could use the extra work to get them on level playing ground.)
  8. With all these massive changes, do we think we are getting a new app? I feel like the current one might be kind of klunky if they want all these modular rules and whatnot
  9. New changes to endless spells and terrain is interesting. I actually think it will add some flavor to battles. It appears they are free meaning you would get Krondspine for no points. I'll assume he will be tuned down dramatically and it is probably a great time to repurpose the incarnate spider. I for one think this is a great change. Being able to add more amazing looking models to the table is a good thing.
  10. I don't collect Ogres, but think they belong in the mortal realms setting. They have been a bystander for most of AOS and think having them be the powerful opposing force for the 5th edition launch would be cool. They could also show up at the end of edition campaign similar to how FEC got a revamp with model and lore.
  11. Third edition AOS seemed to focus on the cleaning up/updating of old kits. I think they want to solidify existing armies before adding new ones. From Broken Realms to Launch of 4th we have seen old resin kits like Belakor and Kroak get updated to Freeguild, Seraphon and now Skaven. I think the purge will continue through 4th. Beasts, Bonsesplittaz, Skaven and Ogres were the last ones standing that featured outdated sculpts or resin. BOC and BS were evicted, Skaven is getting updated now, which leaves Ogres. I would be very surprised if they did not get a revamp at some point in the next three years. Unless they are the being saved for 5th launch. Resin Kits Left Nurgle:(2) Festus, Epidemius Tzeentch:(2) Blue Scribe, Fluxmaster Slaanesh:(1) Viceleader Khorne:(2) Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut, Skullmaster, Ogres:(6) Maneaters, Butcher, Yhetees, Sabers, Slaughtermaster, Firebelly, This list doesn't include just old models in general whose quality does not match that of the majority of the game. A trend of GW is to replace a kit if there is a third party that is selling a better/newer version of a kit that they sell.
  12. I think focusing on four Battle formations might wind up being better. How many of an armies sub factions actually got played? Data will show us that each army usually had two that were featured predominantly. Maybe focusing their energy into four solid options might help create more variance in list building. I imagine traits will be similar to what they were before, but just re-organized into specific abilities. I for one prefer the look of the abilities in seperate boxes. It helps identify rules quicker.
  13. Question….. The article says Bonesplitazz are leaving. However, the units shown are missing big stabbaz. Is this purposefully? I don’t have a lot of knowledge on their kits. Are the units shown what is going away or what is getting a warscroll for the next year.
  14. These new list-building rules present some really interesting options. For starters, it looks like the vanguard/spearhead boxes will basically slot right into a regiment for your larger army. This makes it a super easy and efficient way for new players. I also hope this leads to multiple different spearhead boxes for each army. This would be an awesome way to collect and build an army. Regiment by regiment. Hopium I know... but what if each battletome release came with a small regiment. They could even sell them with the new book included. New Hero and two new units...... It seems like this hero and two-unit box model is becoming more and more popular. Dawnbringers box had this kind of format as well. It definitely feels more "modular"
  15. Another interesting detail is the lack of details. The new liberator doesn’t have as much trim, cloth and random inconography. Making him even easier to paint than the original.
  16. Exactly this. Stormcast are purposefully generic, in their lore, rules and models. They make a great counterpart to whatever unique army they put in the starter. You want Skaven, here you go, and here is some stormcast and after a while you feel like well, I have half a starter box of Stormcast and they seem easy to paint and play. I'll start a small army of them as well. There is a reason we are seeing less and less duel boxes. I think they have found that other armies are more niche and specific. A box with OBR and Ogors or Idoneth and Fyreslayers isn't as appealing because I may not want to take the full plunge into one of them and now I'm stuck trying to unload another half.
  17. While I’m sure most people will flock to full version of the game with every section included. It does present an interesting option if tournament organizers want to mix things up. They could potentially pull a certain section and influence list building and decision making. I personally think it could be interesting to play a tournament that does not use magic or one that doesn’t use command points. Do I want to play like that every time? No. But for a one day tournament could be fun. I think it will be up to GW to promote that kind of play. They should be offering and promoting tournaments at Warhammer World like this to set the standard that it’s okay to play differently.
  18. Definitely think we will see a full Chaos Dwarf release. I’ve guessed it before but I think the army will find a way to mix in some of the other chaos elements that may be missing or getting squatted…. Tyrion and Malerion beef sounds like the perfect end of edition narrative. Especially if we are assuming they will be added to exsisting armies (Darkoath). That leaves Ogres….. That one remains a mystery. They have no real connection to mainline story beats, or provide no true threat. Throughout AOS, armies that carry that kind of narrative insignificance usually get a ground up rework. Could possibly be the antagonist in 5th edition launch.
  19. As much as we are expecting the game to change, I still question how significant it will be. Matthew Rose who has been the lead of AOS only got the position in the end of 2021, meaning he didn’t have much to do with third edition. Since he’s taken over and stepped out into the spotlight, I feel like the game has been at its best. He’s involved with every meta watch article and the game has drastically improved upon changing rules with the battlescrolls. Is the game perfect no, but I genuinely feel he is pushing to make it better. This will be his first crack at a new edition and so I am excited to see what he does with it. I believe we have already seen a lot of the changes they speak upon in the videos. Making things more elegant and simple. We’ve seen this in the most recent battlescroll with simplified version of bodyguard rule and through the last 18 months we’ve seen tweaks to the wording and language of several rules. Let Matt Rose cook!!
  20. or maybe just every single other being in the mortal realms goes up against Skaven 😂
  21. I could see this edition being the one where this is a full out assault on the “good” order armies. Skaven could start it out by doing Skaveny type things, then Khorgus ascends and poses a threat, which leads to the chaos dwarves emerging and then maybe something with Kragnos people or Malerion finally shows up. Which would basically set up the edition of Ruin and the order armies have to band together (which is somewhat happening in Dawnbringers series) to prevent the collapse of the mortal realms.
  22. I don’t know if it’s connected or not, but with all this talk about ruination and ruin. The AOS game that dropped was called realm of ruin and did have thunder strike liberators. So maybe they are diving hard in the the “ruin”
  23. I couldn't agree more. I think the everwinter is an awesome concept and that it ties into being a threat in the mortal realms. Having an army of ogres who bring on the winter elements to your city could be a huge problem for the people of the mortal realms. Paired with the ogres wanting to spread the curse of the everwinter so that all living things have to be as miserable as them could be played upon. I also find the concept of gorgers quite interesting and wonder if maybe they could dip more into that savage direction.
  24. The lore does mention Men and beasts in the same sentence... Could this be what they are turned into....
  25. It feels like most armies have been reimagined lOOSELY from old versions. Cities = Empire Sylvaneth = Wood Elves Ironjawz = Black Orcs Idoneth/Daughters = Dark Elves Lumineth = High Elves Bonereapers = Tomb Kings Soulblight = Vampire Counts Seraphon = Lizardmen Slaves = Warriors of Chaos Gloomspite = Goblins Fyreslayers/Kharadron = Dwarfs Then I'm on the fence if Kruleboyz is supposed to be the reimagining of Bonesplittaz. They kind of share a similar design space with monsters and being more savage and primitive. This leaves Skaven - Who is getting their update soon. Brayherd Beastmen - Which has already been morphed into Beast of Chaos seems to be the one we all aren't sure of. I for one feel like they will probably get a complete redesign and how close or far they go from the original design remains to be seen. I for one think they might get roped into whatever the Chaos Dwarves wind up becoming. Ogre Kingdoms - Already renamed to Ogre Mawtribes. They already kind of live in this two armies in one space with the gutbusters and beastclaw. I'll be interested in what direction they go
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