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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. I totally get that. I'm definitely excited for future lore, rules changes, etc, as well. Really hoping DB 6 does some conclusions to what's going down with my fav lil bog ninjas and the pony. ðŸĪ˜ It just this initial here and now that's not all too exciting for me. Maybe I will be surprised, never know. I've just never been a get on the hype for hypes sake kinda fan. Geedubs gotsta earn this attention and this $$, booooiiiiii!! 😄 😉
  2. @Ejecutor Big box? You mean 4th starter? If so, yea, not really my jam with what factions are inside. I'm more excited to see rules changes. Going to be slow going next half a year for this fella until the 4th dust settles and releases start picking up again. No bother, I've got plenty to work on. Again, excited for the ones who are. It's a pretty big deal for some.
  3. I hope to find something to bedazzle me with this preview but it seems like this one will pass me by as not much rumored for anything I'm all that interested in being a destro fan first nd death second. Rat ogors, if shown off, will probably be my biggest wow. Eh, win some ya lose some. The rat fans will definitely carry th experience fo sho.
  4. I find destruction has more than enough ideas and sub themes to just take a back seat like that. Gloomspite has three sub factions of grot culture. Troggs could even be a warband. Kruleboyz have swamp lads with four different clans. Hobgrots could definitely get expanded. Ironjawz have, well ironjawz. Bonesplitterz (think they're toast personally) Ogors have at least a couple different groups which could be pulled from. Even gargants could get a single man crusher with a pet or two or even a full band of those little fellas all over Brodd. This isn't even considering silent peeps or something brand new or pulled from the rich warhammer history like fimir. Plenty of destruction for all. ðŸĪ˜
  5. I'm hoping for another destruction warband. Order now has 4. Death now has 4 Chaos has plenty Destruction has 2...
  6. If range is removed from melee is it then going to a base size system? For example, 25mm -32mm have two rank fight or will there be a usr for weapon types like one handed, two handed, spears, etc?
  7. Could sand down the shoes a bit to look like lleather instead if so desired.
  8. @Garrac I hope it's everything a rat fan could ask for y'all! ðŸĪœðŸĪ›
  9. This is partly why I like the aforementioned new Ardboyz rules. The utility of your choice matters more as it effectively turns them into a different battlefield role in defenders or aggressors and doesn't as easily or blatantly show which is better. If this became a usr for spears and hand weapons I'd be thrilled! Also I love to see rend toned down to where no rend is the norm and when you start getting into elite and heavy weapons is when it starts showing.
  10. @Luperci Out of reactions but +1 ☝ïļ
  11. I do prefer simpler and faster rules but I do like options as well. I'd rather see see more balanced load out options than just merging of all options. Imo a recent perfect example of this is the Ardboyz. Their spears get +1 rend upon being charged but the hand weapons get a +1 attack to the unit if it charged. Very flavorful, powerful, and mechanically engaging. I'd love to see more of this.
  12. @KingBrodd Twas I, good sir. And I saw that as well whilst reading.
  13. It was very cool to see Ol Skaggy given some powerful representation. The "been around and fought enough of you ratties to know the musk of your fear" part was a nice and menacing touch as well. Edit: Would be fantastic to read about Skaggy and a new Gitmob warlord (or even a glow up to Rippa) having to unite for a common enemy. 😉
  14. @Luperci The yellow and black is awesome! ðŸĪ˜ Edit: Saw apic recently where the painter had done similar but with a badmoon theme so only one half, eyes, mouth, and teeth were a yellow crecent bad moon face and other half was black very similar to yours Great job.
  15. Oooh, new ork stormboyz incoming I hope.
  16. I don't get it. Just one gentleman offering a compliment to another... O_o
  17. If we're talking about The Honest Wargamer Rob then I believe this man to be a Saint in this community and hobby! St Robicus Badassatronicus!!! Thanks for all you do, bud!!! Annnnd you have outstanding taste in woman. 😍😄
  18. I'd prefer something for mainline AoS but I'll take a hobgrot underworlds band. Hope it's sizable like Zarbags if that's the case. Edit: and for the record I'm hoping hobs go to 20s. ðŸĪ˜
  19. Awww, bud, that's the cutest little gnashtoof I've ever seen! He/she definitely needs some armor!! 😄
  20. I mean I went pretty crazy after seeing those new Kruleboyz. ðŸĪ˜ðŸĪŠðŸĪ˜ Just saying... 😉
  21. Is anyone going to adepticon? I still haven't decided if I want to take the 7 1/2 hr drive yet. But if I do I'll grab some extra goodies for our forum fam here that would otherwise be unable to outside of jacked up ebay prices. ðŸĪœðŸĪ›ðŸ–Ī
  22. Warhammer, not hunter gatherer hammer. 😄 Appreciate all responses to the subject but we shouldn't derail this thread. Chicks rock! Dudes rock! Let's roll some dice y'all! ðŸĪ˜
  23. Interesting read but no where in there was talk of war. Unless I missed it. At work currently and read through pretty fast.
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