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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. When warcry was first released did the non starter bands release at the same time or were they drip fed to us?
  2. KROOT!!!!!🤩 Buys warcry box, sells off chaos bands and crosses fingers for something not chaos... Scenery is ok. Nothing really jumps out as super cool to me.
  3. Those wings on that leaked feller are ridiculous. All subjective, i get it. But the anatomy is just silly and it totally kills it for me.
  4. Well we already know the 4 armed centaur is. The trogg hag would be a fantastic inclusion as a ghur monster. With the ability to be taken across all of destro. Just saying. The teaser seemed to have a cockatrice in it. It would be a great time to update that beastie as well.
  5. I forgot about that dire squirrel looking thing. I hope we see alive versions of that lil cutey. Its a cool looking critter.
  7. Totally being selfish here and hoping for some kind of Kruleboyz warband. 🤞
  8. Were khainite shadowstalkers the only non chaos warband so far?
  9. Id imagine kruleboyz "big yellers" sub faction would work well. Gives you crossbow battleline in the Boltboyz Gives you a small "peasant mob" in the hobgrots. Can even say they're throwing "torches" instead of bombs. Their magic could be portrayed as alchemical with potions, fog, etc. Foot "alchemists" even get a "animal companion" or "familiar" in the pot grot and stab grot. They have a big ballista option. Could proxy the killboss on gnashtoof as a "chariot" as its quite big for human scale. All other mounts give plenty of proxy options. The mirebrute could be some fantasy witch hunting automaton or alchemical golem. 🤔 Yep, definitely Kruleboyz. heh.
  10. @Ravinsild You can find the swamp shaman on ebay easily for under $20.
  11. @NauticalSoup I think one of the issues with Jawz is that with all the orruks grouped together in a single tome you get a lot of overlap with units. Ranged, light cavalry, wizorcs, etc are all covered by another faction. And now with the inclusion of Kruliez (absolutely stunning design imo) they've left even less room. This is why Ardboyz need to go and introduce Ardboy Murknobs. ✊ Im not a fan of Bonez at all. The lore is cool but the entire range is so far from what design direction AoS seems to be going that a complete overhaul is needed imo. This would open up so many unit slots for Jawz & Kruliez. I know it wouldn't sit well but I think its time for Bonez to go as well.
  12. @zilberfrid Lost Kingdom really did set the bar to brachiosaurus head level high. Gdubs will be hard pressed to compete imo. Those sculpts are dino-might!
  13. Couldnt agree more. I see rat ogres are a sore subject. Not being a skaven collector myself im imagining slightly more than stormfiend size but less clan skyre and more beast of burden. Two in a box with a "handler". Is that what the whip rats are? Throw in a few rat swarms like scarabs on necron warriors. Hell, they could even ride them like The Kruelest of Breaka Bosses do. What would you like to see in an upgrade kit? Marauders seem to be a popular choice as well. Up untill the most recent Dark Oath warcry warband I hadnt seen anything I would get on board with. All predecessors seemed too cartoony. Props to sculptors on those. Again, never collected but I always liked the current marauders horses. That real lightly armored fast skirmishing look. @Rachmani Mentioned hexwraiths. This is a good one that would really "complete" the line. One could assume this would also lead to new black knights and while removing the second hexwraith option could open up for some kind of archery unit build as well. I wouldnt mind seeing Nefaratas subfaction given more skelly choices and expanded upon. @KingBrodd Im surpised to have not seen more conversions utilizing the bloodbowl ogre team. They seem to be a dynamic and great fit for these.
  14. @JackOfBlades Tis a good question I myself have no answer to but also ponder. Some say well GW updates what sells so thats why stormcast, space marines are continuously updated and added to. I'm of the mindset that those "sell well" factions are indeed so profitable because they are continuously giving so much attention. I firmly believe that if they were to evenly spread out attention then others would sell just as much if not more than these poster boys. I also dont understand why we do not see upgrade sprues like in Necromunda. This would be a fantastic way add new units and options.
  15. Ok i just remembered something. When i started this completely eluded me. My ultimate numero uno is... 1: Ardboyz. The kit is iconic, powerful, intimidating, beautiful, prime example that has embedded its look into history!! It's just time to go!! Make way for Ardboy Murknob Kruleboyz. ✊
  16. @The Brotherhood of Necros Gone on the us site. The bray shamen has been missing for awhile as well. On that note, Ardboyz are no longer available online. Seems only start collecting. 1 Step closer to Murknob Ard Kruleboyz!!!🤘💀🤘
  17. Just a fun little discussion while we wait for the space nerds to run through their hot newness. Throw down top #3 existing kits and maybe a brief description on what you'd like to see with a new kit. 1: Grave Guard Its had a good run but compared to the new skellies its really showing its age and scale. Id like a sword and board, two handed, and ranged option. 2: Fellwater Troggoths This kit is great!... then you see these new trogg kits and I just laugh at how derpy these are. Not in a good way mind you. Id just appreciate a reimagining of these stinkers. 3: Bestigors Not a bad kit at all but upon seeing the Underworlds warband and the one in the spire tyrants kit, yes please. Much with most of the beastmen range this could use the update love. Pssst, Gdubs, as soon as you do I'll start picking up these models. Just 3 of my tops. Whats yours?
  18. Id imagine something new will come for fans of destros plumpers (BBOs if you will) before an update to existing lines. Perhaps an expansion into the firebellies culture is what we'll see. I'm not personally a collector of these as they just come off as big humans to me and not enough monster or creature in their designs but i do give a fist bump to my fellow destro fans and their amazing monstrous mounts. Also on the subject of new designs, maybe the mentioned moles are a new type of skaven?... And i do hope to see a witchhunters warband. This coupled with the cursed city heros and the daddy daughter duo will give me a fantastic Frostgrave warband untill dawn bringers drop.
  19. I do agree but I also am of the midset that this company has 30+ years of experience doing this. if you're going to charge premium price then deliver premium product. Imo it shouldn't take 3 friggin books to get there. Im not hating but this lack of polish has pushed me to other games. I do however still use GW minis for said games.
  20. Gruntas aren't straight battleline anymore...
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