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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Shrine to Neferata? With big N being out of commission will she start to play more of a major role? ðŸĪĐ
  2. Oh so we can post leaks now? Also, like seriously, not a single destro warband while being set in ghur?!?!...
  3. @Gitzdee Only conclusion I've come to is that I didn't mix the ratio correctly on the 2nd pour. The first dark layer came out perfect and hard as a rock. The silver lining here (about the only one 😄) is that I now know to add the tufts on land that I want to stay dry after my pour. And also I'll be able to add some new bits like possibly sticks, cattails, moss at the edge where water meets land, etc. It should all go faster as well as I've got a system. It's just the doing it all over again part and ordering materials again. Edit: Luckily I enjoy the aesthetic of these guys so much that I'm willing to make it right. I better win an army on parade or something. 😁ðŸĪ˜
  4. Update on these... 😒 Something went wrong with my 2nd layer of resin. I may have mixed up the ratio or something else but two days and still has not cured... Baaaah! So much time and materials lost. There are a few that are salvageable but for the majority I've got to strip them back down to miliput levels and start at that step. Son of a beach front property!!! Ugh... Live and learn. I could be upset (spoiler, I am) or I can just suck it up and do better. Maybe I'll add some sticks or cattails this time around. So much work lost. Well by the time I get this army done they'll have been updated with better rules. 😄😕😄ðŸĪĢðŸĪŠðŸĪŊ Ever have those periods of life that wont stop kicking you right in the plums?...
  5. 55 custom swamp bases ready for bog ninjas!! still need to add some moss to a few unit champion ruins bases but otherwise done. this was my first time doing a resin water effect. Pro tip for anyone dabbling in resin water pours. Put the flock that you want to remain dry on after the pour. Heh. On a few the land flock caught just a tip of resin and preceded to sponge it up until all was covered. I may redo a few of these.
  6. I'll say it again, i really liked the design of those Blackstone fortress beastmen. just hoping the kit isn't too techy and can be fairly easily converted to AoS.
  7. @Whitefang Will the puny gravest of the guard be left untouched with this new Soulblight update?
  8. Or maybe its grasping at the furs of a snarlfang and not wading through swamps....
  9. Annnnd replace the jobs of concept artists around the world.... but thats for another thread all together. Just FYI im not anti AI just pro-human.
  10. So the weirdo space marine is an unreleased model?
  11. Agreed. That Underworlds unit is leagues above the existing range. The archer in particular has always caught my eye as a model. Idk how they'd do it but it'd be nice to see them and at least Ironjawz branch off again into their own thing allowing Krulez to devolop and grow into their own.
  12. My two cents on if grotbags ever become a thing is please dont make them goofy comical sky pirates or at least tone it down. Its all subjective but after seeing the tone set with kruleboyz its nice to have "scary" greenskins. The snarlfang kit is a great step forward in this. Again, just my flavor.
  13. @Empirian23 Sizable destruction wave!!?? 😀
  14. And new black knights and grave guard multi build kits!!!ðŸĪ˜ðŸ’€ðŸĪ˜
  15. @zilberfrid Oh wow! Thats pretty gritty a definitely rad. Are you going to carry that bright red across all the flowing spooky bits?
  16. Thought the incentive was a cleaner world, etc. 😉
  17. I usually update in their respective threads but terrain has none. New terrain bundles up in sales and trades. 👍
  18. Update 3-5-23 Fell on tough times and need to move some items.
  19. Like others have suggested im sure all will suddenly be available after the latest price hike.
  20. New stuff is neato. The slaanesh fella is a great sculpt. I was toying with an idea for a drow/dark elf themed slaanesh project at some point and may actually go through with it. SBGL realllllly does not need anymore heros. I'm hoping for some updated kits or even new things before that.
  21. @RyantheFett Hoping kroot get some update love. That new farstalkers kit is incredible and the rest is still finecast or non existent.
  22. So i was just talking with another on reddit about stabbas loadout and with netters being 2" range this makes stabbas flat out better than pokin spears by just putting your netters in the third row. This enables three rows of attacks with a straight better stat line. Or am I missing something. Shrooms For thought...ðŸĪ” Skeletons had a similar stat line and had their weapons consolidated to a single stat line making weapon choice purely cosmetic. I was sure grots would recieve this same treatment. Silly Geedubs.
  23. They kind of do. One of them has a fancy quiver and shoulder pad. He's the one reaching back for a bolt. The banner is purely cosmetic anyway. I dont use them. Hard to be sneaky with a banner sticking up from your back, ya know. If you have any extra champion heads from either gutrippaz or boltboyz you can snip the top off and glue it on this feller to help distinguish it more. (Edit) I'd like to see some more of the RoR. It would be a great way to move product and introduce these single hero sculpts. An example could be a mounted Snarlfang Rider boss or shammy. A hero and two packs of fangs. ðŸĪĐ
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