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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @MitGas Was always more a mortal kombat kid.
  2. @Lupercal I actually take prde in being part of this awesome community because most of the time we can discuss topics with compassion, intelligence, reflection, and just overall manners and it not devolve into nastiness. Me ➡️🤜💥🤛⬅️ you all. ✊️
  3. Also with battshock going away what do y'all think will replace this?...
  4. Which is just another killaboss in reality. So excited to see what orruks and gitmob get next!!
  5. I'm hoping gnashtoof personally but sure I'll love whatever as long as the retain there less cartoonish design.
  6. Krules better get some cav then or that's two for Ironjawz, one for the bog boyz, and a combined.
  7. Not to get too off topic from our fantasy focused forum but if I'd have to guess I'm thinking a soft reboot of sorts similar to how Kruleboyz deviated but not so drastic of a change. There's plenty in the range that is old enough and worthy of an upgrade. And that new boyz kit is damn near universally seen as a downgrade.
  8. Oh cool. I may just cut off or trim down the "wings" then. I had planned on cutting them off and using the folded wings from the tyranid winged prime in their place. I envisioned them more like flying squirrels or suger gliders... but from hell, of course. Thanks. 🤔 Have to sit back and give this one a think.
  9. Oh. Is that talked about in the tome? I asked here before but forgot the name after someone so kindly shared that info. Iirc it was talked about in a while dwarf or war com design article. Whoever you are you are hands down one of my fav Geedubs sculptors. I have my suspicions but am curious as to what else they worked on. In completely unrelated news I heard 40k 11th will be Orks. 🤘
  10. Rockguts? I had my suspicions about morbheg being done by same artist. Overall fantastic models but the "wings" drive my nuts!! From an anatomical point those things ain't flying. I asked once before but forgot the answer. Who sculpted the kruleboyz range?
  11. @Sarouan What if you had multiple hags? Think it would be more competitive if going pure troll?
  12. You rat fans are a crazy bunch! 😄 Can't wait to watch my hopefully beefed up mega foot boss waid into a whole swarm of ya puny fuzzy gits and stomp each and every last one!! 🤘 Really happy for y'all. Been a long time coming.
  13. A quick search shows a lot of different flags like this including "United Farm Workers" of America. Just saying. The worst conclusion isn't always the best to jump to first. 😉
  14. It doesn't help that those units aren't the best overall in the rules currently. Black orcs and night goblins seem to be go to choices at the moment.
  15. Calvary first, yes. I did like the concept of the beast killaz just not the composition. I'd love a duel option kit like them with mid range bows and a two hander option (idk if it'll even matter in this edition) If I had to guess though I'd say calvary (please be gnashtoof and not something goofy) and a boltboy foot hero is what I'm expecting. Anything more would just be awesome!
  16. Opposite here. I felt the mosta-killaz were super lackluster and REALLY hope that's not our "other" foot unit to choose from this edition. The unit would have been a lot better with all howlaz (the monkeys) imo.
  17. For sake of devils advocation here does that mean I can just throw some grots on a 40mm and be damned anyone who says they're not liberators?
  18. This is a whole other topic unto itself. Plenty of kits have giant rocks, or designed ground, etc that jack up the price or could have definitely been used for other options. The example I'll use is the beast skewer kill bow. A huge chunk of the sprue is a piece of land. This could have definitely been a plethora of other options as not to have exact copies of kits if running multiples. Hell, it could even been a second weapon type like a giant net launcher or something but nope, ground.
  19. I do love the creative freedom. 🤘 I just was hoping for more utility options. A the end of the day it's not a make or break thing for me but can't say I'm not a little disappointed.
  20. @Ejecutor Maybe, but with all the intention given to unifying the SE look at the moment I'd hope this level of design choice spills over into other areas. We'll see...
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