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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Its s small preference but i absolutely love that these critters have talons. it always bothered me when grot or orruk models dont have these. 👍 On another note i love the teaser pic everyday. Its like being in a new relationship and getting one of those random naughty pics... 😎 Oh yeah.. Im going to play this faction so hard... 😄
  2. @Ganigumo Ditch the Ardboyz altogether but I'd definitely take a Gruntaboss and a couple other new shinies. On the topic of Ironjawz and with the events of broken realms unfolding I had a thought about what the future may hold for Gordrakk as I'm very much hoping he does not bow to pony boi and keeps forging his own path in the lore. With that in mind lets take a look at a few fundamentals of my theory. Nagash is defeated. I dont believe permanently but definitely gone for the time being. Things and entities keep being found in those Sigmar tomb things. (Cant recall their exact name) A new "god" for destro has been freed and its been made clear that the forces of destro do indeed follow him. What if the future plays out into something like this, Gordrakk does not bow but is defeated or they just work together. Gordrakk finds the "crown of Sorcery" once belonged to Azhog the Slaughter in one of those sigmar tombs, perhaps inside Excelsius. This artifact has a good portion of Nagash still in it and Grants Gordrakk even more power and eventually leading the way for Nagash to return. Just a thought.
  3. I dont believe Gdubs does this, i mean they did release those Osiarch infantry. 😅😝
  4. Im looking for some insight as if you were an opponent on something. Basically if someone were to use sword and shield new deathrattle skellies as wight blade sword and shield grave guard would you as an opponent have a problem with this? Stat wise they are the same. Wysiwyg works out the same. Then if i did use reggy skellies I'd just make sure they were all spears as to help differentiate the two. I'm just not very keen on the actual grave guard models especially compared to the new skellies.
  5. Because they have a surplus of them so they buffed them so they'll be bought up as well as stick a new hero model in a box that is only accessible though said box for awhile. The new skellies are here to stay and will eventually make $$$ so they can play the long game with them while buff old surplus that needs moved. 😉 Did the same with Ardboyz. Tinfoil hat off.
  6. Great time to update the fellwater troggs kit. Compared to the newer troggs it looks pretty dated.
  7. So i cant seem to find the basic skeleton leaked scroll. I dont have facebook so i cant look there. I've heard that spears or swords make no difference now? O_o Anyone care to send it please.
  8. Grot-wolf centaur worshipers for the new pony boy usurper. 😁
  9. Its decent enough in my book. Definitely some aspects I'd change. If the top half had been normal size i think it may have appealed to me more. Its strange to have these new vamps but no new minions for said bloodlines. I was really surprised to not see a box of Vyrkos Blood Born released. Id bet on a future release.
  10. Lets move it to destro. Gorkamorka blesses Gordrakk to become an Avatar, fusing his body and soul with his mount, Bigteef, and becoming the First Iron-Krusha!! Destro splits into two sides. Greenskins vs Pony shirts. Gordrakk receives a new model of course. 😉
  11. Im really hoping that trophy head is either A: the new destro bog gribblies or B: the new destro bog gribblies mounts. Either way im reaaaally digging its look.
  12. @KingBrodd I do not play ogors but hope so too. I'm really hoping their refresh/reboot brings the lady ogors as well. 😎 Heeeeey Fiona. 😍
  13. @AngryPanda Its a vegvisir. Look it up when you get a sec as its not AoS related but thanks. ✊
  14. If these are what the new destro gribblies look like im sold. Doubt its them though.
  15. Im still overly shocked that Vyrkos bloodborn haven't been released as a unit. I bet we will see them eventually.
  16. I think fans also have to understand that AoS is only 5 or 6 yrs old and that Gdubs is still fleshing out and solidifying the setting as compared to 30 yrs of fantasy and 40k. Those first SE didn't even have women sculpts. So while I do agree that other factions could use the love I do understand why they would decide to go in this direction and really nail down a more grounded look all while giving the basic battleline troops of said settings "posterboy" faction a more balanced gender ratio. I dont play SE but I even in a way salute them for doing this. Im not a fan of comparing SE to marines but even marines had different looks all throughout 40ks history to which has led us to the established look of marines. I'd rather they do it now to SE and get them out of the way. I for one mostly like the new look much more for the most part and i am really hoping that when the multipart kit drops we'll be able to build them as Liberators or these new vindicators in a sort of kill two birds with one stone way all while fine tuning the look and providing male and female models to the basic troops.
  17. Looking at the skellie pic it seems they'll be built just like the CC ones. I was hoping for more customization (head swaps,etc) but oh well. Ill be grabbing a few boxes of those. Really glad to see them in 20s. 👍
  18. The real worlds always been insane, the internet just put it in our faces 24/7. 😉
  19. I like them much more than destruction centaurs. Silly pony boy. Im still so very curious how Gordrakk reacts to him.
  20. The teaser ends with "new breed" not "new enemy" or "new race" but "breed". This means to me a distinct offshoot of something we already have, rumors being grots.
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