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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. When they were first shown I did say to myself, "Awesome looking army! Now to just wait for a year or two for them to be competitive.", being a starter box army and all.
  2. What about a simple -1 rend on gutrippaz? Would this equal out ther cost?
  3. Definitely. Thematically I like the two different and think this should actually be applied across the game. Just my opinion. This could work. Im also a big fan of universal rules like can we just make all shields everywhere just a 6+ save. Its small but annoying, why dont the killabosses have skare tactiks?...🤔 Pertaining to the belcha banner, im an advocate of making him a unit instead of hero. Perhaps with a cap and some kind of aura buff. I'd rather fix current than have more broken options. I want to run some sloggoth with rippaz, not for the +1 but just to see how it plays out. Imo its not a horrible unit, it wont be your hammee but I think it could do some work. Thanks for the insight.
  4. @Ganigumo With your experience what are some small but meaningful changes that could be made to help the kruleboyz better compete? After reading your report (thanks for posting) one that stuck out was "covered in mud". It really should at least be a given to get one unit and roll a D3 to see how many. Another one is the scary taktikz. Would a simple 6+ ward be the way to go or some kind of bravery roll? Im currently building an an army with no real design yet outside of just painting up all my options.
  5. @Ganigumo Ouch to my blue bird finger wiggler fan friends.... ouch indeed. Never played as but did paint up a unit of Tzaans and enlightened, very cool models. I actually like the idea of multple weapon profiles/attacks on a single unit. Imo drop these new battalions and galetian vet ****** and have more of this. As an example - gutrippaz- if we could legally take stikkaz and hackaz there would be more insentive and just options to double up and play around with loudouts. If the multiple different kind of attacks are a nuisance then just use different colored/sized dice and roll all at once. This is an instance with "rules bloat/complexity" that I actually enjoy when it comes to GW and am a bit disappointed to see it phasing out of sorts.
  6. If indeed a band is soulblight my $$s on graveguard or something similar or a bloodborn hunting party.
  7. This seems like a pretty cool system and cant wait to try it out.
  8. Hadn't noticed that. Where is that shown? I must be missing it. Thats pretty cool if feral seraphon are this editions furies and kill chickens though.
  9. Is this not considered a leak?... Like, shouldn't @KingBrodd "mod hat" yourself?... Just curious. Cool artwork though. 🤘
  10. Hopefully for something a bit more interactive than just giant derpy skulls. If they release a full table of the bamboo structures similar to 40k and Necromundas multi leveled structures then that would make for some truly dynamic games.
  11. Well i do hope that gets resolved and we see these kits come back.
  12. Anyone know why what little bit of AoS terrain there has been is no longer available? Are these just limited runs or production issues?
  13. I always find it a bit odd how we're all on edge about offending someone's feelings but then we roll dice to see if my guys murder, set on fire, eat, maime, electrocute, harvest souls, harvest bones and just generally hurt your guys. Heh. Tis a weird world. No offense intended just an observation.
  14. Is the Vyrkos Dynasty a part of Nagash's will? I thought they came from another godbeast or something and not tied to his will?
  15. Hey y'all. Anyone have any experience with rockguts in their lists? Thematically I rather use fellwater but not down with the models.
  16. @KingBrodd Stay strong, fan of the fatties! Do not let the corporate marketing vampires getcha!! Sit back, maybe take a peek at your current projects or even older ones and see if you can knock something out or spiffy up an old piece! Do not fall prey to the man, man. ✊ Remember why you enjoy the hobby. Oh, and look into Frostgrave. Its awesome. 🤘🦄🤘
  17. What was the last wisper? If I recall it was SoB as one of the autumn destro tomes? One of the warcry bands will be troggs as well right?😜 @Whitefang React or die!!!! 😄😘
  18. No offense intended to Mr. or Mrs. El Colmillo Blanco just curious as to their track record?...
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