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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @Lich King First thing that came to mind was the Knight of Shrouds on steed would like his pose back. Its interesting to see the full spectrum of design work coming out. This is totally high fantasty, straight out of WoW design. And now we're starting to see a just fantasy grounded in real life design. Things like Kruleboyz, a lot of the reggy humans, soulblight, the hunter ogor, hell even the new Eternals were a much more realistic looking design. This is definitely my preferred aesthetic. Over sized weapons, body proportions, weird anatomy, football shoulder pads have their fans and its good to see both able to co-exist. This however is just too much for me. But when I see things like the new hunter ogor (the more i look at him the more I like it), the witchhunter band, etc the future looks good to me. Even the new khorne fellas look good and I've never cared for that particular veggie on my design plate.
  2. It really is cool. I was hoping to order it alone but seems to not be the case.
  3. Rat-ogor?... The vid mentioned skaven and seraphon.
  4. Really digging the new proportions. What base size, 40mm? To have the whole line updated to this would definitely have me making room on the hobby table! Anyone think that could be a newly designed rat-ogor pelt? And the reptile head looks an awful lot like suarus calvary to me.
  5. Through on a lil salsa, some cilantro. hit the spot!! Nom nom nom!!
  6. @Mutton Yes, fatty fans did get a new hunter via Underworlds that is no longer available. Soooo not really an update.
  7. Better be some new sabres as well or I'll buy an ogor army, paint it up, and burn it!!!
  8. @Baron Klatz The daddy daughter duo look small compared to the cursed city fella, had no idea.
  9. Daddy likes. Random bit of musing but I hope the designers behind any further moon loons are the ones behind the sneaky snuffler, squig herd kits. I really do like the newer slim and more proportioned designs compared to the classic chunky look of the basic moon grots, squig riders.
  10. Gargant & ogor soup!!?? New faction incoming. Half gargant, half ogor... GOGORS!!! Basic battline the same size as fomoroid!!! Or... half gargant half gnoblars... GARGOBLARS!!!! Ok, ok, hear me out. If tis true and we get updated sabres and yetis (👈 frost troggs) then maybe this allow gargants to run some small units (pets) along side them. 🤔 Eh?...Kinda cool?
  11. @Gothmaug Yeah I can understand that especially when the four aelvan factions all get there own books. I also find it silly orruk players can't even ally in models in their own book without going big waaagh.... O_o
  12. I adore this range with all my widdle destro heart. That being said, they could have just made them ironjawz with the old classic look BUT im glad they didnt because they are by far my favorite looking orcs. Hell I cant even look at the classic high fantasy GW orruks the same any more. I reeeellly dig the more realistic approach. ✊ The artist(s) behind them did a orcsome job indeed!! Only complaint is that Id of like to have seen them become the "new" orc & goblins. You can see them across the line then they threw in hobgrots. I do like them as well but if they'd of been grots like on the sloggoth, killbow, and hero companions... oh boy, so much weeeeeeee!!!!
  13. Gonna laugh if its just the foot of gork endless spell!🤣🤣
  14. @KingBrodd not a single Necromunda thing in there. 😝 I to get them mixed up as they have two scifi skirmish games. And the lack of destro models in destros time of shine is sad indeed. Not over yet, we'll see soon. 🤞Sabres and yetis (👈frost troggs)! 🤞Spiderfang update! These would melt my buttá, baby.
  15. So when I look at Ogors on the website to me it seems to be broken down into 3 subfactions. • Reggy ogors- gluttons, tyrants,etc. • Frosty ogors - mournfang, stonehorn, etc • Annnnnd one itty bitty widdle firebelly. Now im no ogor expert but if I was betting on new stuff I'd say... •updated butcher, slaughter master, for reggy ogors •updated hunter, sabres, yetis for frosty ogors •enough new things to flesh out fire ogors. Perhaps Sulpherbreath troggs will be their yetis. 🤔 But this is GW so you fatty fans take your single new foot hero, your book, be quiet and wait another 4 years!!😝 I'd personally like to see yetis replaced with frost troggs but im biased. And id definitely pick up a box of frost sabres if they're anything like the one from the underworlds band. Best of luck to y'all!
  16. @Holy_Diver Oh no plans to stay away. Its a fun game. I was referring to the current ghur box is all. @KingBrodd 🍻 Heres to hoping the "monster" really shows through. Im still an advocate of making them a tad smaller than rockguts and suitably plump!
  17. @KingBrodd Nahhh, it'd be 8 different types of aelvan death subfactions. 😝🤣 Just playing. On another note, if ogors are finally getting some love I hope the artist behind the bloodbowl team is on board. Those faces are THE perfect mixture of human/monster for me and I would definitely be on board for at least a warband. The fella from cursed city is cool and all but just comes off as a large human.
  18. @Enoby For me the reasons I haven't purchased in are. •Im not a chaos player. And while we've been teased with the chameleon model there has been not %100 percent confirmation that im aware of that I'll see anything for any army I do play. •Just my opinion but that giant derpy skull piece with the horn is a huge no for me. Ive talked with some folks on reddit that you can potentially build that piece without it and a little modeling work but its a substantial amount of plastic from that box I'll pay for and never use. • And price. Its not break the bank but its getting there. Its cheaper elsewhere but its $180-$190 i could spend on models I do like. •Set in Ghur but still seems very chaos focused so far. I think this closes a few wallets imo, including mine.
  19. Cough, kruleboyz, cough. Excuse me, had something in my throat. Carry on.
  20. @zamerion Cool artwork but I'm hoping for some fresh and new designs for spiderfang.
  21. Not gonna lie, i always thought there was more to them and Kraggy than meets the eye.
  22. Like a re-release of the original models? @Nighthaunt Noob good catch.
  23. While I understand this statement is it too much to ask from a company thats been doing it 30 years and charges a premium amount for their product to be able to make said product balanced in a system of their own design? Or am I asking too much?
  24. @Ganigumo I'm toying with a similar idea with big yellas. Mannok:General Sludgeraker Sludgeraker Belcha banna Belcha banna X18 Boltboyz - all msu X2 kill bows Da kunnin krew 1970 So crazy it might work or just crazy?... heh.
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