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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Calvary: Preferably gnashtoof and not something silly. I'm a fan of continuity across calvary in an army. Grots: Love some kind of grot trapper unit or some other grot focused unit. Breast-Breaka: A unit in the warcry monsta killaz style with a short ranged bow or two hander option. Ambush tactics, etc. Heavy: Three model 50mm swamp troggs. (Moss sloggoth, new double duty fellwate, something new, etc) Transport/ heavy support: Big gnarly water buffalo looking beasty that can transport 11 models.
  2. +1 ☝ïļ Apparently but I have yet to see proof.
  3. Skaven is a great call. It may be wrong but definitely stirs the mind. Do skaven even have talons generally or more human fingers?
  4. Friendly alert. If anyone is attending LVO and wouldn't mind picking up a Zagnog for me I'd make it worth your effort. I'm in KC. MO. Dm if interested. Thanks, forum friend.
  5. @flying_dutchman Same. Stay frosty. ✊ïļ
  7. They are war dollies. WAR DOLLIES!!! ðŸĪĢ Salute. ✊ïļðŸ‘
  8. Plastic kroot are a really big deal!!😜 Buh-buh birds the word, baby!!! ðŸ–Ī🐔
  9. ðŸĪ˜Ka-kah, ka-kah!!!! Tooky, tooky!!!ðŸĪ˜
  10. My approach is one of quality vs quantity. I'll use Kruleboyz as an example here. If they get a calvary unit in their next update and that's all then I'd consider that a meaningful update as it's a tool that they could really use. Or even a single 50mm heavy unit (moss troggs or something) Would be a great single and meaningful update. I wasn't all that impressed by their warcry band. The AoS rules were somewhat lacking and it wasn't really anything they really needed so that's an unmeaningful update to me. If the whole warband had just been the beastnob, the grot, and the monkeys and offered something unique I'd of falling in love but alas. So any kind of update is meaningful if its useful and brings more to the table regardless of its size. Big pig is a great model but I can't help but think it would have been a better execution if it had been a transport unit Instead or at least a build option.
  11. My bets on a soup tome like warclans. Still getcha kink but bolstered by sultry black metal aelves. ðŸĪ˜ Hopefully lessons have been learned by warclans and each can stand on their own whilst sharing a home.
  12. Minus the "wings" and I agree!! I've always wanted to make a demon prince, er, princess... it's Slaanesh, out that kit.
  13. I really do think the pandemic messed with the plans of 3rd edition more than us civilians will ever know... Annnd of course it had to be during destros "edition". 😒
  14. Hopefully he does something meaningful about it. Can't be the megboss of megabosses and let this slide. ðŸ˜Ą
  15. Man, every time I look at the CoS warhulk or the gorger mawpack I do get excited to see how their glow up turns out. I'm all for the standard base size of an ogor being a 50mm. ðŸĪ˜ Throw in some lady ogors for good measure. If it turns out well I'm here for it.
  16. And in between is 3 pages of "I want Kurnothi!" Geedubs, give this sick mob their pansy-fauns already!!! 😜😁
  17. Functionality. Keeps your locks out of the way whilst slaying your enemies.
  18. Can't wait!!! ðŸ–Ī🐔 I'll be making an OPR Jackals army though. 😏 So much Valrak hate. He's just a dude talking about what HE likes. Not my fav content creator either and definitely not a Peachy, Vince, honest Rob, Rogue Hobbies, but ease up. Don't have to watch him.
  19. On ebay right now. ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪŠ Geedubs, please set this awesome model free soon!!!
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