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Everything posted by Goatforce

  1. Well.... I hate Olynder's warscroll. Her raise the veil is just a bad shooting attack. No Rest buff is good but other than that they nerfed what was already the weakest of the Mortarchs by a massive margin, rather than raising her up to be around the other's level. I guess perhaps all will be getting the same treatment (dissapointing if true) but this was a golden opportunity to make her shine, instead they got rid of a load of her cool stuff and made her like old Belakor by the look of it, think she will only be taken for her once a battle ability. Early days of course but that is the vibe I am getting. Could have at least given her a bloody +1 to cast.....
  2. That's fair I admit I only played the open beta of RoR, so haven't put much time into it and played it before full release. I was mostly drawing that from my experience with Stormground which I have put a fair amount of time into. And yes my opinion was probably coloured by the fact that more and more I really dislike twitchy and arcadey games where units wipe each other out in a matter of seconds so frustratingly it really wasn't my sort of game. Yeah probably. Fingers crossed that someday we will be getting something big and really good to prove AoS is a great IP for adaptation and then we get some great games out of it.
  3. Yeah a bit sad. I guess AoS isn't really a moneyspinner in games like 40K is, though perhaps it could be if we had a game made with a good budget as I suspect the ones that have come out so far have not been. At least Stormgrounds definitely wasn't (which is a shame as that had the bones of a really great game in it, it just needed more development). Realms of Ruin just felt way too arcadey for me, I just couldn't be doing with it. Honestly I think an easy win would be to get Slitherine to do a AoS version of Gladius, would be a pretty easy one to do as they already have the foundation laid, low cost and pretty hard to go wrong. Would love something more ambitious but an AoS Gladius would make me very happy! Mechanicus 2 definitely stole the show imo, very excited for that.
  4. Well had somewhat got the wrong end of the stick and was talking more about 3rd party, guess that is what I get joining a conversation at its end and not really looking through the whole thing. That said when it comes to recasts, imo I am not that concerned with it ethically if it is something like Chaos Dwarfs who GW have not supported for donkeys years. Much like in the video game space if a game is not supported or even sold really anymore then I really am not going to condemn piracy of it, even if I do not go in for that myself. Obviously it is better to go 3rd party though, however I seem to remember GW has been hitting 1 or 2 of those with Cease and Desists, which does tend to hurt that as an option. I think it is more that most people simply have no sympathy for GW, their pricing being absurd (40%ish rise in prices as I recall since 2016 when inflation has been around 25% since then at least in the UK, and thats not to mention the crazy margins they make), anti-consumer practices like invalidating armybooks 6 months after their launch as well as arguably their FOMO release strategies.... I'll definitely condemn recasts of current lines, if one wants they can go 3rd party, but if GW hasn't produced them in ages and as I recall is stopping 3rd party producers of them, well I simply don't care if someone recasts models which may well have been out of production for over 20 years (of course the Tamurkhan stuff is a lot less but the point is still the same).
  5. This. Also isn't the reason that GW stopped putting profiles in books for stuff they didn't produce because they lost a court case against a rival producer that made models that filled those gaps? Seems fairly clear that if GW doesn't produce it (even in proxyable form in AoS as is the case with Vamps etc), then there is literally no reason to expect people not to use 3rd parties, as it is virtually the only way to collect them.
  6. I assume you mean Dawnbringers and not the Legions Imperialis boxes? 😛
  7. Bit disappointing to see no DB 6 this week. Oh well, looking forward to the previews! On a side note give LI is getting something on Saturday, does anyone know what happened to the promised Titan and Knight Battle-boxes? They were announced at the end of August last year, and we have already had a supplement dedicated to Titans for the game system....
  8. Nah that is literally the dorsals of Saurus, been painting a load of them recently, the gold coverings on the spines are exactly the same as Saurus Warriors. My guess is either new guard (please) or maybe a Warcry warband of Saurus, with the former seeming far more likely.
  9. If Destruction gets an army of Lovecraftian abominations from the deep it will be my first Destruction army!
  10. Makes sense. The Tamurkhan supplement being added might convince me to get WH+ for a month or 2, and binge a few of the animations while I am at it. Oh well
  11. I really wish GW would take the opportunity of the hype to re-release the Tamurkhan book and models, or at least do an e-pub of the Tamurkhan book.
  12. Are Fatshark making a Vermintide set in AoS??? 😜 But that would be awesome...
  13. Has there been any interesting activity from Whitefang (or other reasonably trustworthy leakers/rumourers) lately? Feel like I haven't seen much activity in a while
  14. Tomb Prince done! Not completely happy with the nmm on the blade but think it is good enough, otherwise quite proud of how he turned out 😁
  15. Cannot wait to see the faction focusses. I hope they preview the Keeper of Secrets warscroll with Slaanesh, got my fingers crossed it will actually function as it should in 4th and be a terrifying and fast melee blender in the ~400 points bracket.
  16. I would hope that GW are a little more inventive. Completely fine with 1 addition for large armies when others need a big refresh or 2nd waves, but I have my fingers crossed that less of these additions are just foot heroes. Sure a few foot heroes is fine, but often they just felt like bloat last edition. SBG is a good example, yet another Vyrkos foot hero when we already had god knows how many. How much better would it have been to get a mounted Vampire Lord, maybe with a named (non-vyrkos) variant but that is not necessary, instead? That maybe synergised with Blood Knights in some way (Could see that being a massive hit with Kastelai players). So yeah, foot heroes where appropriate but would be nice to see mounted ones more often. Or hell instead of a hero just a unit, maybe a 5 man one or something. More effort yes but would often add a lot more. Also we should be moving out of the "Covid period" now, so hopefully we will be seeing more ambitious updates even to armies that are not getting a major launch, but we will see!
  17. Kinda a bit of showing the Tomb Prince I am working on (generally quite happy with him) and also asking anyone who knows how to paint non-metalic gold for any advice on how to improve that, particularly his blade as imo it looks a bit uncanny valley!
  18. Yeah I ordered it, more than I hoped for but not too outragious so I gave in! 😂
  19. The DLC looks so good! Thank god TW Warhammer seems to be getting back in its stride after the Shadow of Change disaster!
  20. I wonder if Coalesced are still going to have -1 to damage too, or even -1 to wound, because damn these things will be hard to shift with either of them! Though maybe this is a sign that Krox will be considered more elite and pointed a bit higher... Can't wait to find out!
  21. I think the issue is that whilst Rend is being reduced across game, the warscrolls they have shown are fairly elite/monstrous. I mean a hammer sized to be wielded by a Kroxigor is going to crumple armour as if it weren't there. In other words they have shown stuff that gives a false impression that rend isn't being reduced. I am fairly sure once we have the PDFs there will be less of it overall, or much of it will have been transferred into specialisations. For example we see the Krox is now being tooled as an infantry killer that excells vs large groups. Maybe a lot of rend will be transferred into differentiating units like this, essentially functioning as the "anti infantry" or "anti large" from Total War Warhammer.
  22. I am loving the look of the new Krox warscroll! Another buff to health as well as one to damage? Sign me up!
  23. Ah fair enough, I had thought we had a reliable rumermonger talking about a model being in production.
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