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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Posts posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. 1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    That is actually canon. Its stated that any other Chaos God would've been driven insane by the torment of being captured and having their essence forcibly drained to retrieve Aelven souls, but Slaanesh is able to avoid it by finding pleasure in the process. 

    That's my boy. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, bethebee said:

    in my opinon Slaanesh breaking free, without something equally or more interesting at play, would be one of the worst lore decisions they could make.  pretenders is the coolest part of Slaanesh in every sense and it honestly feels like it'd just make him blend in with the others more.  with the GHR rising as a fully fledged chaos god For Real this time i see no reason for the prince to make his return to the dinner table since that spot is already taken and he's arguably the most compelling of all the chaos gods where he's at right now.

    Exactly. Damn well said. Slaanesh as lurking, malevolent, ever-watching, all-powerful threat, biding His time... it's awesome stuff. And a bit Lovecraftian, come to think of it. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I find him more interesting as an entity that is partly trapped so he has limited "power" and goes into the sneaky manipulation way.

    He will devour your soul for saying so. 

    No, in reality I like the Slaanesh narrative as it's playing out. It marks Him out as distinct from the other gods, who are really just carrying on with business as usual. There would be no hook for the Pretenders and Godseekers without Slaanesh's incarceration. Plus it means stuff like the siblings, who are magnificent models, if not quite so brilliant in the lore and on the tabletop... 

    • Like 1
  4. I can have a bash at answering the metal questions. I love painting metal models... there's something about the crispness of the detail and the weight in the hand that just appeals! 

    1. I assume you mean to remove mould lines? A really small file is great if there's tight spots that need work... but I find that a good sharp knife works for most. 

    2. Gel super glue is far better than liquid super glue. Might need a visit to a hardware store to find one. I've never used the two-part stuff, but some people swear by it. 

    3. I always prime metal models with a brush. I find, for some reason, spray primer doesn't cooperate too well with metal models. As for thickness, the old adage of a couple of thin coats is the way to go. 

    4. I've never varnished after priming. Didn't know that that was a thing, to be honest! But at least two coats of varnish on the finished model is definitely prudent. 

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I did Cursed City Dagnai as a palate cleanser. Quick speed paint, 2-3 hours.


    I also used him as a test piece for my planned Stormcast scheme.

    I envy anyone who can knock out a good paint job in such a short time-frame! My record for a single model would be a couple of days. I'm such a plodder... slow but steady. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    I guess I'm in the minority on this, perhaps, but for me 'my dudes' is something that has always mostly been something you do in your head, rather on the table.  Like, even in WHFB, a game with a reasonable amount of extra options for your heroes, the leader of my ogre army was Frigga Blackfoot, a bruiser BSB who'd chewed off her own frozen leg so that she could use it to club a poisonous drake/monster to death whilst trapped beneath a treacherous glacier (amongst other bits of back story she'd pick up along the way) but none of that was represented for her mechanically, there was no 'sky-iron peg leg (10pts)' weapon option you could take, or whatever. 

    And the same has kinda continued to be true for my through AoS, I don't feel like I need to points buy extra wizard levels or a smiting sword of +1 attack to make my guys feel unique (Maybe partly because they still wouldn't be, if everyone's playing with the same set of options) that sort of personal narrative is something that exists better off table in my mind, like choice of paint scheme, or how you want to theme your bases, or what pet units you always like to bring, that kind of thing.

    I absolutely agree. To my opponents my Keeper of Secrets is just a Keeper of Secrets. In my head-canon (to borrow a term) though it is Vythaac-Zel, the Grand Vassagonian of Endless Greed. 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    There are literally rules in AoS to build your dudes. GW haven’t talked about path to glory yet apart from one line that says it focuses on hero progression. It’s a little frustrating to see people complain about the fact that matched fans have made to game less characterful while ignoring this other side of the game that’s specifically designed for players who want something different. I’m not saying that the new path to glory is going to be amazing but it’s weird to ignore it completely when talking about the potential issues with the new edition. 

     I love the Path to Glory rules. Trying to get people to play along with it has proved difficult though. I'm surprised at how many players just ignore it entirely. Glad it's not disappearing. 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Really isn’t but hey old world has some awesome customization options for generic heroes

    Yes, yes... so everyone keeps saying. 

    I'd be happy if the Anvil of Apotheosis was made a more permanent feature. Just for non-competitive games. 


    • Like 6
  9. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

    This is not me but I found this and found it absolutely stunning I wanted to share. 

    I believe the artist is @bolloxs_painting. If I got that wrong then apologies. 


    That's some extrarodinary work. For some reason it just screams Edgar Allan Poe to me. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

     I’d also like to see the Original ForgeWorld Greater Daemons Return, the Blood Thirster in particular is such an Iconic Warhammer Miniature. 

    A hearty 'yes please' to that! I'm still kicking myself that I never got around to buying the Keeper of Secrets when I could. 

    • Sad 1
  11. 4 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

     I also personally strongly dislike the move of making special characters crowd out generic characters.

    Yes, that irks me too. From a lore point of view, it seems silly that Archaon or whoever turns up for every minor skirmish that goes on. Plus I like creating my own heroes, giving them names and backgrounds and whatnot. 

    Admittedly I'm in the middle of painting up Glutos at the moment, so I obviously don't dislike named characters that much. But I'm not intending to use him in every game. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Since GW have chosen to give each faction 4 battle formations in a bid to be fair, it's certainly the case that the armies that had the most subfactions will suffer the most in this change. There will absolutely be fewer command traits, artefacts etc than there are in the current books. I'd expect at most two spell lores for each faction but I wouldn't be surprised if each battle pack only gets one. 

    I must have missed the bit where they said four battle formations apiece for each faction. 

    So that means Hedonites will go from three up to four? Oooh. Well, that's intriguing. I wonder what it'll be...? 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  13. 6 hours ago, The_Tallest_Ork said:

    Slaughterpriests and Weirdnobs aren't able to stand up to Kroxigor twice their size under the current rules, I don't see why it's a big issue if they can't in 4th edition.

    I think there's a general feeling that something like a Slaughterpriest should have a chance of sticking it to a Kroxigor. 

    • Like 1
  14. 23 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I don't know about you guys, but I am super excited to play 4th edition. Can't wait to see the warscrolls for my factions. What they have been doing for Stormcast is so good!

    Very excited! I played a game last night (which I comprehensively lost, in case you were wondering) and there were quite a few times I found myself thinking about how much smoother this'll be when the new edition rolls into town. 

    • Like 5
  15. 19 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Just echo @Chikout but I do want to add that it's a hobby not a job/task.

    That's such an important thing to remember. I habitually fall into that trap if I'm not careful... I'll be bingeing a telly show or something, and keep thinking that I should be painting my models. No! Bad thoughts. I should be able to do whatever I want with my free time! 

    I'd also add that if you do step away from the hobby, you should be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. I got fed up with it about fifteen years ago, and virtually gave away two full painted armies. I regret that hugely now. 

  16. 27 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    It dries up because the pot cap usually gets dirty and it quickly becomes impossible to close the pot properly. So, the caps need regular cleaning - which is just poor design. 

    True. I guess I'd got used to keeping them tidy. But you're right, it is a design fault. 

  17. 8 hours ago, Dukeus said:

    I Like the paints themselfs but the Pot is absolut garbage. Designed to lose 30% of your Paint. 

    I've never had that problem. How do you end up losing the 30%? I ask out of curiosity. 

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