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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Posts posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. 4 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    So not an issue for all of us, and not an issue for anyone who's got some D6 games kicking around but maybe for absolute newbies... does it not have dice in it? Is that a GW thing now to not have a handful of dice in the launch/starter boxes for total newbies?

    Come on, it's gotta have dice in it!! That's traditional. 

  2. I'm genuinely delighted for all the Skaven players out there (and the couple that I regularly play against). They've had to wait a long time for this, and persevere with ancient models. These new rats look the total business! 

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  3. My only criticism of Two Thin Coats (apart from their availability) is that the metallics are a bit lacklustre. The silvers come out greyish. Vallejo metallics are definitely the way to go. Citadel metallics are largely quite good, too. 

  4. 17 hours ago, Mcthew said:


    It's consumer behaviours that changes corporations, and GW is no different. If everyone rethinks their spend, such as expanding their gaming horizons, buying product elsewhere, like Heinz, they must change how they treat their consumers.

    Nothing wrong in making your feelings known to a business by hurting their pockets, just to get them to listen. Corporate history tells us this.

    Yes, this is all well and good... but the fact remains that if GW manufacture a model that I really like, I'm going to want it. I'll save up my pocket money and buy that $200 miniature. Now, a lot of people think that's an extravagance, but I'm happy with my purchase. I'm not defending GW's price rises, I'm saying that 'just don't buy their stuff' might not be the most useful philosophy for everyone. 

    I at least buy from an independent retailer (Tactics in Perth, WA is where I've been shopping for thirty years!) so part of my spend is supporting someone other than the big global business. 

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  5. I have to admit, I was pretty keen to get into The Old World, and start the Orc and Goblin horde that I wanted to collect back in the day. But the prices they're charging for old (some of them really old) models has put me right off. I'm as big a sucker for nostalgia as the next chap, but paying top dollar for clunky old kits? Nah. I think I'm sticking with AoS. And that's a decision purely made on price. 

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  6. To be honest, I'm still not 100% convinced that making any terrain destructible is the way to go. I'd prefer it to cost points to use faction terrain, and have it indestructible. But that's just me speaking from ignorance, really.... after playing a few games with the new rules I might love having my Daemonettes decimating my enemy's Loonshrine! 

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  7. 27 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I think it's good. If faction terrain is still free and can be set-up by the player, at least let the opponent have the option to destroy it.


    There's going to have to be more careful consideration about where to set up faction terrain now, knowing that the enemy can always just smash it! 

  8. 1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    @MitGas I play slaanesh solely because they have a vaguely middle-eastern aesthetic going on, please get your mind out of the gutter.

    Hah! Devotion to Slaanesh can start with the noblest of intentions.... but the corruption will seep in... 

    • Haha 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Yes and they also have received almost no updates at all. Could be a massive update. Could it be that GW is going to remove all Daemons from the chaos armies and only keep the mortal parts? I dont think so because some like the pink horrors are really iconic pieces. The thought crossed my mind though. 

    I damn well hope not! I love my Daemons. 

    As for them all getting an update... well, it'd be nice, but that's a huge number of kits that need re-doing. More likely they'll just fill the couple of gaps in the current range, like the Viceleader. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Likewise I can see maneaters, firebelly, slaughtermaster and yhetees being canned.


    I'd forgotten that the Yhetees were even still around. I semi-regularly play against two different Ogor opponents and neither of them have the models. They're like real-world yetis... sightings of them are incredibly rare! 

    • Haha 2
  11. 54 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    And they should pay their talent better. Yes, it‘s cool to work for GW if you‘re into it but frankly you shouldn‘t take a vow of poverty to do so.

    Indeed, right down to their store staff. I used to work in retail, and once considered applying for a store manager role at GW. The money was dreadful, substantially less than other chain stores (that's here in Australia, no idea what the story is elsewhere).

    • Like 1
  12. If you're spending, I dunno, let's say $500 a year on Warhammer stuff, I'll bet you can afford to spend $550 a year. If you're that worried about spending too much money, maybe you've picked the wrong hobby. 

    Sorry if that sounds a bit callous... but is there really much point in getting into a lather about something that's an unavoidable truth? 

  13. 46 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Grave Guard next, pretty please 💖

    Well, quite. I was randomly looking at pictures of the current Grave Guard models recently, and they really are quite bland. There's so much more they could do with them. I remember the previous metal ones being a lot fancier (I painted about 25 of them back in a previous life when I flirted with something that wasn't Slaanesh). 

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  14. 9 hours ago, mimozine said:

    i would like to see more interchangeable parts in kits, the newer models have more dynamic poses but less choices. i like choice

    Yeah, I do kind of miss the fun of choosing parts and 'posing' models. But I like the dynamism of modern models. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.  

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  15. 14 hours ago, MitGas said:

    If female ogors are as pleasing to the eyes as their male counterparts, I‘m not sure if I want to see that! 😂 That single new hunter hero looked like something out of that hillbilly flick with Desmond Harrington and Eliza Dushku, in other words uglier and scarier than some Nurglite! 

    Before someone takes it the wrong way: no, I‘m not against female ogors, I‘m just worried that they look too much like male ogors.😅

    Blood Bowl has already been there.... 

    images (3).jpeg

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