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Everything posted by Higolx

  1. tl;dr: -Many of the new HH products started coming up with a different code on their code bar -Many older stuff we going out of stock and also coming with said new code -There was a leaked pic of a HH box that looked like it had plastic marines and on primaris/true scale
  2. I'm usually on a discord call with some friends. So between reveals we just start talking about what they showed and we end up doing some catchup since our schedules havent matched so well recently
  3. Well theres the whitefang like. I guess Im on the right track?
  4. Is it me or are all the 3 heads elf heads? If so, why does he have 3 elven heads and all of them have the same long black hair? Is that a Malerion tease?
  5. I dont think the right one is Jaghatai tho. IIRC Jaghatai had a falchion/curved sword as his weapon. That sword is looking too straight tbh. Even tho I think Jaghatai is coming too this weekend, I dont think its him on that silhouette. I think thats the custodes hero from the leak (?)
  6. Looks like GW is retiring one of the oldest 40k metal kits. Maybe its a sign they are also going to do that with other kits (Im looking at you skaven). An army refresh would be amazing.
  7. Looks like its a baby dragon she's holding
  8. Man, I really hope they do that. That would be a really interesting take on factio terrain. Also a very consumer friendly one, where we could make makeshift barriers with like, pieces of sprues and leftover bits. Didnt use the shield bits on a kit? Cut some of the sprues and glue them together. Wood elves could have something more nature like like thorn walls, duardin could have some stone walls....ah shiet, there goes my brain hyping again
  9. I know people had a lot of success mixing 40k and AoS with Khorne since the Khorne berzerker minis are somewhat old. If you ever need inspiration I would check that out.
  10. Im not sure its a knight mostly because that claw looks very different from the claws we have right now. I think thats part of the warpsmith tentacles, specifically the flamethrower one on the bottom Pics to illustrate:
  11. I think its the swords plus the similarities between the spider's collar and the corsair's collar? Tbh I dont really see it either
  12. They could just be elves that worship chaos. Isnt the whole point of StD that they are the tribes that used to live on the realms and got enslaved into serving chaos? Im sure there must've been a couple of elves that got enslaved by chaos. They dont have to be related to one of the elven gods, just like the CoS elves are not. Even tho I COULD see if someone confirmed this as Malerion elf, it doesnt have to be tbh. Edit: looks like one of the splintered fang warband is an elf already (top right). So we have a precedent for it just being a chaos worshiping elf.
  13. The article talks about "the rest of his brood" so I would assume so?
  14. Nevermind, there is an article: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/10/18/this-new-warcry-fighter-loves-spiders-so-much-he-made-one-into-a-horrifying-mask/
  15. So, I think GW posted the warcry video by accident? Cause I dont see an article or a social media post.
  16. Anything? Jokes aside, Im most excited for faction updates tbh. I wanna see what they do with destruction (mostly ogor), duardin etc. I especially want to see plastic versions of older kits for the factions that still have to use resin or even metal.
  17. To be fair even non space marine 40k fans bash new space marines release. Heck, even space marine fans bash new space marines releases from time to time. Its frankly a pilar of the community at this point
  18. The sad part about that joke is that this is actually the first time you can buy the lieutenant on that configuration on his own. You either have to buy the recruit box or you have to convert him from the bladeguard veteran kit (wich is what 99% of people did)
  19. If I didnt miss anything on the sprue, sadly no. I think you *might* be able to fit a different head in there but that might require some conversion work
  20. Are they? I know they are Angelos conclave but so are Prosecutors. I thought they were the Stormstrike equivalent of Prosecutors. Is this info from the new book? Edit: I also double checked the warscroll. All the Angelos Vanguard troops seem to have the vanguard keyword but the charriot does not. That says to me that they're just angelos conclave. The flavor text also expressly refers to the as angelos conclave so maybe they are not from vanguard chambers? Unless thats a lore bit I dont remember I dont see why they are from a Vanguard chamber.
  21. Adding my 2 cents of a dude with family with roots in portugal, spain and italy: I'd bet Ortegeta is based on the Spanish surname Ortega. There's been some cities named ortega too, both in Spain and on ex-spanish colonies. So yeah, most likely Estalia Id say. It would be an interesting oportunity to bring Estalia back as an army (I think th last time they were around as one was fantasy 3rd edition?). Tordorno and Aquilena sound a lot like made up italian names. Heck, Aquilena is probably someone at GW trying to turn the word aquila into a city or something. By the way the fleur-de-lys is not an exclusive french symbol. It was present in the Duchy of Parma flag, a state created roughly in the 1500s, roughly the reinassance time and during the existance of the holy roman empire so I wouldnt be surprised if thats their historical inspiration? Considering that its on the northern region of Italy, close to France and it got invade by Napoleon I wouldnt be surprised if we end up seeing a Bretonian invasion on that place.
  22. Maybe? Id check the dose of hopium just in case. Jokes aside, this could very well be an oversight of the people who made this or even just that different princes have different fonts because they are all different nobles from different areas?
  23. That's an interesting detail. Since this is just concept art, we dont know if this is the final look but that's still enough to speculate. Could we maybe see a version 2.0 of existing chamber armors (since Grungni is back and everything)? Are we getting thunderstrike on other chambers like Vanguard and Sacrossanct? Or is this just some artistic liberties they took with the design?
  24. Oh I think its super flavorful. Dont take me wrong, I love my Salamanders and would be super happy if they got more attention. My problem with it is the unbalance on the attention the factions get from GW. I think its kinda unfair that space marines get so much attention meanwhile certain armies still have models that are like 10+ years. I know thats probably because space marines sell more but still, I think GW could spread the love a lil bit better.
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