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Everything posted by darkdaysdawn

  1. That statement is from EnixLHQ's post about how to run Sotek's deathstar. I'm not an expert -- only started AoS when 3.0 came out -- however, when I read section 9.0 and 9.1 of the core rules, my understanding is that anytime a unit moves, for any reason, it must end the move in a coherent formation or the move cannot be made. In 9.0: The rules clearly state that a move can occur in the movement phase, charge phase, or combat phase, and possibly even the hero phase with certain abilities. In 9.1: The rules clearly state that, "after you have moved all of the models in a unit, it must be coherent". I've tried running a big NH deathstar twice now and I found it incredibly difficult to land a charge with the second rank, or a hero in the middle of the deathstar, because unless you roll a huge charge, it's very hard to end the charge move in a coherent formation. If I've misunderstood the core rules, please explain. Like I said, I'm definitely not an expert -- just trying to understand and improve my NH play. Thanks!
  2. I like a lot of your suggestions, however, I don't think I agree with reducing bravery. Not sure I understand your reasoning? Ghosts are already dead. They have nothing to lose. Why would they flee? Maybe I'm missing some subtle rules interactions, but I don't see any reason to drop any of their bravery characteristic, certainly not as low as 5. Changes I'd like to see based on experience with AoS 3.0: Myrmourn Banshees: Give them a Death Scream (i.e. a bravery attack similar to a Terrorgheist or Tomb Banshee). They're banshees! Also, this gives the army a more useful unit with an ability that capitalizes on lowered bravery from Aura of Dread (currently, only the Tomb Banshee, who kinda sucks, and Olyder, who is expensive and not for everyone, can take advantage of Aura of Dread -- or a allied Terrorgheist with a Nighthaunt babysitter nearby). The Banshees should be able to rise from The Underworlds behind an enemy wizard, and not only eat spells, but also pose enough of a threat that they must be dealt with. 75 points to eat 1 or 2 spells per game seems expensive (compare to FEC Challice of Ushoran for 70 points that regularly heals/returns 10-20+ "wounds worth" of models per game -- a 70 point Challice can easilly return over 100 points of models). 75 points to eat a spell and scream fixes their value (I'd probably pay 85-90 points for 4 of them). Otherwise, you're better off turning a Lord Executioner into a wizard and using him instead (at 90 points + an bonus artifact from a Warlord or Command Entourage battalion). The Executioner could still eat a spell but could also stand there and shoot Arcane Bolts all day, forcing someone to come deal with him, only to discover he's pretty decent in melee too. Glaivewraith Stalkers: Really like the stats. But why only 4 per unit? In 3.0, we can only reinforce 4 times. Chainrasps and Spirit Hosts get my reinforcements points because...well...a unit of 30 Chainrasps for holding or swarming is awesome, and Spirit Hosts' survivability and effectiveness goes up significantly in a unit of 6 vs 3, and I always have two 6-packs of Spirit Hosts to deal with heavily armored foe. And there go all my reinforcement points! Do we need a 60 point unit? Why not make the base unit size 8 models for 120/130 points?
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