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  1. I have played a game like that. It's way more fun - you get to play with all the rules and have to better manage CP. I wouldn't say it broke the game but it did make a least two units per round as tough as SCE. My NH still lacked offense but at least it didn't feel like I was getting completely steamrolled.
  2. I'm hopeful that ethereal will be fixed. Anything else is gravy. IMO, ethereal has been the biggest issue in my games, and is the reason I switched to SBGL. New units are fun, sure. But what I really want is a book with decent allegiance abilities. OK, and a proper monster would be nice too. 🙂 I'm trying not to be negative, but man... It's been tough. Fingers crossed for the book.
  3. I also hink that's the likely best use for crossbows. If you can, put big terrain in the enemy territory during setup. Then crossbows deploy from The Underworlds in full cover, where they can shoot but not be shot.
  4. Seriously, and only if within 12". Pretty useless vs others, especially Kruleboyz and other new "Age of Shooting" units who can double that range and then some, even with crossbows. Furthermore, low damage output and no mortals, while others are shooting poison at us? Hope there are some additional buffs in the new book, else I'm not sure what to do with these guys.
  5. So what you are saying is, Scriptor makes great bait if he chooses a key enemy hero. Maybe he's enough of a threat that opponents leave our other important heroes alone, at least for a while? Thus, our response to the shooting heavy meta is now, "Hey, shoot this guy while I get my main heroes into position." Meh... Could work? I do like forcing my opponent to choose one bad thing vs another bad thing.
  6. I'm a bit underwhelmed too. He might be great, sure, but... It is not tactical or strategic to wait for a lucky roll. It's just luck. Snakes and Ladders is a game of luck. Wargames are supposed to be strategic. Maybe he'll be cheap enough to spam and that'll help buffer the luck aspect? Who knows. I was hoping for something more appropriate for matched play. I guess I still am? Fingers crossed the rest of his warscroll makes up for the luck factor and Death constraint.
  7. No, and I won't either. It is not only grammatically incorrect, but also incorrect in its meaning. It should say... "This unit is going to record the name of a hero who's soul will be judged." Souls don't have names. Heroes do. And the adjective (judged) should follow the noun (soul) that it modifies. That's how English works. GW's writers need help. LOL Nit picks aside, I think it lame that it doesn't work against Death. That's fine for Open and Narrative, but antithetical to Matched play.
  8. You'll get 1 scriptor and a unit of 5 crossbowmen. The quantities are explicitly listed in the announcement for all but crossbowmen, but they are a unit of 5 in the picture (4 with crossbows, and 1 with a banner).
  9. I know! Total brain phart -- long day at the office.
  10. Re. 'rasps: 3 units of 10 is fine too, but I would still put them on the same objective. You need 30 to last long enough. The downside of 30 is you can actually lose the whole unit in a single combat -- it's much harder to take out 3 separate units at once. The downside of three 10's is you will definitely give your opponent 2 points Broken Ranks (killing a battleline unit). Incidentally, I run my 'Reapers in three 10's because they do last longer that way in most cases (from my exp). But they aren't battleline. (EDIT: They're totally battleline -- I temporarily misplaced my brain.) Re. Reikenor: First, I love the model. It was a pleasure to paint and looks awesome, especially leading a charge of 'Reapers. Second, NH has very little use for magic from a distance, so I started taking Mortalis Terminexus so I could potentially do some damage turn 1, and maybe many turns after too. Mortalis is not a cheap spell, and if you fail to cast it on turn 1, it becomes even less valuable. For it to be worth 85 pts to me, it had to work, so bring in Reikenor with +3 casting. Done. It makes him more value for his points too because he can actually do something significant in turn 1. Re. your event: Didn't realize it was a 1k event. That's great. I find NH works well at 1k (possibly because a lot of other armies don't? But hey...I'll take it). Be very careful not to take too many heroes. You need to maximize unit count to survive. I run 12+ units for 2k, so 6 at 1k is probably reasonable. Two heroes then? If you can? Seriously consider Spirit Torment with Pendant -- he heals stuff every battleshock phase, not just yours. That's huge, and often overlooked, and the Pendant makes sure he gets where he needs to be, or speeds up the troops he's hanging with. Good luck!
  11. Not that this is a great list, but it'll do for explanation (of my strategy, anyway). - Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Subfaction: Reikenor's Condemned - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumph: Indomitable LEADERS Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)* - Artefacts of Power: Corpse Candle Lady Olynder (215)* - General - Spells: Lifestealer, Soul Cage Reikenor The Grimhailer (145)* - Spells: Lifestealer, Shademist BATTLELINE 10 x Grimghast Reapers (155) 10 x Grimghast Reapers (155) 10 x Grimghast Reapers (155) 30 x Chainrasp Horde (285)** 6 x Spirit Hosts (250)** 6 x Spirit Hosts (250)** OTHER 4 x Myrmourn Banshees (75)* 4 x Glaivewraith Stalkers (65)* ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Mortalis Terminexus (85) CORE BATTALIONS - *Warlord - **Hunters of the Heartlands TOTAL POINTS: 1955/2000 Notice I don't play Emerald Host/Hexwraiths. That's mainly because I don't have any Hexwraiths -- it's probably to strong combo, but I don't have it. What I do instead is run a lot of small units and try to die slower than my opponent (that's about the best we can do these days -- we do not hit hard...at all...don't even try a full assault unless you absolutely know what you're doing). Spirit Hosts are in sixes because otherwise they often don't live long enough to be healed. Lady Olynder and the Spirit Torment hang with the Spirit Hosts. I try to get the formation close enough for Olynder to attack, but her ranges are so short and she's so fragile that she's easy to lose if you push too hard too fast. Chainrasps suck. They are not worth supporting, so I don't. I take 30 and drop them on an objective, often from The Underworlds. Then I forget about them, or I launch them at a big enemy with Death Comes Swiftly, and then I forget about them. They're just a speed bump. Reikenor is there to drop Mortalis Terminexus. Do it turn 1. It might be the most damaging thing you do all game. (ALWAYS use a corpse candle on Reikenor for +3 casting -- he can Heroic Recover later, or he'll get shot, so might as well get your spell off). Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed flies with the Grimghast Reapers. They are your vanguard. Use them to advance and take out small battleline units, or hold up opponents. You won't kill a lot of stuff, but you can use the formation's speed to engage enemies before they get to objectives -- delaying your opponent is about the best you can hope for. Glaivewraith Stalkers and Myrmourn Banshees usually go in The Underworlds. Glaivewraiths are a cheep screen, that's it. Banshees can be deadly, but usually just harass wizards, hopefully distracting your opponent for a few minutes. If the opposing army has a lot of shooting, consider putting as much as you can in The Underworlds, even your general(s) so that they survive turn 1 if you don't win priority. Also, don't go first. Go second, and try to go second every round until 3 or 4, and then if you get a chance, take the double turn. Don't take a double turn early, else your opponent will get it later and you'll get tabled. So, to sum up: Die slower; don't try to kill stuff; focus on objectives and battle tactics because you can't kill stuff. Definitely do not try a full on assault, because you can't kill stuff. Again, we are weak...just die slower. Got the point? LOL. Good. 🙂 Last suggestion: Wait for the new book and cross your fingers they have fixed our poor, fragile, yet beautiful army of etherealness. Cheers.
  12. Those are some great conversions. And yes, the first one is exactly what I was talking about. That's a good idea to combine them so they ended with more than two different sculpts. I think I've seen a Reikenor without the wings used for Hexwraiths in some way too. Probably to make a Hellwraith. That could look great. And to keep it from looking too much like actual Reikenor, change the weapon, maybe? How about the "Vampiric Sword" from the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon, with the gantlet too? It'd be easy to do and anyone who plays FEC or SBGL will likely have a few to spare. Might be able to change the face pretty easily too.
  13. Yeah, I'm just kidding dude...people are free to buy whatever models they want and do whatever they want with them. You do you! As for conversions: Some people have just glued Grimghasts to the backs of the Hexwraith horses, which, I think, looks a little better than the base model, and it's not too expensive to do. There are countless examples online. Personally, I was planning to combine Dreadblades with Grimghast's arms. I guess that's not exactly "working with the current kit"...oh well. The idea is to remove the lower hand (left hand) from the shaft of a Grimghast's scythe, and swap it with the Dreadblade"s right arm, leaving his left holding his horse's reins. There are only 5 or 6 Grimghast models per box that have appropriate weapon/arm parts so you need 1 box of Grimghast and 3 boxes of Dreadblades -- definitely not a cheap solution, but I think it would look great. Haven't decided what weapon/arm/combo to do for a Hellwraith yet though. Re. the Hexwraith models themselves: It's the scale of the rider to the oddly short (nose to tail-wise) horse, and the size of the rider's feet, that looks weird to me. The feet look like flippers. The horse looks like a pony. The GW Black Riders for LotR have the same scale issues. Also, the Hexwraith's pose is not nearly as dynamic as anything else NH, so it just doesn't fit my collection and the way I've painted it. I don't use Black Knights, Grave Guard, or either Wight King model in my Soulblight army for the same reason -- they're not terrible in and of themselves, they're just no where near as nice as everything else in either army and there are lots of other choices to spend one's hobby time and money on.
  14. I agree. But one can hope. I'm still holding out for a giant marshmallow man.
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