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Everything posted by kollapse

  1. With the amount of mortal wounds dished out by SCE, Nurgle etc - also 3.0 tomes - I'm curious how much of a problem the MWs in LRL is now, or how much that will change in a new tome?
  2. I actually found the 9L Really Useful Box in a XL variant with taller lid. It fit's Sevireth with good margin, as well as the split apart Shrine Luminor and the separated Teclis and Celennar. https://www.amazon.se/gp/product/B01M29ZSWN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Don't be sorry, I wasn't being facetious! I'm new to the game (and hobby) so I wasn't sure how much players know/can qualitatively guess stuff like this beforehand. I'll take it as it comes, and keep building on my fox army.
  4. Yeah I wasn't hoping for more than educated guesswork, so I'll take what I get. Thanks, I'll stick to my plan (foxes) for now then.
  5. How likely are we to see a hit to the foxes (Sevireth and the unnamed ones) with a points or rules change? I'm still working on my first LRL army and I think I want to commit to either a Sevireth/fox list or a Teclis one, but I don't want to go all in on the foxes if they end up heavily nerfed in a couple of months (the time it'll take me to buy more, assemble and paint them).
  6. So does anyone have the height (or can measure) of Celennar sans Teclis, Shrine Luminor sans the shrine (i.e. the tallest of the two parts) and Sevireth? Trying to calculate what storage solution (and how many) would fit it all.
  7. Thanks for your input! Sounds like the 4L doesn't really work optimally when in my case only the Wardens and the Cathallar would go there - I'm planning on using magnetized MiniMagTrays for Wardens and Sentinels, and I think I want to keep the regular models and champion together where possible. That might not be practical, having to use only 9L+ boxes for the entire army, so I'll have to think about it. How many of these are you using? If I'm playing Shrine Luminor and the Sevireth package with three wind spirits it sounds like I would need two 19L boxes, right?
  8. Anyone here used the Really Useful Boxes proposed in Duncan's videos for your Lumineth army? I'm looking at trying this solution, but I'm not sure which box sizes I would need. I guess all regular models like Wardens etc goes into the 4l one (most likely 2+ boxes needed for an army), but which sizes would I need for i.e. Sevireth, and separated Teclis/Celennar and the Shrine (as shown above)? I'm asking since the boxes aren't readily available in b&m stores here in Sweden, so I would need to order them online.
  9. This is excellent, thanks a bunch. I was looking at Wardens and Sentinels actually, so this makes perfect sense. The temple units all look cool, but I think I was looking more in the direction you suggest so I'll stay clear of them (if I don't want something amazing to paint). I'll start with a box of Wardens, one Sentinel box and a hero to have something to start assembling before I dive deeper into what I want to do with my army.
  10. Hi folks, Brand new AoS player here, looking for some advice. I just decided to make Lumineth my entry into the game and I’m soon off to buy some stuff to start. Besides the tome (and printed core rules as I like having it on paper), what would be a good start in terms of models? I’m looking at getting something to get 500-1000 pts on the table, and of course stuff that’s fun, but I want to be mindful not to get too much that might not be viable at all competitively down the line (if that’s even possible to know). Not a super important point now of course. Thanks!
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