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Everything posted by TechnoVampire

  1. As much as the power gamer in me likes that the rule as written currently functions this way, I’m wondering if it also needs an FAQ for clarity, as I get the feeling this was not the intention… Also I don’t know the core rules well enough to say myself, but do they allow for piling in/ charging 1/2 inch over another model and then back again, and does that count as “passing across”? Edit: I just checked myself and yes it does: I feel it’s likely the ability will be changed to “normal move” in which case it will be pretty situational, and a lot worse than the old rule.
  2. Up to 3 friendly summonable units wholly within 12” of any friendly hero can each receive it once in your hero phase. It can be the same hero or multiple hero’s. The trigger just requires the unit is within range of a hero and the effect resolves once on each receiving unit (is my understanding).
  3. I feel similarly. I use a lot of blood knights and they are my all rounders, they are fast so can grab objectives and cover the board, they can take a hit and they also have reasonable damage against the right target. When using GG I like them to be the true hammers I can rely on to kill things, and I’m often willing to use a unit of bloodknights to screen them and allow them to get into position. For this reason I like them with GW’s as opposed to shields, but I think it totally depends what role you want them to fill. They are quite a versatile (though slow) unit.
  4. I did this in a game I played at the weekend and gave my wight king (general) the swift and deadly command trait (reroll charges) which worked a treat and meant I got my charge off the same turn I deep-striked. I can also testify that the 2” reach was very helpful in allowing me to hit multiple targets… I do wish the wight kings buff triggered in the hero phase though for this reason, as that would make them a very effective pairing.
  5. Makes sense. If you are using V-lord and wight king with them as well, you can fish for 6’s and probably still get good mileage from them. The difference between 4+ and 5+ save is significant, especially with AOD. I’d imagine significantly reduces chances of them being wiped out in 1 combat/ shooting phase.
  6. I’m hoping there are some points adjustments in the not too distant future. I feel like dragons and blood knights are too expensive for what they do, and reducing them a little would create some space for supporting them more with summonable units. I love grave guard but they are painfully slow, which makes them unreliable as hammers.
  7. Thanks for calculating the damage breakdowns, that’s really useful… Your list is the exact same as one I’m running, except that I’m currently using 1 x 20 skeletons and 4 x 5 blood knights. If you get a chance to test it let us know how you get on. (Fist of Nagash is also “a friendly Kastelai vampire unit” so he can share any buffs he acquires that turn, and he’s good at hunting hero’s.)
  8. Thanks, I’ve had a little look and feel like the prices are quite high, but I’ll keep an eye out 😊
  9. I think it depends on your play style and what you like. It seems to have been a bit divisive initially. Quite a lot was changed and not all for the better, but the book is probably more coherent now (Maybe restrictively so). It’s still quite early to tell. Personally I’m coming to terms with certain changes and trying to find lists that allow me to still play the way I like to. There seems to be a pretty heavy focus on summonable units and attrition tactics, as opposed to offensive synergy and fielding multiple threats. If you like bringing back cheap chaff that also has some interesting utility then you may well enjoy it, however if you’re more into hard hitting melee armies then there’s better options out there (but there are still some options).
  10. Is there any indication that the sons of velmorn will be sold as a separate unit anytime soon? I love the models and want to use Morlak as my wight king and the others as GG stand ins. … if not I’ll probably just buy the gnarlwood boxset and sell off the khorn ones.
  11. Sorry my bad, I thought you meant VLOZD as it’s on my mind 😅
  12. Unfortunately I think you may have miscalculated your points cost somewhere? The app calculates the points of this list at 2110… regardless I think vengorian lord does have potential in Kastelai and I’ve looked at running it myself… maybe you could drop the VLOZD and take some summmonable units?
  13. That’s really not bad looking at it. I was thinking this may be the case, but can’t do maths so I’m glad others here can 😊. I’m planning on using skeletons as my summonable option when running GG, V-lord and WK. I also love the models so I’m glad they’re good now! has anyone looked into bloodknights output now with new buffs and rend?
  14. Wondering the same. I think there’s a place for a block of 30 (am I right in thinking on 25mm bases with 2” reach they should technically be able to attack in 3 ranks?). Sometimes you’ll lose models early to shooting or magic in a unit of 20 before getting into combat, and if you want to guarantee killing something then 30 could be a shout, especially if you’re putting points into buffing them via V-lord and WK.
  15. … speaking of printing has anyone found any good alternate models/ prints for grave guard? The GW ones don’t hold their own for me anymore.
  16. Thanks that’s really helpful. I don’t know a lot about 3D printing, but I have bought a couple of things and those look pretty good quality by comparison. I like the style of the terrain a lot and it’s quite competitively priced, so I’ll probably grab a few bits 😊
  17. Looks like the book has been updated on the app. Seems early as the book isn’t even available yet? (No complaints though)
  18. @Neil Arthur Hotep I meant to comment from your picture before, that it looks like you have the necrosian scenery from dark fantastic mills? I’ve been eyeing it up for a while. Would you recommend it?
  19. Such a great ability! It completely bypassed the weaknesses of the hammer units with 4’s to hit such as GG and VLOZD.
  20. I think if I was playing LOB my list would look something like this: VLOZD 440 (general) Neferata 390 20 x GG 280 20 x GG 280 3 x Black knights 330 V- lord 130 Wight king 135 1985 Although I’m not sure how long GW will allow an ethereal VLOZD with 16 wound 3+ 6++, extra attacks, hitting (chosen units) on 2’s and healing up to 6 wounds a turn… but enjoy it while it lasts! 😆
  21. I think the issue with this book is that we have A LOT of unique characters and attaching them all to sub factions to me feels very restrictive. It’s pretty common and logical to make sub-faction specific characters more aligned with that sub faction, but many of the characters in this book have multiple abilities as well as spells locked into those factions, and you would have to be kind of desperate to play them out with… neferata for example has two abilities and a spell all locked into LOB. For me it would have made a lot more sense to make some of those spells or abilities attached to units thematically associated with the sub faction instead, or just not attached at all. I feel like one spell/ ability is enough, still giving you freedom to move elsewhere, but making them more potent in their aligned sub-faction.
  22. Aside from my distaste for the mortarchs and many other gripes, I find myself agreeing with the majority of this 😅
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