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Swamp Trogg

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Everything posted by Swamp Trogg

  1. Babylon Evil Dwarves are fine enough for me. I don't think they need more twist, and if the Horns of Hashut and the Hobgrots are clues for what is to come, I should be more than pleased by the final outcome! Babylon is a good inspiration, and makes for an interesting basis for an AoS reinterpretation of an existing historical setting. It's both unique and fitting.
  2. I like to see some similarities between these two. I'm probably wrong, though, but well, dreaming is free.
  3. https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/48/b0ax.jpg Reminds me a lot of the wings of the Kruleboyz Vulcha Rippa.
  4. Presumably, they will stay, being sourced in the warhammer community article about the new character.
  5. I'm no competitive player, and tend to build "White Dwarf" armies, so I will find a way to squize them in my lists! The models are both gorgeous, sinister and funny (the "Ninja-turtle-eggs-stealer-gobbo that voluntarily gets eaten by monster to make them puke is peak Warhammery grimdark comedy!), so I will find them a place 😆 Jokes aside, I still think they might have a real strategic place, being kinda punchy on their own. Playing just one unit is having a really nice tool, and if there is no monster, they will always poison something to death with all their attacks
  6. Personally, I've got them all. IMHO, both the Underworld bands and fyreslayers are a bit bland, rule wise, but I really like what the writers did with the Monsta Killaz : they are probably not optimal (as I don't really care about optimisation, that's not a problem for me) and maybe in a niche (monster hunting, minster hunting, monster hunting), but I think they do it quite well, and even bag a little bit more punch than Gutrippaz while being cheaper. These ladz are an absolute win for me, and I can't wait to had an unite to my army!
  7. I'm guessing basic ogors are kinda low priority right now (like vehibg yetees and butchers). Even if a little old and rigid, changing them comes with a rather big problem : they are the base frame for all the army. Changing them means changing every thing, because the Igor you find on the stonehorn, big Canon an big cat is the basic one repositioned the fit in new kits. And that's before even talking about the fact that their body serves for literally three differents kits. Added to the fact that they are probably and safely not on of GW favorite army, I really don't see basic ogors redone before man eaters, yetees, butchers and new kits. I mean, we kept night gobbos as a mainstay, and they are older and probably more popular than ogors. That said, imho, both night gobbos and ogors are still nice and rather moderns minis, and still hold well to this day
  8. I guess and hope that some well established and beautiful Skaven kits stays with us and doesn't end up taking a realese slot for something more in need of a redone and costing the double. IMHO, everything from the last big realese (2009) needs to stay. Clanrats and Stormvermins aren't nearly as old as, for example, the genasterlers or termagaunts, that got remplaced with the last tyranids expansion. Discontinuating them for some really minor design improvement would be a waste (and we'll probably end up paying them 35 euros for ten models instead of 30 euros for 20...). They aged awesomely and stand amasingly alongside modern minis. But monks and night runner? Hell yes!
  9. The starter can "just" be mind-blowingly beautiful 😁
  10. Elves versus Skaven killed recruitment of new players for wfb 8th edition, thus contributed to its doom. You can't have two hard to paint armies in starters set. And Stormcasts don't need to be top sellers to be in a starter. They need to be easily paint, understood, and visually evocative and recognizable. Which they are. Conclusion, they ain't gonna disappear from starter set any time soon. Or ever, for what is worth. Saying otherwise is daydreaming, which is fine, but the first step on the road of disappointment.
  11. While I agree with all that, I still think there isn't enough room for yet an other evil goth simili elves army in the game. And neither Morathi or Malerion would lose much with a merging. Because design wise, there isn't enough room for two emo goth elves armies in the game. Leave these room for evil top hat wearing Duardins. We deserve it. Vote for the Father of Darkness 😁
  12. Maybe. But on the other side, Lumineth Kangaroos are not less "kangarooy" by being in the same army as the classical looking hoplites like warriors that are the basic troops. Furthermore, the Warcry warband is a perfect middle ground between Morathi and Malerion: shadowy capes (akin the the whole shadow theme that will be probably associated to Malerion's goons) and typical witch elves crowns. The writting's on the wall.
  13. Morathi and Malerion are more akin to Teclis and Tyrion than swamp dwelling Kruleboyz to heavy armored Ironjaws.
  14. Well deserved! The baby droth is a cutie and it's really nice to finally have some female duardin in modern warhammer. A nice warband that bring a little bit of diversity for the fyreslayers. I hope for the collectors and players of this army that these fellows are a vanguard for some reinforcements!
  15. Oh, the road to disappointment city is gonna be a long one for you folks if you belive in any way that Stormcasts are going anywhere else than in the starter boxes of a new edition! Once again, new editions are meant to gather new players and Stormcasts meant to be easy ton build, paint, and get. Until litteral world ending events, GW will not forgo Stormcasts.
  16. Some armies disappeared after while having army books for decades. They don't have more legitimacy as an army than, for exemple, Phoenix Temple, and if they don't sell, they might take the same way and enjoy their best life as minis in TOW.
  17. Sometimes, one has to come at peace with the fact that not every faction in the game hold the same broad appeal as the poster boys. Bonesplitterz seems to be one of those, and it's not completely absurd in GW side to minimise investment in an army that is a niche, in a niche, in an other niche. I read about the similarities between them and the Beastmen, but boy do I disagree. The former where Juste two units plus three characters in wfb 8th edition, while the last where a full army with something like 20 or so units. Apples and oranges should I said. Now, I'm not saying that Bonesplitterz should or will disappear, but I can get behind the idea that they are second though in GW mind. In the end, investing in something like chorfs or more pointy ears will always be more appealing to the larger crowd.
  18. The vampire clearly has a winged helmet so classical vampire all the way 🤔
  19. Do not worry, my fellow worshipper of Hashut : as Teclis ans his brother, Malerion will surely share his battle tome with his moma, and our time will come!
  20. I'd rather have lesser gnashtooth as hunting hounds. Just my opinion, but I think the combo character on mount / unit on the same mount rather uninspiring. Swamp beasties captured then trained by a breaka boss could do the trick.
  21. Problem is that there is a thematic overlap between Kruleboyz and Bonesplitterz, and the last addition to the formers roster amplifie that. Furthermore, GW needs old-school greenskins to expand the starting global roster of TOW. So, in my opinion, even if the stay in AoS, I have a hard time imagining them expanded. If they have had something more than a Underworld team, I might have a different opinion on the matter. But when you take the closest army in term of position, aka the FeC, their case was quite different: slightly larger roster to begin with, a new character, an anniversary/special edition character, and recently, a warband for Warcry.
  22. I'd like them to be extra sneaky and tricksy, being hard to get your hand upon and able to mess with objectives. Something like being able to move them around while the egg-carying carapace-wearing grot is still alive, the egg representing the piece of value (a.k.a, the objective) being stolen. This, plus some command shenanigans would be perfect ihmo. And then, two Hp per model, a 5+ save (because of the nice skull helmets) and some poisoned attack, and we're good!
  23. Same with me. Have me wondering if that's some kind of bug or if it means something else... Like something orky...
  24. I don't think it's actually that easy. For instance, and because the example is quite extreme, you could make Warhammer 40k's Genestealer Cult the most prolific army in term of diversity, it would still sell less than marines because, conceptually, ugly and dirty human alien hybrids miners would never sold as much as noble space knights in armor. Stormcasts are not only easy too paint, they are also simple and efficient as a design.
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