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Swamp Trogg

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Everything posted by Swamp Trogg

  1. I don't see them getting a complete overhaul, but something more in the line of Fec: they get to keep what's already in plastic, have their resign models redone in plastic, plus a few all new units.
  2. I find him maybe a tad too stocky (as I prefer my basic technomages to be more hunched) but that's still a good mini and I expect to like him better in person.
  3. Count me in, those birb peoples are damn nice.
  4. Yep, genestealer cult new character indeed!
  5. If something, the Warcry warband for Ogors is a good sign : neither BoC or Bonesplitters got one. On the other hand, the refresh could be limited, like keeping all the plastic and only changing what's in resin (yethees, maneaterd, butcher, etc), plus one or two new characters, like Glittermaw for exemple 🤔
  6. Well, since I've got litteraly a dozen of the FW ones, plus the FW Fimirach and an old Mearch, I'd just like to have a game system to play them, as count as or with legit rules, and I don't care if this is in AoS or in TOW 😅 And I know there are legend rules for them, but the warscroll has at least one blatant mistake and I could not get them to change it despite mailing client service various times 😔
  7. A challenge to logic? Hum... Gotta try something... Here me out, guys. @Whitefang Fimirs? Pretty please...
  8. Mmmh, exquisite new rat-things, yes-yes! Fantastic models. I was among the "clan rats don't need to be redone" crowd, but I'm still happy about how these fellows turned out. That being said, I'm still gonna buy one box or two of the actual ones, because they will blend well with the new one, and are probably way cheaper. They will help fill the rank and will always add some visual diversity.
  9. Yes. SCE are meant to attract new players, which is good for the game and the other armies that compose it. I could not care less for them, but I'm glad they're here to assure the health of AoS and, in the end, allow armies that are more niche to exist.
  10. More people play SCE because the relative universality of their design is meant to appeal to the most. That and the fact that they are inherently easy to paint. It's not easy, but one have to admit that some armies, some concepts, are naturaly less appealing. For exemple : I play aliens space beggars in 40k (AKA Genestealer Cult). I wish they got more attention from GW but I know deeply that, even if they got dozens of new kits, they would never sold as well as Space Marines. Because they are more niche. Because they are aliens space beggars. Same thing could be said about a lot of AoS armies : some armies will always sell less than Stormcasts, no matter how many kits they get.
  11. I'm pretty sure that the spoiled space dwarfs will steal the show and that my beloved space bug worshipping balddies will get the short end of the stick. My sorrow will probably please Lady Olynder...
  12. Don't give us hope like this, tis bad for our little hearts...
  13. Everything can be mimicked and rendered in 3D. Doing all new an different Chorfs won't stop 3d sculptors from copying GW stuff. But don't see the point of doing something tottalu different with CD. A little bit, sure, but why throwing at the bin their identity? They are not generic like the old empire or to tolkineske like the old high elves.
  14. I guess it makes sense. I was still excepting a little bit more, since only one character for the whole 40k section of a major event seems a little bit slim as a preview but we'll see, and I'll huff some copium hoping for the genestealer reveal until then 😁
  15. No battle sister or genestealer cult hq in your opinion?
  16. I may be mistaken, but if I recall correctly, this description fits for Skreech Verminking, but not for the regular Verminlord.
  17. The sitting part of a Genestealer Patriarch throne. Now that's a wild guess!
  18. Because rumors approved by a serious rumor monger told us so. And about the FEC bit, maybe just because they always sold better than BoC 🤷‍♂️
  19. Oh yes, the starter box will obviously have exclusively new minis, but I expect that a lot of minis will also stay, like the doomwheel, the bell and things like recent clam pack characters or stormfiends. I remember reading here that clanrats and stormvermins are bound6to change, which I can understand, since theire currents iterations are clearly meant to be fields in rank, but I also expect them to stay more or less the same, kinda in the same way of the warriors of chaos refresh. Believing this, I'll probably buy myself some cheap actual clanrats to fill my futurs blobs of infantry 😁
  20. Seb Perbet's Skaven are peak GW sculptures in my opinion : with these models, GW reached the top of it's style, and between an Hellpit Abomination and a more recent kit of similar size (let's say the Sludgeraker beast, which I really like), if it weren't for some typically AoS bits (like Stormcasts heads) a neophyte could probably not tell which one is the oldest. So I guess and hope that the latest skaven sculpts will stay with us, and that the new ones will focus on giving us resculpts of models in dire need of a rework.
  21. That's rough if true. On the other hand, if they never seemed to fare right in AoS, maybe they will feel more at home in ToW, and on the AoS side, we will still be able to pick new thing in the first to play as count as. About the popularity question, I don't have a clue about how well the beasts are doing, but I know that some armies are inherently less popular than others, no matter how well they are rounded on the mini side. To take an exemple in 40k, Genestealer Cults (my main and favorite army there), having more or less as many new shinies as let's say Battle Sisters or Votann (and being rather competitive) are still immensely less popular than them. It's not because they don't have new minis, it's because freakish mutated hobos that get eatens by their gods will never have as much appeal as Spaces Joan of Arc in power armor or as space dwarfs. It's harsh, but I can live with it. And I guess the same could be said about Beasts of Chaos : maybe they just don't have the potential, and need the nostalgia of ToW players to be in a good place.
  22. Depends on your point of view, but with 3 armies topping each at 3000 points (Gloomspite, warclans and Hedonites) I can assure you that I have significantly less models than my Olds 2000 points warhammer armies. Heck, I even had more chaos stunties in my legion of azgorh than I have gutrippaz, and I'm rocking 40 of them, which is not competitive nor necessary to a Kruleboyz army. And to go further with the idea that Darkoath ravagers will probably be the way to go, take a look at blissbarb archers : they are recent, they are core troops, and they have even less options than Ravagers (the only model that can me modified is the unit champion with one alternative face and one alternative weapon). So, since you don't need as much ravagers as you needed clanrats in Wfb, and since there is precedent for core troops with no modularity whatsoever, I don't see new marauders coming, since they are already there. Furthermore, it's not like StD lacks marauders troops, with something like 10 bands with different aestetics.
  23. I am not sure that GW will listen to this kind of argument. Especially since AoS is not geared to support hordes of cheap infantry like TOW is.
  24. In relation to this subject, I've noticed something that might be of some interest recently. I don't know if it has already been noted, but in the second Stormbringer magazine, their is a little fluff blurb about Destruction and its factions, and on the same page you've got Ironjaws, Gloomspite Gitz and Kruleboyz presented as different armies. Might means nothing, but I think it's still interesting. And one the idea a merging Spiderfangs and Binesplitterz, I personally think it could me the best way to go : they share esthetic and thematic cues, and this stand would get them closer to the old greenskins organisation with an assembly of grots and orruk.
  25. Hum, looks like I've found my third Swamp Calla Shaman 🤔 He will make an excellent link between my Kruleboyz and their Troggoth allies. Exquisite 😁👌 On a other subject, all these returing metal models makes me a little sad about GW's decision not to bring back Chaos Dwarves : it would have been a very good way to get those old blunderbusses and metal characters 😅😢
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