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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. LET'S GOOÓOOOO And here I was saying we won't be getting new Cities stuff for a while I would be ecstatic if we got a Warcry kit for Flagellants, but even "just" an Underworlds warband is incredibly good for adding anything to the Devoted keyword apart from Zenestra and the Flagellants. And it could establish what new Sigmarite religious stuff will look like. Or it's even more (very stylish) witch hunters.
  2. This is either an extensive hype campaign, or... There's full on manhunt going on at GW for someone with the vague description of "maybe East-Asian/Singapoeran and has access to the AoS project files/a core book, get them before they leak everything please"
  3. It would be cool to see to see a Stormcast or Chaos champion who's trans (probably not beyond the ability of the Six Smiths/Chaos Gods when they can give them new bodies over and over), but Khul probably wouldn't go from Khorne's chosen to Archaon's.
  4. Valrak has been saying we'll get a Jump Pack and Terminator CSM Lord for a while now, so probably no.
  5. Okay, three days (and 10 hours ) to go until Adepticon, so time for some speculation! "REALISTIC" predictions "TOTALLY OBJECTIVE AND UNBIASED" predictions
  6. Valrak has pretty much confirmed we are getting non-mounted Votann bikers vs Cadian Genestealers.
  7. Personally, I prefer having everything I need for a unit to be in one place, so that when I look at the warscroll for, say, the Command Corps, I can just read that the Great Herald adds movement to runs, charges and retreats, instead of flipping through the core book looking for what "Swiftness 1-3/12" or something means.
  8. We already have Attilans, so another cavalry unit might be redundant. Maybe we get a Krieg upgrade pack with some heads/other stuff for them.
  9. After reading that I just assumed there was still the constant natural deterioration but the souls could also be "trimmed back" artificially to prevent them self-destructing/going on a rampage.
  10. Which one of you rats got into the printing room now? All these leaks are finally getting me into the new edition spirit. And the fact we are getting a new trailer next Thursday has me really hyped. Probably no new Cities stuff for a while, but what's a good Freeguild force without some big, chunky Stormcast to draw enemy attacks?
  11. Yeah, these are aesthetically 100% Plague Monks with wrappings, hoods and all
  13. Same box design for Blacktalons (and probably for the new Darkoath team)
  14. (Also from the video) One piece of the tank did make it into a kit. Behold, the Tree Lord base: Seems like it's part of the back around the steam engine.
  15. Would be pretty interesting to have: Grungni - Kharadron (advanced tech) Grimnir - Fyreslayers (slayers) Valaya - Dispossessed (hearth and home/traditional dwarves)
  16. The week's Chronicle: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/08/dawnbringer-chronicles-xxiii-a-murder-in-catacomb-12/ DISPOSSESSED MENTIONED! FREE THAT POOR EXCAVATOR!
  17. I also think most "future wave" Cities designs (at least looking into possible shortish term stuff) would probably have been designed with what we have already seen. Not much of a reason to develop all sorts of iconography for new Cults Unberogen and then just do literally nothing with it. And a surprise Dispossessed mini-wave would send me to an early grave from shock. It'd be glorious!!!
  18. We do have half a dwarf range refresh as Destruction statue-weapons and base decor... So it's probably this one.
  19. Would love it to be Dispossessed (MAYBE Dispossessed vs Chaos Warcry?), but it's probably still too soon for that. Probably Grombrindal or the first TOW RE. The gem probably means it's for someone higher up the chain of command.
  20. Yeah, Cities doesn't really have human foot heroes at the moment. Maybe you could use them as Marshal and convert a Relic-Envoy to go with them? Would need to put the Rook on a 32mm instead of the supplied 28mm base though.
  21. Lethis is mainly known for ghost hunting/vampire busting, so their "iconic" unit would be lines of Fusiliers banishing undead with silver bullets. They also haven raven priests of Morrda, although apart from the Command Corps priest there's not really a way to depict that sticking to only official minis. And you can't go wrong with the Steel Rook for that extra raven aesthetic.
  22. Also JEEZ THESE LOOK GOOD Might have to switch my really neglected Nurgle collection (read: 2 heroes and some Plaguebearers) to some Darkoath marauders marauding through sanctified Cities territory. With 2 Nurgle heroes and some Plaguebearers
  23. You don't have to worship Sigmar. You can worship basically anyone/noone/everyone, including: Alarielle Dracothion Teclis/Tyrion Grungni Grimnir Malerion Gork and/or Mork and/or Gorkamorka And more! (Most places draw the line at Nagash though, not to mention the vile, evil and all around not pleasant Chaos gods)
  24. It's been gone at least half a year. Last time I remember seeing it was around Spring last year before the Vanguard came out as "temporarily out of stock".
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