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Snorri Nelriksson

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Everything posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. I think tomorrow they'll reveal a stormcast hero...maybe the lord on raven gryph charger.
  2. Them combined with Grotbag scuttlers should focus as a sunworshipping-fast moving grot army. The ramshackle goblin part wiould be ramped up to eleven possibly drawing cues from old O&G siege weapons and the 40k grot committee that had similar vehicles:
  3. I was thinking....what if the bomb RE is a dual build option for Globadiers? Maybe a unit with "normal" bombs option that shares the kit...sort of sabouteur unit.
  4. Heads should be very different though, plague priests are'nt horned as grey seers.
  5. Partial OT:female custodes were never implied to be impossible save for a line about "taken fron nobility of terra Sons". Custodes creation is not extremely detailed as SM so there was room for details and innovation. But in the HH Sanguinius mention women and men clad in gold as bodyguard of his father(people thought about sisters of silence but they're not his bodyguard,they're the astra telephatica chamber militant). It's different from introducing female sm (that need the geneseed of their primarch)...maybe the lazyness of the introduction about them is "bad" (but they did the same with primaris to some extent)but they were never mentioned as "impossible to have".
  6. Was'nt mentioned this week we should had a skaven lore article though? Maybe tomorrow?
  7. Fimirs in 40k KT does'nt make senses though...maybe he misheard the rumor(Fimir for warcry?for aos?).
  8. But Ogors aren't a core faction in Tow. The whole "different sales data" would be meaningless here as they are supported only in aos so there would'nt be any problem. Considering destruction has very few armies it would be madness...
  9. Sad...i hoped they would had remade old paladins with the new annihilator armor or thunderstrike.
  10. Nope,the crazy warp lightning thingy would have been considered normal in whfb too... It's stil classic skryre all the way.
  11. So...unified hand weapon profile for them? No spear/ccw difference?
  12. We need new personalities for the 4 clans i think. Surely we'll get at least a new character for the narrative imho. Hoping that also Thanquol will be brought back in the narrative.
  13. Halfling don't need to be cannibals to be paired with ogors though...they were made by the old ones to complement each other so they could be just assistants to butchers as "cooking helpers" and just eat the various beasts they hunt. They could even be made more technilogically advanced as sort of "civilized servants" to "homage" the whole khanates using subjected nations craftsmen and scholars for their empires. I'd love to see gutbuster having a more asian aesthetic while the beastclaw retain the cavemen/hunters things. Or just make firebellies more civilized with bronze,forges and so on (perhaps mimicking early shang and Zhou bronze iconography) with their halflings as assistants.
  14. Gitmob should be expanded and merged with grotbag to make a sun-Mork orshipping themed/frazzlegit army,to complement gloomspite with their Moon theme(as they have spiderfang and moonclan). Throw in some big dumb muscle thing like the troggoth as a bonus.
  15. Do you think we could see an actual dreadnought style stormcasts unit?
  16. Odds to see a palanquin styled rat ogor mount for clawlords? Iirc they were an option for Moulder... Hoping the rat mount could be a dual kit with the pestilens option also.
  17. It's a good day to be a dwarfchad. Imho the warcry bonereapers needed a different loadout to get proper unit (more creatures and maybe doing 3 centaurs beastmaster) but not a bad group of models. Underworld cult is soo weird but good.
  18. Maybe the avatar of Horned rat is just another Verminlord type? I'd love to see also lesser daemons for him though. Can't wait to see the reveals tho....dwarf lord on shield,ossiarchs,something for Stormcasts.
  19. What astra rumors/leaks btw?The Krieg novel hinting at new krieg models? Can't wait for adepticon tbh....i never played or bought dirty Rakis but the box is tempting (i have already some stormcasts so i'm interested in the box).
  20. Considering the lady of Ruin would seems strange to focus on different chaos facitons in the same book...BUT they did the same in the Ushoran one with the Vampire lady. Maybe some sort of Enshin agent?
  21. Also old world probably is dwarvish...considering they are the next faction after orcs.
  22. They could use rat ogors kit for a moulder lord on palanquin option if they don't want a separate lord unit. Still i find weird not having pestilens and moulder hero options in the rumors.
  23. They just should make plague censers a weapon option for the base monks or even a dual kit with both units. I'm worried about moulder tbh....i can't see much other than rat ogors, giant rats(wolf rats like the hell pit white dwarf armylist i suppose?) and even the giant mole. The hellpit armylist from the white dwarf was great and full of new ideas for some mutating beasts and giving moulder some needed fleshing(lol).
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