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Everything posted by Draznak

  1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/12/dawnbringer-chronicles-xvi-the-summercourt/?utm_source=Social+Media&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=AoS&utm_content=Dawnbringers Chronicles time !
  2. You can add the character affiliated to Morai-Heg, whose symbol we saw in rumour engine and which I think Whitefang confirmed. It's also planned somewhere in the remaining Dawnbringers, I think.
  3. This cat can be related to the next vampiric-supposed Underworlds warband ?
  4. Rumour engines aren't necessarily concentrated on big releases like a new AoS/40k edition (excluding special REs with the pre-Dominion countdown for exemple). These are often ancillary releases. They should not be taken as a reliable indicator of what will be released in the future.
  5. In this particular case, I wonder if he didn't just answer about the lore aspect and not to announce any news. But I could be wrong (which is what happens when you have to decipher forbidden knowledge šŸ˜›). @Snarff : I seem to remember, once again, that he just posted the picture of lava falling into the sea to imply the Fury of the deep box.
  6. I'd be curious to know of any examples where our Great Oracle got it wrong... I still remember that he was 100% correct in his predictions (since 2019 from memory, with new chaos warriors/knights at the beginning).
  7. Whitefang reacted to this. What more do you need ? There's only half a year to go ! šŸ™‚
  8. GW should create separate categories for 40k and AoS. Every year the result is a joke (bigger 40k mini, thanks bye, see you next year for same result) Too much fan attitude that can't be objective.
  9. Could the lantern guy be related to the next Underworlds warband called Zondara's grave robbers ? (lantern... night... graves robbed...)
  10. Lumineth vs. Nighthaunt for Warcry and obviously Callis & Toll.
  11. It's very easy to churn out reliable information from our Great Oracle. I don't believe a word of it and I also expect LOL as an answer.
  12. I hope it's AoS's turn tomorrow. If it's anything like last year, there might be a mix of AoS/Warcry/Underworlds. In any case, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Lady of Ruin's silhouette... and/or the Morai-Haig's DoK.
  13. By elimination, I'd say this one belongs to the custodes : I can't think of any others that would go with any of this three minis.
  14. I think we've got a rumour engine solved with the kroot rider (so not for the Lady of Ruin) : And I also think it's a Custodian character, not a kin. Custodes, Ork and T'au fit in perfectly way with codex's roadmap for spring 2024.
  15. Adventurers from the Mortal Realms through the Nurgle's garden. You read it here first. šŸ‘€
  16. As far as I'm concerned, if she's Archaon's herald, then she's part of Undivided Chaos. But perhaps I've missed some of the rumours and innuendo of our Great Oracle...
  17. I feel the same way. It can be linked to the flaming skeleton I think and also with the wood and metal piece posted by Baron Klatz. I don't think it's kruelboyz. There's a diamond-shaped piece of metal and it's a typical COS geometric shape.
  18. I'd have seen more Dark Angels. Especially as they often have censers. Maybe next Belial mini ?
  19. Maybe some magical effect ? Or a faith demonstration by... flagellants ? šŸ˜€ I know : hope is a first step on disappointment way... Anyway, as i like Imperium, COS or any religious "warhammery" thing, I really like what I see with this purity seal.
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