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Everything posted by RetconnedLegion

  1. I mean they’re not wrong about Sigmar “i lost my hammer, run away!” Heldenhammer.
  2. It’s called Cardassian Union, following on from GW’s odd trend of naming AoS starter sets after Star Trek Deep Space Nine villains.
  3. The old multipart regiment. edit: Ignore me, I should’ve scrolled down and seen its separate release! I blame old age.
  4. Bit disappointing to see the Orc boys are the push fit Black Fire Pass monoposes
  5. The design was good. The issue is they were cast in China out of a horrendous plastic that didn’t react well with polystyrene cement. It was the case with all the early AoS scenery and some 40K pieces - the worst being a plasma gun turret thing that was so irritating to assemble that I sold mine as soon as I painted it.
  6. The same “rumour” also claimed Legions Imperialis was underperforming. You know, the game system that has sold out every release. In short, I wouldn’t write Underworlds eulogy just yet.
  7. To be honest, I’d say nothing is safe for this edition until a factions battletome is out. I suspect we’ll see more departures as armies update.
  8. It was always a luxury item. I think you’re underestimating the human desire to buy stuff when they like a tv show. I own a Sonic Spork because of a tv show. A spork.
  9. Moving to prepainted miniatures has been the death-knell for multiple companies.
  10. When the Lord of the Rings was first licensed, the tabletop game outsold 40K and WHFB combined. Because the films were still in the cinema, and later seeing the dvd release, tons of people wanted merchandise and it brought people into GW to buy models who had previously never touched wargaming. A super popular 40K adaptation could very well see a similar boost to sales. Like LOTR, it won’t last forever, but the bubble will pay for a lot of new toys before it burst just like LOTR paid for advances in plastic design and casting.
  11. The YouTuber is wrong. Custodes are selected at birth, for their genetic suitability and built from the ground up. That to me is one of the biggest ironies of the whinging. Half of those complaining of fluff changes don’t even know the fluff they supposedly care so much about.
  12. A quick play on the app, it doesn’t seem so. I imagine their disdain is for the various mortals in the god specific factions. I’m not going to make a declaration on the fluff before it’s released, too much of that going on with the current 40K internet silliness, but it does seem some of the themes from our dearly departed bovine chums have been transferred across to the less horned newcomers.
  13. Last line of the paragraph. Also add to that their desire to see civilisation crumble and it’s sounding very familiar.
  14. Undivided worshipping savage warriors who look down on those that devote themselves to a single god? That sounds familiar…
  15. It’s not. Detachments focus on play style over narrative restrictions. As it should be really. It should be up to the player to impose any restrictions on their armies they feel fit their background. I don’t use Gaunt’s Ghosts with my Catachans because I don’t feel they fit my fluff, but nobody should be told they cannot use them.
  16. Who looks better in all promotional shots? Only the Faithful!
  17. That’s Azazel. He’s a daemon prince with serious history with Sigmar.
  18. I’ve heard whispers that GW are considering releasing miniatures in the future. Can’t reveal my source.
  19. Sorry not buying it. Throne of Chaos was one of the last ditch attempts to turn WHFB sales around, along with Storm of Magic. It failed and it’s been moved on from. There’s simply no reason GW would take any TOW success and feel resurrecting a failed project, whose author has departed GW, would be the best route. I’d believe Dreadfleet was returning before I’d buy this rumour.
  20. Gloomspite 100% should have been under the Horror branding. Everyone should read it.
  21. I don’t think it’s that odd for Hobgrots being both. They’re only a single unit in Krule Boys, just like Cities have their Ogor.
  22. Their background from the White Dwarf Presents days was they turned to Chaos out of desperation because their own gods failed them, and became twisted by it. Turning to Chaos to avoid extinction has become a bit of a tired trope and covered by Ogroids and Dragon Ogors ( if they survive the Beastcull) in AoS, so I’d like them to go further down the notion you’ve said. Have the new Duardin be motivated by greed and spite, have them embrace Chaos not to survive but because it gets the more stuff than following Sigmar’s little Pantheon.
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