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Everything posted by greg19190

  1. There is nothing wrong with the list and the units you have slected will do stuff, what are you playing it against? And at what level?
  2. Should be an faq about this... but he should generate a cp as he not a reserve unit and is on the table (hidden in a unit) which is on the table. There could be an argument for saying no though as he is not set up until he is revealed so his model is not on the table/battlefield. Same problem as above for the second part of your question, but I would say he can't as the model is not on the table and he is meant to be hidden and so can't do anything until the combat phase. Main thing is talk to the TO at an event or your opponent before the game to explain, hopefully there will be an faq though.... Hope this helps
  3. Love it, in short. scryer got worse but all the other factions units if can call them that got better, with simular lists from the old book they can beat lists that would have stomped them. More to the point though I don't think they have lost what made Skaven fun to play with or against. As @Skreech Verminking said the verminlords got a buff and can now actuly reliably kill what you put them in which is abit more what the law friendly. I think you just have to play some games with or against them to see for your self. I can give more specific details if you want but the battle reports on the skaven forum should do the trick
  4. see last post for list, was playing against beastclaw raiders 2 frost lords on stone horn, 2 units of 4 mornfang, beast claw rider on the dirty snowball thrower was most of the list with a butcher and rothgar. turn 1 turn 2 turn 3 take way points hope this was interesting for some people and thank you for the read.
  5. this is the list no thrills just testing out. will update results probably tomorrow. the stormvermin will have shields...
  6. That makes sense, I think it's the flexibility that I like about them, running them in msu so they can just chip at stuff and not overkill. I have a game on Friday I plan on bringing a Verminlord warbringer, deciver and maybe up to 4 clawlords and some stormvermin to act as wound taker for them with the 15 Gutter Runner unit. I want to try the gutter runners your way to see if it workes for me (hopefully role more 6's) I also want to see if the warpstone charm can work and play arround with the clawlords switching command ability. On the off chance I get dreaded deathfrenzy off will be fun to see a super sayan suicidal clawlord from the new book as well
  7. Ok cool, you had them in your list and I have not thaught about running them as a 15, my thinking was they die so quickly and there leadership is... Skaven... But thinking about it they could be amazing (yours died to quickly) putting a unit of 15 with all the shooting and all the attacks +1 to hit and wound in to a big scary hard to kill hero combat monster with deathfrenzy (of corse)... Could be an Interesting concept
  8. Was also going to ask why did you reinforsed the gutter runners in to a 15 unit rather than 3 units of 5?
  9. I think the 4+ rally would help them in being damage sponges for the Verminous hero's and hero's on foot. Would be intrested to see if anyone has been able to make warbringer and stormvermin work for there points. I think they are good in mobility and deployment sinanigans and sounds like a bad dice role, they have been consistent for me. He is one good thing that has been added, I like using him as a attack first and then use the deciver as a 1, 2 punch that generally kills whatever they go in to. Thank you for the battle report
  10. Based on that game how would you rate the stormvermin and gutter runners now? Glad the doomflayer did some work o and Slynk and the gang?
  11. If I was starting from scratch 3D print all the way... Luckily been collecting since fantastic mettal gutter runners all the way... Proxy night runners for clan rats at the moment though... Don't need the inbred rat monkey...
  12. This may be an easy one to answer but clanrats with spears have a 2 inch attack and Rusty weapons have 1 in a unit of 40 they get +3 to the weapon range... Would that make the spears have 5 inch and if so... Can you attack with them in combat if they don't charge and are still outside of 3?
  13. That ended the discussion, dident even see that skaven lost the Skaventide keyword on there warscroll.
  14. Got it from cults for free and not sure as my mate who has a printer did them... The doomflayers also look sweet from the same artist and are free...
  15. Yes, with some of the warpfire bits from the stormfiends box and the less armored one is a korn hero that got a rat oger head...
  16. @GrimDork no they havent, i think like you said it is probably just to help the older books out untill they get new ones, hopefully an faq will be out soon to clarify it all has anyone else been able to get there rats out on the table over the weekend so far?
  17. i think @Riff_Raff_Rascal point is probably the most true they half baked the book without really thinking about it. but 20.0 is about priests 25.0 refences pitched battle profiles and 26.0 references battalions. the "upgrades" are just part of the kragnos book which is still in play as stated in on page 46, and done not come in to the category's of 20.0, 25.0 or 26.0 since the upgrades are not a pitched battle profile or battalion, i would say that they just didn't do a good job at getting consistency and so would argue that they are still applicable to our current book given the fact they dont brake the core rules. an faq/erata would solve the problem though. respectfully i disagree with your interpretation with the rules as above. i love skaven and dont want to have rules taken away if i can help it given the fact GW will probably change loads of the rules in the next faq for us (plague monks) for the worse leaving other battle tomes with all there broken stuff, to be honest i just want to play extra big-big and scary rat ogers since i have just today finished painting a unit of 6. photo below
  18. i had a game last night against beast claw riders, by turn 2 it looed grim for my opponent. see list below. played head on collision p36, i got the middle objective turn one and after popping out all the gutter runners out i killed off a thunder tusk rider and mornfang pack unit with just shooting. also summoned the boat boy turn 1 his turn he charged and killed my night runners (that were in his face) reaviling the assassins, one wiffed but the other one took 5 wounds off his frostlord on stone horn. he took turn 2 (i didn't win any of the role offs always a 1) he was stuck in combat and killed 1 assassin (the good one) and the other one scurried away, he has another frostlord and he charged the warpgnaw verminlord which took some mortals on the charge but scurried away in combat. my turn 2 i moved the warpgnaw verminlord closer to his mawnfang pack on his back objective tail wipped them and charged in. i charged the now isolated frostlord that went in to the warpgnaw verminlord with buffed up deciver (flaming weapons and arcane bolt) and Slynk Skittershank and his mates, some of his mates got stomped but he attacked first with the deciver and the the warpgnaw verminlord went against his mawnfang pack at this back objective. the deciver killed him (he had taken some damage from shooting) and that left my opponent with his genral and 2 mawnfang packs with me being 6 points ahead allrady. the rest of the game spiraled out of his control. i didn't think the 6 to hit do mortals would be that good but on the gutter runners with 3 range attacks each it was averaging 2-3 per unit one got 6 in a turn... the deceiver with the devious advisory is very reliable damage wise and is probably worth his points. the warpgnaw verminlord is deffo under costed and is a grate pick and so are the gutter runners. i think the night runners are a very useful delivery service for the assassins and they are a bit more hit and miss but they has there uses as well. boat boy is worth a pick as blocking or for getting the warpgnaw verminlord across the table. overall nice to see eshin working, they felt thematic on the board and dare i say it powerful when used correctly, so many movement shenanigan's thank you for reading eshin3.3.pdf
  19. Fair one, I think a rat swarm are good as well. I have played a reinforced unit of them and they are annoy as it is hard to get rid of them for the equivalent points... And they come back
  20. Let's hope so in the generals handbook it says the kragnose book still counts so until there is a faq I think it is fair game. Other books still have the broken stuff so think it is only fair
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