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Posts posted by DoctorPerils

  1. 8 hours ago, Nagash42 said:

    so grimdark live says the name of the new box is called Dominion. 

    the goblinoid army is called the cruel boys/z?

    they look like LOTR orcs so all mangled looking and such.

    They have a unit called hobgobs who apparently trade to get weapons and armor from Chaos Dwarves!

    Warboss is on a weird squig/wolf/bear critter

    Shame with a black pot being stirred by a snotling. 

    Ooh, I wonder if we could be seeing cross-GA alliances for hobgobs and furnace kings 😍

  2. 36 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    Blown away by Kragnos, both the model and the lore we've seen. Plus the potential he opens up for the future of a new destruction force built of his new followers. 

    I love his shield, both the design and how it's painted with the heavy Verdigris.

    I just need to decide if I paint him with green skin to match my Ironjaws.

    I think the answer should be Squig Red ;)

  3. 17 hours ago, NorthernNurgling said:

    Hello Hedonites!

    wanted some advice, below is a work in progress shot but I am struggling with what colour the base should be. I initially tried with grey stone but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance 😘


    It would depend on the colour of all the models - are the daemonettes and mortals going to be wearing a that kind of teal and metallic purple?

    Honestly, I like the look of the bare sand, so perhaps a zandri dust with seraphim sepia wash, perhaps some brown or grey for the rocks too, and perhaps a (yellow/green) grass tuft here and there?

    Are you going with any kind of theme for your army? That could also help make choices

  4. 19 minutes ago, zedatkinszed said:


    Look you cannot restrict the use of two word terms as commonplace as "cursed city". It would be possible to restrict "Warhammer Quest: Cursed City". Take the names of DnD rulesets "Vault of the Dracolich" is trademarkable because Dracolich is not a real word. "Vault of the Vampire" is not trademarkable because 'Vault' and 'Vampire' are commonplace and commonly associated. Same reason Trump could TM "you're fired". Now take, "Dungeons and Dragons: Vault of the Vampire" this trademarkable because the string of words is not common place, and because it is specific.

    All in all, just because some dude on the internet saw that there is/was a game called Cursed City and then sees that WHQ:CC is no longer being sold - and then spreads a rumour that there might be a copyright issue - does not mean THERE IS one. It's a pure conspiracy - might as well say Archaon was on the Grassy Knoll in '63. Or that Cypher was RFK's second shooter. "Cursed City" is such a commonplace and use two extremely common place words that no court anywhere would entertain a claim for this and if they did the claimant would loose, and the only winner would be lawyers. No cease and desist order could be enforced and none would be issued within 75 minutes of the product going to market for preorder. That's just silly.


    That's why I tried to say that the rumours about the copyright infringement isn't to do with the title: it would be about the contents of the text and artwork.

    On the other hand, your point about the website still being up and so on is well made, so I won't belabour the argument


    26 minutes ago, zedatkinszed said:

    Probably BS. You can't copyright the term Cursed City (prior art rules that out) - this is pure conspiracy BS. If that were the case the ww.ageofsigmar.com/cursed-city/ would be gone. What's gone is promotional material for a product nobody can buy - which is good consumer relations. It was the first thing that annoyed me - that all the PR and marketing was still up a week after the sell out.

    Incompetence / System failure is what happened here. The reason we can bank on that is the silence. GW's silence is because the problem is commercially sensitive. If it were copyright that would be a very public battle. If it were a shipping problem they'd be able to explain that and have investors understand and claim against insurance. If it's their own software/warehouse/people ****** up - that's something that would damage investors' confidence and rightly so.

    The tariff issue is hard to get away from - it would still be a mess up. If tariffs are the issue it would be damaging because it would damage the made in UK image of GW. (Yes I know and you know it's made in China but this is/was a mirage).

    My money was on a shipping disaster (product overboard that kill WHQ:CC's commercial viability) but this *potential* stock ******-up is effectively the same thing. And anyone managing people working from home knows this is exactly the kind of thing we all have nightmares about.

    It is still damned annoying that GW is not giving the game a second life - I mean there are ways around this. Sell the boards

    Unless I'm very much mistaken (I don't rule that possibility out ;)) you don't copyright a term, you trademark it. Copyright infringement is about having sentences and artwork and such being copied, or even just slightly too similar, not just a few terms here and there.

    Mind you, I don't disagree about your point about incompetence / system failure, but realise that a copyright infringement would also be a sign of incompetence. The reason I don't believe it's just a stock error or shipping problem, is precisely because otherwise there'd be no reason to not just produce a new batch - by all accounts, this was a licence to print money.

    (on another subject, why did you quote my post but respond to someone else who was claiming the copyrighted element was the title? I know that the following wasn't your intent, but it does sort of feel like a jab at me :/ )


    On 4/28/2021 at 12:01 AM, SirSalabean said:

    I was informed by my local store that the reason cursed city changed plans was due to their print company who does all the cards and such closing down in lockdown which is who they had their plans with. 

    GW is such a large company I would have thought they’d set up their own printing area by now. 

    Would that stop them from getting a new card supplier to produce a new batch?

  6. 2 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    As much as I prefer the Old World setting to the current one, I 100% agree with this.

    Please give me Destruction Wood Elves, Order Vampires or Not-Tomb-Kings, etc.

    It could also be done by creating new faction keywords, like Nurge followers and Clan Pestilens could all get the keyword PESTILENTIAL HORDE meaning they could ally together in new ways, while not completely overhauling how the battletomes currently work


  7. 3 hours ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    I'm 50/50 about the likely hood of this (lame response I know).

    Daughters of Khaine was released during the early line up of AoS Factions, when GW seemed to be doing the approach of smaller armies with few unit variance (Fyreslayers are a relic of this concept).  But I believe GW has been moving more towards larger armies with plenty of unique units. 

    I think combining Malerion's Elves into the DoK would make an easy way to expand the line. 

    Additionally with two entire armies being largely themed "Elves from Ulga", would lead to them sharing many concepts.  

    On the other hand I've been wrong with so many AoS predictions, on top of GW seems to love making Elf factions... so who knows. 

    While I think this the most likely (that or Malerion join GA Chaos upon release), I do wish they mixed up some of these factions rather than keep them in the same configuration as the old world. Like rather than make Battletome Dark Elves of Sigmar, have the daughters of khaine be joined by soulblight; a chaos undead faction in the vein of krell; a human destruction faction that doesn't look like barbarians...

    In a way, take the approach chaos Dwarves did, by moving a traditional "lawful good" race into the evil spectrum, and have them rule over a faction of their traditional enemies. Have fun breaking the stereotypes and create new characterful stuff

    (Unrelated, but I think they could have some fun with moving Cities of Sigmar out of GA Order, and making them alliable into any of the grand alliances - this could give rise to the cult of nagash faction idea, or the old wood elf units in a Destruction wild Hunt style deal)

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Harioch said:

    If generic battalions are a real thing maybe they're just the major part of all battalions but not exclusive. I mean we could see battalions by sub-factions etc. We could even have a variation in a subfaction that alter a generic battalion.

    Hypothetic example: The generic battalion "Cavalry-charge-whatever" is composed of three cavalry units and give you a reroll for a charge at your phase. But if you take this battalion in a Stalliarch Lords allegiance, it also give you a reroll for mortal wounds inflicted on charge etc or can include a Archai instead of a cavalry unit.


    3 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I have a feeling, if these generic battalions are real, they won't come with abilities and will be more like detachments in 8th ed 40k - a way to get an extra command point and artefact with a lower drop rate (if that matters) by taking certain types of unit. 

    I'm not basing this off any evidence, it's just a case of thinking that, if they want battalions to be less army-defining and considerably better for some armies over others, having no extra bonus is the way to go. Otherwise you would have special abilities that work on one unit better than the others; for example, a basic bonus is rerolling 1 to hit, but some units and armies get that inbuilt or at least very easily, whereas other armies don't have any internal access to rerolls to hit so it benefits them more. Same for rerolling charges, or +s to hit if the cap is implemented. While things like +1 attack would work, it's a bit strong so everyone would take it unless it was super expensive.

    Personally I prefer current battalions, and a half way approach of generic but with abilities that will help some more than others I can envision causing other issues. 

    The biggest loss is thematic lists - while you can play them in narrative games, many don't play those rules against strangers. Things like squig lists from battalions or beastmen marked armies would be lost from most games because other armies had battalions that were too strong.

    While I'm not sure about this, I get the impression the battalion boxes released alongside the broken realms books have followed a few broad archetypes:

    - a few have three monsters or war machines plus a Hero

    - a few have mostly cavalry (Or jump infantry)

    - a few have mostly infantry

    - many have a mechanism turning a hero into a "named" hero

    I would be surprised if these don't form the basis of the generic battalions, and would still grant some abilities (like the seraphon and hurricanum battalions both allow the constituents to combine their attacks I think).

    The thing about promoting to named characters could either become the standard, or present in a few of the generic battalions, but I don't really understand how that works currently, let alone a yet-to-be-confirmed new edition

    • Like 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, rosa said:

    I repeat: the new forum on mobile is just horrible. Much worse than the version before. The problem is that the sites are loading on page one and doesn’t display the first unread messages. 

    really, the new forum is totally unacceptable and unusable. 
    i can’t be the only one…..

    I actually have that problem on the desktop skin and not the mobile version - what skin are you using?


    29 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I think we'll get 2 more books because stopping at 4 is weird as hell, so you've got actual reasons at least. I think it does depend on what's in Kragnos though. Has there been confirmation if the BR events take place at the same time in different realms, or are they chronologically sequential?

    At least some of it is sequential, as the Twins (Slaanesh Newborn) are born right at the end of Morathi, and their model is being released alongside Kragnos

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    what it's standing on looks slightly similar to nordic/slavic arch designs, which would make what's underneath it icicles? i'm leaning more towards vamp wolves than riding wolves.

    heck, maybe it's a Skaven wolf rat standing on a Seraphon arch :P

    Considering how well wrapped up rippa's snarlfangs seem to be, icicles could just as well be another point in favour of them, but I'm not sure. Have you got any dire wolves painting examples that could look like the presented paw?

    The clawed wing rumour engine I'm expecting to be for SGL though

  11. 10 hours ago, Enoby said:

    So, here's a document with the survey results on in full if anyone is interested in reading them :)https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utDTsRtI_sZRHMUhDeTa0XDbIzhhxjpAsBAK5PhI_Z0/edit?usp=sharing

    For those who would prefer just to look at the graphs, here they are :) Note, the smaller percentage answers are only visible in the document. There were 333 responses overall - thank you all for your help :)


    The question is now how to present this to GW with a friendly and helpful email 






















    This looks like a good initiative imo (especially since you stress it's not meant to be unbiased); however, I wonder if it might be more interesting to put off sending these findings to GW until we see Slaanesh's treatment in Kragnos - I for one am hoping for a re-work of the subfactions in it, since godseekers and pretenders don't make as much sense in the context of the twins being revealed; also, new points values for general's handbook or AoS3.0 are likely already finalized, so relaying that information before their release is likely going to fall on deaf ears.

    I also think there should be some questions about whether the responder plays Hedonites, played Hedonites prior to this battletome but no longer does, would be interested in playing Hedonites were these concerns addresses, or aren't interested in playing Hedonites but would like to encourage friends to play were the battletome more balanced (magnify the message that they may sell more models for the faction with a few small tweaks ;) ) Questions about warscroll and subfaction synergies would also be welcome, as some of these could be addressed in white dwarfs or campaign books, and not just in a new battletome or general's handbook

  12. That Warsinger is looking great, can't wait for more details about Sylvaneth, especially if it's in Kragnos - might even be able to lure the GF into the game with them ^^

    39 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    That logo makes me think Legion of the Damned.

    Sorry, that's the Necromunda game logo, no ifs or buts

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 4/24/2021 at 9:34 AM, zilberfrid said:

    Newer armies have lower modelcount, and they want to keep selling them. This allows them to use less material and charge the same price. This could help that.

    Changing the batallions is stranger to me, because that would reduce flavour while balancing the game.

    Remember the chap mentioned this change specifically for matched play - if we're to see something like 40k's Crusade system (is that Path to Glory in AoS?), there may be more people turning towards narrative gaming, where flavour can still be more present without impacting balance for matched play.

    Also, depending on how they write their generic battalions, there may be some interesting differences anyway - if we go by the "battalions in a box" released for broken realms, I could for sure envisage a HERO + three MONSTER generic battalion

    20 hours ago, cofaxest said:

    I doubt that this is possible. This rule literally deleting KO from the game.

    To be honest this "leak" doesn't look promising. I can't see how this can be added with KO, Tzeench and Seraphon on the table. It will make them too strong. Probably these rules will have some kind of limitation or shooting will be changed in general.

    WRT first paragraph:

    Without seeing the specifics of the proposed rules, it's difficult to confirm how such and such a faction may be impacted. If for instance there's a rule to say you may not shoot a weapon with more than 9" range when in combat, I think that would alleviate the concerns of all who want to throw javelins and fire pistols. Now if you want to fire a rifle... Yeah, I don't think you should be allowed to fire a rifle in combat: in that case, the retreat charge reaction may be more interesting for KO depending on context.

  14. 3 hours ago, boyadventurer said:

    Where were these big model previews we were supposed to get this week? The Slaanesh ones were the usual Monday preview, so was it really just the one Ork boy?

    I think they said the "coming weeks" so there may be more next week 🤞

  15. I'm looking forward to stone/gem dwarves as opposed to steam dwarves and fire dwarves. However, I'd also like it if given duardin subfactions of each battletome could ally more easily to other duardin battletomes, like the cities mechanic has put in place - like, a specific fyreslayer lodge may ally in 1 in 4 of dispossessed, another lodge could ally in Kharadron, another this new Grungni or Vulkhaya battletome, and then in addition you might have a special subfaction that may allow you to soup all Duardin together, but with certain keyword restrictions and caveats

    This way, you'd get the best of all worlds: expandable duardin factions with each battletome having a distinct flavour, but the ability to combine them up together as well

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