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Everything posted by DoctorPerils

  1. I'm calling myrmidesh or symbaresh generic character for the RE
  2. Looks more like skaven or death to me for some reason
  3. It's actually a supplement inside the vigilus alone book, not quite as egregious as a full supplement
  4. It makes me think of the chaos dwarf mechanical squid from dreadfleet. That or skaven (the segments look like a rat tail to me)
  5. I actually quite like that second one - wasn't it released like 10 years ago?
  6. The 40k Shadowspear battlebox featured all new models for each side, but that's currently the exception - the current trend definitely looks like single heroes in the battleboxes, with potentially a larger release a few months down the line
  7. Yeah, from what I've understood they aren't bad per se, however they are overly complex for someone new to AoS... Like me XD
  8. Hoping that Hedonites get a bit of a buff (equally hopefully not enough they become overpowered!) - reading how out of whack they were at release really took the wind out of my sails for AoS, but hopefully this'll reel me back in
  9. That Hedonites battleforce looks perfect for my needs... Feth, was hoping none of these would tempt me to spend more money XD
  10. The start collecting boxes in 40k are being replaced by "combat patrols" - they aren't as interesting in terms of pricing, but they can essentially make a small army playable out the box, which didn't always work that well with the SC
  11. So what you're saying is... Chorfs for warcry? 🥺WWOOHOO! (Did not mean to add the emoji, my editor still seems to not like me hitting backspace 🤷‍♂️)
  12. Right, so let me get this straight - GW saw that having faction battalions became unbalanced and unwieldy in the second edition, so for third they (essentially) got rid of all the faction battalions in favour of generic core battalions... And then two months later they go straight back to releasing faction battalions? What's the logic behind that I wonder
  13. That "rumour" has yet to have anything to prove it that didn't come from a prior reliable rumour - I wouldn't sweat about it too much
  14. So I tried having a look at that warcry catacombs map to see if anything could fit - I don't know if this does, but that scorpion spider thing seems close to the molten wound with machinery, plus there's the hammer and anvil much closer to the surface that could represent Chorfs. Could that be possible in your opinions?
  15. I agree the general design language for the sword is closer to Soulblight stuff... Could it be for what was supposed to be a Cursed City expansion? A model to go alongside a narrative book like the 40k Warzones?
  16. I'd be all for binder BT/codices! Especially if there were a fold-out plastic protector where'd you'd keep the sheet for unit points values for quick reference, rather than flipping between pages. I do still like the idea of the lore+art+tuts sections as a book, though that should be available with an ebook/PDF version.
  17. What are these FW AoS chords you're speaking about @Greybeard86 ? The only FW ones I can think of were the minis released alongside Tamurkhan, but then I didn't follow AoS much in the early days
  18. I'll admit I was really excited to start Age of Sigmar when the new Hedonites models were previewed. Bought the battlebox with a friend, as well as the endless spells and a KoS. But ever since the battletome came out, my excitement has waned. It's not so much the army "not being good", it's the "not getting laughed off the table" that has me dubious. Years of getting tabled at 40k have taught me to see fun as the most important value when playing these games, but the faction that had me most hyped now feels unmotivating. As things stand, I think I'll be pausing my GW purchases for the foreseeable future - neither of my factions in 40k seem to on the list to get updates soon, Hedonites definitely won't until at least the general's handbook FAQ (if there is such a thing), and the other Age of Sigmar armies that could interest me (cities of sigmar, Kharadron overlords, Kurnothi, and Chaos Dwarves) either have uncertain futures or are only even hinted at by the developers. This is a real shame, as both AoS3.0 and 40k9.0 seem to have great core rules. With regards to the supposedly "toxic" community here - I must admit I feel very welcome in this forum, with loads of great people sharing awesome inspirational pictures and substantive comments and criticisms. In the last few weeks, people have been posting their concerns and hopes for AoS3, and it seems that the reveals for the upcoming rules have hyper-charged the very same concerns and hopes. I can't say I view any of those as toxic or unwelcoming, when critiques are aimed at a company who are responsible for the products we spend a lot of money on, and when enthusiasm is aimed at those products and the people who do great things with those products. What off puts me is people in the community taking aim at other people in the community for the valid opinions they hold: this goes both ways, when some try to shame others for pausing their engagement with an expensive hobby because of what they view as sub-par products, and those others kicking back at the former because they don't like being told they might be acting a little entitled. Both of these sides are a bit right and a bit wrong at the same time: we aren't entitled to a 100% balanced game system (after all, that doesn't and can't exist, at least not when we also want our new shinies), but conversely GW aren't entitled to our money if they can't convince us it's worth spending it on their products. TL;DR: I love you all, and we're all here for our shared love of this hobby: let's shake hands and get along 🤗😙 PS: if you want us to sing Kumbaya together, that's fine by me
  19. If not keywords, then at least minimal shooting distances - so javelins can be used in melee but can't shoot very far, but a bow can't shoot closer than 3"
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