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Posts posted by DoctorPerils

  1. 8 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    I wouldn't really consider the contents of the Army Set "range feeling complete from day one" in terms of a full army.

    The status quo they're talking about isn't the size of the range and number of models, they're talking about the aesthetics and heraldry of the cities, which _have_ been established by the army set (including BT and transfers)


    Obviously I'd be overjoyed for there to be a second wave coming in the next 18 months (which isn't unlikely considering recent past releases), but I wouldn't read too much into a passing sentence in an interview about the artistic design of the faction


  2. 1 hour ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    I guess there’s always the campaign books…. Though I doubt they will drop another hero or unit in there. But then again it would get people to buy another book, seems like a pretty scumming thing they could tap into lol

    They did that with dexcessa and synessa a couple of months after their battletome in aos2, itself a couple months after the HoS vs DoK boxset where the only new model was a foot hero, so I really wouldn't put it past them

  3. 1 minute ago, pnkdth said:

    They'll still be oozing with character when they've gotten a trim. When I paint and build stuff I do not want to create minis which try and draw your attention everywhere at once. Which is what some of these are suffering from. 

    Oh I fully believe your guys are going to look awesome :D Just the sort of haphazard appearance works for the theme GW is wanting to put forward for them - just as the excess of detail wouldn't work for a "cleaner" faction like Lumineth.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

    The models are so ridiculously busy with detail it really detracts from the quality of the models themselves (which are high).

    That said, nothing some green stuff, a file and clippers can't solve.

    Absolutely disagree, the detailing is all part of this factions character imo

    • Like 7
  5. Yeah with the Chaos Dwarves idea it was really completely out of the box - like, seraphon are referred to as order daemons now, I was wondering if Hashut could become some kind of god of destruction daemons. I'll be perfectly happy if they come out and are still chaos ;)

    20 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Some thoughts:
    -I think silent people can fit in as a weird deathly insect/beast army,

    Perhaps yeah - like flesh eating maggots or something? Still think having them as a cloud of locusts would work better as destruction

    -I also think that a Duardin Death army could be cool and showcase different death rituals with entombed terracotta duardin and also give the ability to chose between following Nagash and Gazul for major subfactions.

    I thought the idea of Death Duardin was madness until I read the bit about entombed terracotta warriors/clay golems - that would be really cool, though not sure it would be best as Duardin, perhaps as Aelves? Or even Ogors?!

    -I have always wanted something to showcase the living followers of Nagash and to be lead by beautiful angels of death like in Evelyn De Morgan's famous painting https://www.demorgan.org.uk/collection/the-angel-of-death-i/
    Something about the promise of becoming a beautiful seraph in the afterlife only to have the lore showcase that these are constructs of Nagash to promote reverence and worship. 

    Yeah i think living servants of Death remains the best avenue to study an expansion of the GA - perhaps half living necromancers and attendants, and half flesh golem frankensteins, or Mr Hyde types, bring in all the remaining gothic horror tropes that are missing from the GA - think along the lines of that WHU warband, perhaps expand into zeppelin sky whale corpses or something to act as Death's answer to KO


    • Thanks 1
  6. So Here's an out of the box thought: what if chaos dwarves/oathbreakers were placed in grand alliance destruction rather than chaos?

    While one of their old themes was tyranny (which is more aligned with chaos and death), most of their other themes aren't really chaos centric IIRC.

    Something along these lines would allow both for further expanding Destruction, and for a greater ease of allying hobgoblins and wolf riders between them and kruleboyz/gsg

    • Like 1
    • Confused 4
  7. 13 hours ago, CDM said:

    I thought this would a given In this addition. A bestial Warcry box similar to the furies/raptorex and 'beastmasters' box similar to the malign sorcery endless spells, complete with  beasts based on the different realms. We then got the incarnate which I thought would be First of several but .....

    Oh man, yeah, a box of the new wildercorps trackers and kruleboyz beastcatchers competing to kill or catch a set of monsters would be awesome and make perfect thematic sense !

  8. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    There's room for more than one range refresh per edition, we'll have had, what, 4 during AoS 3.0, if the FEC rumours hold?  I would not be at all surprised to see updated ranges for skaven, ogors, and BoC over the course of the next edition.

    For sure, but it read to me like Brodd was talking about the faction tie-in between Dawnbringers and 4th edition, like how Kragnos was a tie in between Broken Realms and the 3rd edition starter

  9. 8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh mate it honestly hadnt occured to me that Book II would have anything but Order and Warclans but if it does have a more Destruction focus we could have a Broken Realms situation with a mini released and then the range refresh for Mawtribes happening next Edition!!

    Sorry to burst your bubble but it seems more likely that Skaven are going to get that treatment, as the 4th ed starter seems more likely to have a chaos faction in it. But then, this is mostly baseless supposition

  10. 14 hours ago, PJetski said:

    I suspect Seraphon in the new Underworlds Core box, it would satisfy this Skink-y rumour engine


    While this is probably wishful thinking on my part, this pot with smoke seems to fit more with the Arabian nights aesthetic of hedonites, potential with some kind of ~~daemon~~ "genie" summoner?

    11 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Underworlds... I dunno, a Hashut-worshipping Ogor-team?

    You say this jokingly, but I'd be all over this! 🥰

    • Like 2
  11. They seriously chose to change their formula to avoid Slaanesh and give us extra stormcast rather than Destruction?! Very disappointing imo, I was feeling really excited to buy my first warcry boxset...

    What's the point of putting a season of warcry in Ghur and not giving destruction a warband?!

    Edit 1: Apparently I may have overreacted too fast...

    Edit 2: Nope, hopes dashed again...

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