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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. Ok ok, I was just checking MAN, mutants are cool
  2. Um, question to the mods, should we follow a rule of being spoiler-free minutes/hours before an announcement of the actual reveals? Just in case...
  3. Well, I mean, seems like the 40k reveal will have renegades, cultists, and mutants. That could be fun!
  4. Quiting them from the shop. Like what has happened with CSM's mutilators, now (in theory) taken out from the codex, as an example of GW's strategy of discontinuing products
  5. Um, yes, they are. And at the spanish shop. But then, if they're being discontinued, GW would have put them out of order, like Underworlds warbands or the Mutilator (that has disappeared from CSM codex according to the leaks)
  6. I think that, having in mind that GW loves multi-kits, it wouldn't be surprising if the box turns out to let you build them as gutter o night. I mean, well, it's literally what all skaven players have been doing for 20 years: using models with capes from the night runners box to use them as gutter runners. I think GW workers themselves have done that on a pair of battle reports. I haven't seen the original gutter runners in years (and let's remember that nowadays they're discontinued on GW's shop. And I don't think GW will stop producing them having in mind that Eshin only has literally two units) I expect something like the boingrot/riders box, ideally. I hope
  7. If someone is wondering why this configuration for the battlebox: is just all the Eshin units. A deathmaster, the runners, and the Eshin Verminlord I presume Btw don't you notice there's something missing? We haven't had the Rumour Engine! (yet) Uh?
  8. I'll marry anyone who confirms this leak (Also, no gutter runners?)
  9. And still it would be a very big thing. The CSM leaks are poiting towards a gigantic release, and the squads are a totally new faction What's more interesting, I haven't seen any World Eater so far. I suppose the leaks were wrong on that
  10. New teaser for tomorrow's 40k announcement. Notice that there are two chaos banners and two squat banners
  11. Adding more fuel for the hype train... have they put this on purpose on the banner just to tease new throwing stars for the runners? I mean... I won't complain. They are cooler than the triangles. In fact, How the f*ck have we been using triangles to murder people for 23 years?
  12. Yes, but at the Book of Heraldics, it also appears as a generic simbol, and at other clans not Eshin related imagery like clans Ferrik, Kochambre, Feesik, Scruten, Grutnik... It's a generic simbol, like the BHR's inversed triangle. One of the most classic skaven icons in fact. But I can see where the similarities and confussions have appeared, since in this banner it has more clearly the shape of a throwing star. Now, where have we seen throwing stars with that particualr shape? If I don't misremember, there was a description like that on one of Thanquol's aparitions during the G& Saga. The assasin from ¿2002? had one similar on his pocket To this day this simbol wasn't used anymore as a throwing star... but most recently... I would even add that the banner's one is a new model since it has a triangle at the center that I don't recall having ever seen. Don't discart the possibility of new Eshin models using this as weapons
  13. Haven't read the books, but according to the battletome they are just exactly the same as they were in Fantasy, only that now they're at the warp. To this day I think they haven't done nothing very excinting or important apart from being cannon fodder for other factions, like weakening Excelsis before Kragnos's arrival. At the past, at each Age they didn't appear as such an important menace as orruks or Archaon. The only relevant thing they've done since AoS started was when Thanquol discovered (by accident) the idoneth deepkin (If I'm not mistaken) Kinda disappointing having in mind that they were the ones that wiped out 70% of Fantasy during End Times
  14. It's a common symbol for the skaven that has been appearing on shields and banners (not a specific clan) since the 90s, if I don't misremember. It's still present in the nowadays (You can see examples of this common use on the Book of Skaven heraldics and uniforms)
  15. UMMMMMMMM oh my, thank you very much, I'm gonna cherish this dosis of hopium like my most valuable treasure
  16. Three hours for the rumour engine reveal... (As of late WarComTeam releases it towards 14:00)
  17. Yeah, CSM, according to the leaks, hast lots of stuff coming
  18. Still worried about the complete lack of rat-leaks Only three days left and so few rat-clown noses...
  19. I'm no leaker, it's jsut that it'll be a RE released a day before the Fest XD
  20. Rumour Engine tomorrow is gioing to be... interesting
  21. Hasn't Whitefang hinted at Legionnaires and hashut being warcry warbands? They do appear at that section of the index
  22. That would be totally my preference, yeah. I also wouldn't like the anti-soup policy to hit skaven. We've kept being the soupiest race since 1986! The NH way would leave GW a feeling of control over the factions, and we could still keep a feeling of souping.
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