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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. You see, this problem of having so much miniatures in need to get an update so hardly that some of you want more battletomes wouldn't even exist if they didn't hold on it for so much long. Also: more than Iron Hands.
  2. Wait, wait, wait, wait, waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait Khalida is not on the Tomb Kings Arcane Journal????????????????????? Btw, this is making the rounds on reddit, i dunno whether its fake or not
  3. i know that back in WFRP 1rst edition there were just Khorne, Nurgle, and Malak as the Chaos Gods, oposed to the Gods of Law. Im more uncertain about if Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and the concept of the "Four Chaos Gods" were introduced or not on second edition, tho.
  4. Because talking with Nathan from The Great Book of grudges, GW explictly told influencers to talk and explain stuff on videos, but to not show all the pages of the entire book with such detail to avoid having it all in photo'ed pdfs on the internet, which is exactly what has happened.
  5. Skavens, the council of 13, the great clans, and Pestilens included, were invented in 1986. As you've been told, Pestilens follow the whole "rats spread diseases" thing, whith the Black Plague being mentioned and all. Back at the first days of warhammer only Nurgle and Khorne appeared on the WFRP 1rst edition book, with Malak being the first. I mean, on that same number you had first skavens appearing, fighting on the Malak comic, lol. I dunno when the whole 4 chaos gods began being a thing or if Tzeentch and Slaanesh existed as well, but I think it was all later when 3rd edition started being cooked.
  6. Poor Guerrilla guys, you really can tell GW isn't going to send them stuff anymore, lol
  7. Coming from 40k, I just have to ask GW one thing as my big complain: please, stop changing how narrative rules work. Narrative campaigns can take a while, and if you change them every 3 years that can totally kill a campaign. 3 years can be little time to do a narrative thing, and many times is way less than that since many people wait for their armies to be updated to get the latest new race crusade rules. I dont totally know if that's the case with Path to Glory, but if not so, keep them not changed by a lot with 4th.
  8. Just looking at the leaked and sumed up pdfs of the armybooks (in spanish of course, because, again, in Spain we play Fantasy more than chess, lol) And booooooooooooooooy, the Chaos lord on chaos dragon is still a mad beast. 480 is a heavy price, for that cost (whitout marks or magic objects hold into acount) you get a guy able to go around and erase 1 unit per turn without a lot of oposition. Perhaps a tomb prince in bone dragon or a buffed bretonian could stand a chance? Have to read the rest, tho. Also, seems like there aren't many limits on redirecters, so I think the infamous trineos* may be on for a comeback. (the tactic of fielding dozens of just 6 giant rats+packmaster for deploying, redirecting, and trolling)
  9. Raven Guard That was what they already were on Fantasy, all the clans had stormvermins and clanrats of their own. the four big clans were just those too powerful to conceive things that gave their units as mercenaries for other clans. I still think they kinda wrote themselves into a corner with the whole clan verminous idea.
  10. But... skavens do work? People already love the diferent clans, and are willing to commit on 100 hours campaigns with each one on Total Warhammer 3. Why fix what doesnt need to be fixed? Making skavens generic rats would put them at the same level of other generic-rat races on fantasy settings, what people love about the skavens is the big flavour that the diferent clans bring. Skavens already have an identity, and a bigger one that most of the Fantasy and AoS rosters as they are right now, even with the minis older than me. Again, they're more culturally famous than like 80-90% of 40 factions, even including some space marine chapters, and that's not something that can be easily be said nowadays. And a grand part of that flavour is what the clans bring to the table. They just need all of that to not be neglected in favour of another army of elves. Also, lol, nowadays GW can hardly keep their stock for 2 damn hours on just a book to now just pop out of nothing 5 new armybooks.
  11. Anyone would say skavens sell bad and are highly impopular according to GW, instead of being one of the 5-3 most popular Warhammer races thanks to the support of the community, videogames and memes. Oh well, GW hates the money, I guess. Thats simply not gonna happen. Globadiers, Rat ogres or grey seers are just one of the many reasons why people LOVE skavens for them to get an oversimplification. Its their moto, some of the most iconic units in warhammer. Would be like taking Basilisks away from the Imperial Guard, or erasing Phoenix lords from the eldar roster. Would be a very stupid move. Alltho, granted, they already killed the council of 13 to not be plotwise relevant ever again, so, who knows at this point.
  12. Well now I know that the 4th days teaser had to be a skaven because GW didnt care
  13. Ok but GW where's yesterday's teaser for LVO lmao
  14. Man, I almost had a hearth stroke But yeah, seems like they just changed the heads and tail to confuse people, lol
  15. Is there? Havent seen anything so far 40k doesnt have that much stuff left until summer except for a BIG tau wave release, which as of yet could be anounced during LVO. These previews seem to aim for anouncements 3-month-ish prior released. (Here Im trusting Valrak, and bro has actually talked about some 40k Big released, like a 2nd wave of eldars, krieg, or emperors children, but only one of them can fit on the top secret spot of the 2024 Roadmap) We could get 4th edition anounced at the Fest, but I dunno, Fest is may, and new Big GW stuff tends to be released in the middle of June for fiscal reasons. Its not a lot of anticipation, GW can't afford to be like Nintendo with the Switch 2.0. It could totally happen, im just explaining my line of reasoning for expecting a 4th anouncement in adepticon instead.
  16. Dont hold your breath. For new rats you should wait adepticon, where new editions tend to be anounced. id say we perhaps get a warcry Eshin band anouncement, but I dont expect them, tbh.
  17. Seems like today Warcom won't post any teaser for LVO?
  18. Completely agree except for the suggestion of Queek being generic, bro had a personality, a narrative arc, a friend (a skaven friend!) and all. All that was explored on his novel, but Im totally 100% ok with him staying dead. His story has already been told, while Ikit Claw has more things to explore now that he's on AoS. (in fact, he's the only skaven in AoS that has actually got some character development on the whole setting, lol)
  19. I mean, it would be weird to have him coming back, Queek's death is one of the few deaths in End Times that isn't (very) polemic He's like the second most iconic skaven ever known just behind Thanquol, but in the skavendom we're most expectant of Ikit Claw's return. Unless the "new warlock" bit means him, I guess.
  20. Im not talking on what has happened, but why. Why not use then your old models (if the whole Seb Perbet lΓ­nea is getting redesigns) for a tow suported army, revamped with a new name, and then keep skavens, now with 90% totally new minis, as an AoS faction like what It seems theyre doing with beastmen? (Alltho, that last part is admitedly pure guessing)
  21. The original quoted post by @Chikout was disliked by whitefang btw
  22. No please, Gw, please, change the rules of nature if needed, just update the ninja monkeys, is that too much to ask? Just one thing!!!
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