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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. Who the h... who is... HOW MANY WARHAMMER LEAKERS ARE THERE?????
  2. Perhaps. Would be painful having to wait for april tho. I miss camera potato... Also, now that I think about it, if Warcry's theme for this season is woods and stuff, a beastmen band should be a safer bet
  3. Ummmm then i think the next warcry band should be anounced on the WWOD, right? Trying to search atterns there, there should be a chaos warband due for spring. I won't say there may be rats there because I'm heavily biased, but a Chaos warband seem like a safe bet. What I now doubt it's if AoS 4th ed will drop on Adepticon or Fest, Adepticon seems very focused on 40k (alltho, they don't seem to have a lot to anounce for the updated codexes in summer, which acording to valrak most of them consist in just codexes+1 HQ mini). If 40k doesn't have a lot cooking on after the kroot, they may prefer to anounce AoS 4th ed there instead of the Fest.
  4. Ummmm is there scheduled another preview before Adepticon? Just trying to guess if they'll show a new roadmap for Warcry
  5. Not a single word on the legacy pdfs. Or they get shadow-dropped during the week, or sadly I'm right and we'll have to wait until february.
  6. My bet for the release of the legacy pdfs: 5 of february, this year
  7. It's from a youtube video, og youtuber was just wishlisting
  8. I said "more credibility", not that he was all of the sudden a Warhammer preview. The avatar of the Horned God thing seems like the thing that contradicts the Singapore rumours the most. I keep thinking that "New Verminlord" bit was refering to new variants for Moulder and Skyrre.
  9. Now that @Whitefang back me uphas more credibility thanks to him predicting greenskins for TOW this month, I think its a good time to remember this rumour he brought up Doesnt totally contradict the rumours from Singapore, if someone wants to bring those up again. Also, if anyone is waiting for camera potato to come back, I dont think its very likely to have one for the starter box. GW seems to have improve much their security since Angron got leaked. The dwarfs dices were already too much surprising to see so early on.
  10. With GW the healthiest attitude is to expect the worse and hope for the best So yes, legacy pdfs dropping in early-to-mid-february
  11. Probably they'll be released on february
  12. There are some problems that make those REs not be skavens: -Skavens don't write in ordered lines. They write in runes and scratches. Can look like a nitpicky detail, but GW has kept it going even in newly painted plague monks -Skavens aren't that much on putting rats into their art. I mean, they don't even have art as such, tho. And there's a bird on the other side. -Skavens arms aren't that long and slim. -There are souls coming out from one of the potions. Skavens aren't that much into the keeping-souls theme. orewise, why would they need to use souls when there are so many of your kind that is worth ****** and you can already throw to the enemy? -Drawings of skulls that aren't very ratty Of course, this is all nitpicky, and I can see these details being incorporated into the desing. I'm just pointing out the patterns GW likes the most to put on skaven miniatures, and why some details on the REs don't match up with those patterns.
  13. You ask me what meta is? Meta... Meta is you
  14. Because a Roadmap is for material in at least a 6 months prior basis. So it would have to incluye AoS new edition on It. But GW really prefers to anounce new editions on proper previews instead of roadmaps.
  15. They cant do a new roadmap if theres a new edition coming this summer...
  16. btw, Im seeing a bit of confusion, so These guys aren't gnarloc riders. They're riding younger verssions of the krootox. The image of the teaser however totally looks like a gnarloc, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's also a giant gnarloc in the way. All 40k armies need a big centerpiece for the bucks and to give some heavy support because now Imperial Knights are a thing and the kroot detachment would need something to counter it. Also, btw, I hope those krootox riders come with some spetial part to help fix them on the bases because, lol, that can be a painful montage.
  17. Whatever the next warcry band is: please let it be fighting against skavens. I want rats, what can I say.
  18. ... ok, I'll wait. I'll have faith. Faith of the hearth.
  19. Ummm ok, you keep telling me that, what were the original posts liked by Whitefang? Can't find them.
  20. Would be cool. As with my "GW hates skaven" running theme (a meme at this point, I'll reckon) it's one thing where I'd really love to be wrong and eat a big L because it would actuaally be a W.
  21. I'm starting to think that the legacy pdfs won't drop until february
  22. Either adepticon or fest, alltho I think fest is due for may this year and it would be weird to delay such a big anouncement so much.
  23. Ok, now I really seriously need to know if GW is doing skavens this year, because I've some money saved for a big release, kroots are confirmed to be coming in very sexy, there are no skavens in sight, and I have just the savings for one big gw thing in 2024. just a few likes from whitefang for posts I can't even seem to find don't seem enough to keep the copium. I need the posts, I need the sauce, I need some legitimacy, a camera potato or a leaker telling me to wait, ffs. That's why Im allways pending on rumours, camera potatos and uncles working at nintendo, I want certainty and financial security for months ahead.
  24. Now that I think about It, its surprising how they did a preview of an hour long whitout showing any loyalist space marines at all, not even a primaris lieutenant!!!
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