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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. As a hobbyist i love this change, i can model my minis how i want to. I never liked building my models a certain way because of rules. But this might be more of an 40k than a AoS problem. From a gamers perspective this might seem like a step back.
  2. I dont see a reason to cut into Orruk Warclans any further. I dont expect the lore to go any deeper if split. After a new Kruleboyz range + Underworlds and Warcry warbands and a big wave for Ironjawz i dont see many big things happening any time soon. If any Destruction race should get split into a tome i would predict it to be Gitmob that moves into a Glareface Frazzlegitz tome. A Troggoth tome would be the dream, but i think they will stay with Gloomspite Gitz. And even then i would rather see something new join Destruction. My biggest selfish wish is a Spiderfang update. I am kinda amazed to see them stay and Bonesplitterz leave to be honest.
  3. K thanks. I will keep an eye on the 2nd hand market for a discount.
  4. I dont follow killteam releases. Are they going to do a separate Mandrakes release? Want to use them as Tree Revenants.
  5. Yeah i forgot about Drogrukh for a bit. Could be the reason why they chose to do this. I hope the removal of all these old kits results in some awesome new stuff rather sooner than later. Im not a Chaos collector so Chorfs are not for me. I hope Destruction gets something good in return too be it Frazzlegitz, Ogors, Silent People or Drogrukh.
  6. Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked? Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too. This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.
  7. I changed my mind on what i want to buy from GW. I continue to finish my armies that i planned, gathered, build, painted even if GW if putting them into legends. I am a hobbyist first and gamer second. I will just continue building an army that i like, using models that i like. And to be honest i am thinking about buying more Spiderfang before they get removed just because i always wanted to expand them. If they ever get new models, great, i can add more to that army, if not, than i have an army i really like the looks of or i can use legends rules or try a system like OPR. I still like these older models very much and i dont feel like having to buy into the newest shiny toys because GW decides to refresh them and forcing me to buy the 2.0 version of models i basicly already own.
  8. Bonesplitterz and BoC players didnt? There are people that might havd bought a BoC vanguard recently. I remember @KingBrodd starting a beasts army not that long ago. Its not like they havent sold the minis for 10 years and just dropped rules support. I can understand the logic behind removing all whfb models from the AoS range. But i dont agree with how GW is handling things. Its just sticking as much bandages (legacy rules lol) as they can at this pojnt so people dont feel hurt. They are still the ones that cut the armies this late. People will have a strong opinion in this matter. Edit: Also just tell us if ranges will be updated or reimagined if they already know. Its completely different from just removing armies.
  9. This doesnt negate anything i said. They still supported these armies for 3 whole editions before deciding to do this. Sure they can stop selling models if they want, its their company. Nobody has the right to complain right? Dont think that is true at all.
  10. Whats the point in stating your opinion like this? They have had a tome. They have received a warband. Theres actually quite a few Bonesplitterz players on tga already. Maybe not all competitive ones. Thats more than some other subfactions ever had. Cant be sad/mad about something like this?
  11. 1. Bonesplitterz did a fusion ritual with Beasts to become wereboars(goats?). 2. Bonesplitterz get into haute couture 3. Gors turn into proxygors (too soon?)
  12. I will proxy my Bonesplitterz as regular Ironjawz. Savage Orruks as Ardboyz. Savage Big Boss as unit champions. Wolverine from Hedrakkas Madmob as Ardboy Boss Wurgogg Prophet as a Weirdnob Shaman. I think that will fix most of my problems. I think it will look great next to the Wrekkaz and Morgoks Krushas.
  13. Destruction well represented i see. I hope i get to attend a tournament some day. Edit: Congratulations on the win!
  14. Ok now im less emotional, lets analyse this a bit more and stick with me here. I know Bonesplitterz/BoC were rumoured to get squatted so i am not actually that surprised by this move. But i do like that GW announced this over a year in advance and we are still getting a tome, so us casuals can still play the army for at least another 3 years. I have no interest in playing ToW as i simply dont have time for another huge game system. I guess ill just use my savage orruks as regular ardboyz and nobody will actually care that much. That said, i do have a few things that strike me as odd and do want to talk about. Ill list them first. -Removal of only the Scuttleboss. -New Bonesplitterz lore? -Oddly specific date for moving into legends a few months into 4th edition. -Similar article to the CoS update. -The spider incarnate still missing. -Season of War Gallet was supposed to be about BoC and Bonesplitterz right? -Manifestation spell lore. I might be missing some things here but i think this can mean a few things. First i love that Spiderfang is sticking around for a while. I hope the Scuttleboss gets a glorious new model and i think the spider incarnate could be reused as a new unit for the Spiderfang. Could we be looking at a range refresh for Bonesplitterz and BoC 2025? This article really is giving me those CoS vibes when they got their stuff removed. Also when talking about manifestation lore i think about Shamans first. Did the Season of War Gallet get moved into early 4th edition? Just thinking out loud, things surrounding these 2 factions have been weird for a while now. I am more hopefull for BoC than i am for Bonesplitterz as units like the Wrekkaz are basicly just Bonesplitterz. Other option is that they all just simply got removed XD. (Also really think lack of sales is a lack of support in this case, cant even buy most of the range) Ill continue loving my models and will finish my army, it will be a passion project and not one for gaming purposes. I will focus on GSG as thats the safe bet for AoS. Thanks for reading to the end. Let me know what u all think about this. I know its a stretch, but i still think these decisions made by GW are weird.
  15. To my knowledge many Bonesplitterz units are played as big waaagh.
  16. Wow... just .... wow.... I guess GW just wants to kill of my whole collection. First Gitmob and generic Orcs, now all my Bonesplitterz and the Scuttleboss. This really makes me wonder if i want to continue this hobby. Even Hedrakkas got removed and that is a newish kit. This really feels like i am getting punished for playing non order or marine factions time and time again. Its fun to get Kruleboyz and Kragnos, but by now i only have Gordrakk and u unit of brutes left thats legal after 2025. Really GW? Why? My whole 2000 point whfb army is invalidated and it had cost me years to build and paint the it all and added to that while AoS was already a thing. Mh army got split up and moved to different books. And now i get my models removed as the cherry on top?
  17. Curious about what tga thinks. On any other day i would have picked Skaven. But these raven knight deathcast have my interest and maybe thinking about starting that army. So im going with Stormcast this time.
  18. I would love a 4 year cycle. Building a new army takes me so much time that when im finished the edition is almost over and my army list invalidated XD. This is also why im happy we are getting indexes this time.
  19. Agreed. Small hammer makes them look like:
  20. I wonder what Underworlds warbands are going to look like. Most of them are a hero model + bodyguards in AoS, 2 warscrolls. This going to change?
  21. I think GW hasnt forgotten about 40k soup lists. Dont think they will make that mistake again. But who knows XD.
  22. I can see GW releasing these regiments like micro factions to add to an army for sure. Maybe in a regiments of renown style box releases aswell. Would be perfect for subfactions like Gitmob/Spiderfang/Firebellies/Kurnothi or different subfactions of CoS.
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