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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Haha i just like rolling different types of dice i guess. Its a small thing that just more fun. Just like scatter dice or any other weird type of D6.
  2. That is kinda the point i am trying to make. It is complicated layers of rules for no real reason most of the time. But i guess it adds some flavour besides just having a single statline.
  3. I just want to be happy about the rumour that endless spells are staying. I quite like them, they add a fun element to the game.
  4. I just like the idea that a chaos warrior could have 10 armour save. Compared to maybe a 3 armour save for a moonclan stabba grot. I think it could make the stats represent the models better than a D6 could.
  5. Do you all think it would be possible to go to D10 or D12 dice with the current version of the core rules? I was wondering if it would be a possibility for 4th. I think it could be possible with updates warscrolls when 4th releases. Could also possibly replace the 2D6 rolls to a D12. Dont think it is very likely though.
  6. Then we all go back to the weird 1850 point standard we used to have a long time ago haha XD.
  7. If i had to choose i want things to change completely. Move to an alternating activations style game. Get a better core game. Not one full of holes that need fixing every few months just to create more problems. Free warscrolls in the app and more support for Open play and not only Matched play. Create more unit types. Most units feel samey to me. Also really really need better use of keywords to lighten up on all the unnecessary reading i need to do every time i want to play a game. I am not in the luxury to play many games a year. Edit: i also really would like to move to a bigger dice. If u they want to keep the statline basic and easy to understand that is fine. But use some higher values at least. I would prefer D12.
  8. This. The Weirdbrute Wrekkaz/ Ragerz represent this part very well.
  9. Yeah i agree. Buying the same book with updated rules again and again isnt my favourite thing. Especially now that i own multiple armies, i rather buy more minis. I really hope we are still getting free access and warscrolls in the AoS app 4th edition. I dont like the silence before a new edition drops.
  10. Those shields have always been used to represent the evil sun and they renamed it glareface frazzlegit. Its the gobbapalooza that refers to the old times not the other way around imho. It has just been more commonly used with 40k orks. I feel like GW is planning something similar for AoS with the frazzlegitz.
  11. I love the Doomwheel, but i dont think it aged well. It looks really flat compared to other sculpts of the same size. I think such an iconic model can use an update, same with the cannon. Edit: many older designs just look designed to fit on squares a bit too much.
  12. I can see some of the references but i dont really think that is what happened here. I think these are some early AoS concepts for Gloomspite that got thrown together into this group of great minis. Maybe for a lack of units to go along with them or just random hero designs. The Snarlfang Riders and also Rippas warband kept the classic Gitmob design, so i dont think we are getting moonclan version of those in the future. And i hope the Spiderfang also get to keep their own theme in the future (if they dont get squatted), maybe delve deeper into the venom trading aspect.
  13. Its also the eight pointed star. Next edition the star will be complete with updated rats and chorfs. Or not because somehow we lost BoC.
  14. That are a lot of Rockguts, looks great. Which models performed well for u? And which under performed?
  15. Nvm, seems like they are different after all after i did some more reading. Your discription just reminded me of those things. They are discribed as some kind of titans.
  16. Are u saying this could be a setup for chaos sigmarines? Just checking XD.
  17. Wouldnt that make BoC just like some sort of eldrazi from mtg or "void things"? I feel like BoC is a more original idea than that tbh.
  18. I would start collecting sigmarines if they get an actual rhino XD.
  19. So BoC are being removed from AoS? The Whitefangs are dropping bombs today.
  20. They should use humans, but then the chariot wont really be that usefull XD.
  21. Please dont get me started about the Gitz tome. Its basicly 4 or 5 factions depending how u look at it. Troggoths, squigs, grots, Spiderfang and Gitmob. Gitmob doesnt have any synergy at all in the tome.
  22. Same as Bonesplitterz, but it seems like BoC are far more popular after all XD.
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