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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I really think GW had some big plans with all Daemons. I think they are planning a dual release with 40k and update all Daemons in one go.
  2. I think its a bit weird to not get cover when shot by a unit with fly, but my Nighthaunt will take this.
  3. I see way too many different boxes from vallejo and AK gen3. Any good allround boxes out there to start out with? Buying a whole range is no option sadly.
  4. Hope i get to paint something this month. Life has been busy.
  5. I think its safe to assume that there wont be any cuts before bonesplitterz and beasts get removed from the game. (Dont remember exact date) I think it was around the 1,5 year into the edition mark. Maybe some units dont make it into new tome, but i dont see them remove another subfaction at the moment.
  6. Anyone got a clue to what weird things could be?
  7. This hobby costs money but that doesnt add anything to the discussion because we are all already a part of the hobby in one way of another imho. For me its about what a product is worth. Its getting harder and harder to justify a 40 euro purchase if it has just 3 models in it (looking at u Brute Wrekkaz/Ragere). Same with the tomes, for me 20 euro would be fine, maybe 25 for a bigger one. But i guess we will be spending a lot more 4th edition. Im really not going to drop 50 euros for a bit of paper i hardly use. Another thing i really have a hard time supporting is paying so much money for minis and seeing how lacking warhammer+ content is and everything that is happening with amazon. Is seems like we are payjng top prices for failed investments from GW. Just let us pay less so i can actually affort some more minis.
  8. I need new Hexwraiths before i turn into one myself.
  9. Same here. Im not starting a new army 4th even if its Gitmob. Just simply cant afford it. I will set my sights on 1 army and spend my time on that. I think i am going with Orruks too. I do hope Big Waaagh will continue to exist, but im not holding my breath on that one.
  10. I actually would have liked them in Destruction.
  11. Oh and i love these new Jezzails. They are just like how i would picture them updated to todays standards. I also feel like we could conclude what the rest of the models will look like. They seem to closely follow the older classic sculpts and dont do anything too fancy with it. Also dont think we will be seeing any of the other clans anytime soon, at least not an AoS release.
  12. I can see what u mean but i do think its different enough. To me Sylvaneth feel more like angry woods that dont want any visitors. I picture these faeries more like imps in a more active aggressive way, they could raid cities over night. Give them the magic to make people forget they have been seen. So everyone thinks they dont exist and are creatures of legend. (I need to find myself some 3d printed range of minis that i can use to proxy now, they scale would be weird though)
  13. Destruction wishlist idea of the day. I would love for Destruction to get a faerie faction along the lines of the mtg ones and make them hate creation like the rest of the grand alliance. I think it fits AoS really well. Could also include an Avalon/ Atlantis kind of theme to it. Would prefer this to even more greenskins. They could still follow Gorkamorka but havent figured out how yet.
  14. I think this is the case. The fact GW doesnt do anything about all this means they actually like all the attention all of their games are getting because of this, all free publicity. People are going to check out what all the fuzz is about.
  15. @Baron Klatz This is a very inspirational picture in many ways. Reminding me again to build and paint just whatever i like even if its just the same model (and mollog). This list must be a blast to play.
  16. I would like to see more diverse greenskins, give me some snotlings too please.
  17. I like the table size overlap. Now i can invest in Warcry and Spearhead at the same time. Win Win really. I am actually hyped to start building my first table/ terrain now that i can use it for both systems its actually worth my time.
  18. Like this very much. Love smaller sized games. Hope Spearhead is going to do well for small sized games in general.
  19. They could just be GW employees. I dont care really because i appreciate them fuelling the hype train.
  20. Dont do this to me XD. I would love for Incarnates to be balanced this time.
  21. I am going with the inside of a cogfort catacombs setting. At least we got a cogfort rumour. Havent seen any legit rumours about mordheim other then wishlisting and nostalgia. I really hope Warcry will continue to be great. It could become one of GW best games of all time. Catacombs was fun because it was Warcry with a twist. I would be fine if we got something else too. Maybe some sort of map with lots of small sky island and ships. Or some sort of boarding setting.
  22. Sorry didnt actually notice the swearing to be honest.
  23. Wouldnt it be great if GW made a Zombicide game but with Skaven instead of zombies. GW can easilly pull that off. Make some great looking heroes like Cursed City, all is happy.
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