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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. How would they be allied to Chorfs? Dont really see any connection there. Am i missing something? Fighting chaos is what greenskins do best, its how the mortal realms survived archaon/ end times right? Grots also have a long history with Skaven, might be a nice segway of an early 4th edition tome for the grots.
  2. I dont think Gitmob would ally with Gitz for a long time. Also love this art. I dont think the tome is messy and bloated at all. I like it much better than Orruk Warclans. Each of the Subfactions feel really different and fun imho and u dont get punished that hard for mixing them. This is just a random thought i just had. Could Kruleboyz maybe share a tome with Gitmob? I feel like their designs match really well. I could see Spiderfang moved out of Gloomspite Gitz, but not replaced by Gitmob. I feel like Bonesplittetz and Spiderfang would be the best combo. But i know there isnt enough space in the GW schedule to make this all happen. I give Glareface Frazzlegitz the best chance because its been name dropped a lot this edition, hopefully together with Grotbag. Edit: i like the AoS lore of the Spiderfang so far. Hope they get a refresh some day. The Arachnarok is still a beautifull kit.
  3. This is an epic idea. Hope GW goes here sometimes for inspiration XD.
  4. New Sourbreath Troggoth for Gitmob would be perfect. Just saying...
  5. I hope u are right so much. What kind of units do u think we will get for Gitmob? I hope we get: AoS version of Grom, big grot riding a big sandworm. Shaman riding a Scorpion Rock lobber/ Doomdiver hydrid Some kind of desert glider/catamaran. Grot mob with nasty skulkers Yes i really hope they go with a desert theme here. Another option would be a sky pirates theme making a combo with grotbag.
  6. I was thinking about using the marshall and envoy as the 2 wizards, they seem perfect for the job with a little kitbashing.
  7. I love Warcry. Best GW game at the moment imho. Deserves all the praise it gets at the moment. Hope the rules stay the same for a while.
  8. Also my problem with the Thondia box was that i wanted parts of it. The price was so high though that i just couldnt afford it. A book + incarnate would have been enough for me.
  9. Want to ress this thread for a bit. I am looking for a human warband and thinking about using these as the base. Dont know what GW models i could possibly add and also what i could use as a the wizard + apprentice. Maybe add steelhelms and look for the wizards elsewhere? Does anyone know what kind of weapons the steelhelms got on the sprue?
  10. Could this mean they are planning to continue the seasons of war series after production continues? It was just such a weird release. I think the lack of information about the contents of the book really hurt the sales. After all this time i still dont really get what its about. It seemed like an expensive box u needed to buy to play Krondspine. It could explain the move for Warcry boxes to separate the terrain from the other good stuff. I think good terrain pieces will sell themselves if they are good enough. I also think Krondspine would have sold better if it got released sooner, i still really like the concept and the model imho looks great. My point is, could they be thinking about selling a Season of War book a new incarnate and new terrain separately. I think if GW moves away from focussing on a single realm it could be the case. This season involved a lot of realms and it was better for all players in the end.
  11. Had the same thought. I just really hate that i still dont know if my armies are safe from the chopping block. Bonesplitterz and maybe Spiderfang (at least the incarnate) are also part of that story and i really want to know if they are safe. But we still have more Dawnbringers to go and hopefully we will get index updates for 4th so we can rest assured. I will focus on the good stuff we got for the moment. Does anyone know if the new IJ wave got Warcry rules too? Also sorry for the negativity yesterday, had a bad week.
  12. Guess im just being passionate about the stuff i feel most connected to. And i feel like the edition are order vs chaos, order vs death etc. Might have been thinking too much about this. But if there would be any setting for things to get good for Destruction it would be a narrative in Ghur and that is how Broken Realms introduced 3rd. I was waiting for more to come. Not talking models here btw. But it seems like its just me feeling this way.
  13. I was talking about the lore/ narrative in the era of the beast. Besides the Thondia book it doesnt really contain anything Destruction at all. We got a piece about a troggoth king that to be honest could happen in any of the realms at any time. Its not related to Ghur or the Destruction factions at all. Sorry for being negative without some more input. I was hoping for a followup of the Excelsis battle. Gordrakk following up on his battle with Kragnos. Or any other big thing happening from the side of Destruction. What did we actually do this whole edition? I have waited for close to a decade for things to get good and nothing happened. We got a mouth of mork pulling pranks on a lost pony. Really... thats everything we get? I might have got my hopes up a bit too high but after all the good stuff AoS has been putting out i feel really sidelined. Its all about CoS, Skaven, SCE, FEC, Sylvaneth, FS. Yes we did get some models, but to be honest so did all the other Grand Alliances, we got a full FEC army, a new Seraphon army, CoS refresh and i am happy for all those players. Would have been nice to have at least Ogors get an update. Exaggaration? I think not. The focus should have been on Destruction/Ghur, like first edition was to Chaos. Like second edition was to Death. Destruction really got the short end of the stick this edition. Feel free to convince me otherwise. Edit: dont even get me started on King Brodd... @KingBrodd no offence XD. Edit 2: did someone keep track of how many releases each GA got this edition?
  14. Seems like i have to get the Thondia book. Keep hearing good things about it. Makes a person wonder why they scrapped the idea.
  15. Yeah it still feels bad after 3 year of thinking we finally got our turn. At least we got Kruleboyz, some warbands, a few hero models for GSG and a few units for Ironjawz. Was expecting updated Ogors, Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz, Firebellies, new gargant, Gordrakk doing at least something usefull, Gitmob (at leasr they got a keyword with no rules). Used to play Eldar, things werent much better on that side of the universe.
  16. And once again Destruction gets treated like they dont exist.... Edit: or get something like Kragnos.
  17. I think they need to develop the realms better. Give some places more substance so i can feel connected to the lore, a lot of it feels shallow. I think previous editions did this better. I feel like Broken Realms contained more info about Ghur than Dawnbringers, but it could also be the fault of the Dawnbringers story and not the setting.
  18. Its just like Bonesplitterz. U can join da club if u cray cray. We just more nice, we dont lock em up.
  19. Sooooo Deathcast are basicly the forsaken from WoW?
  20. But who would Death Stormcast be allied to if they are included in the Death grand alliance. Could they be the first non-Nagash themed army. Vandus going to be a mortarch? That even possible? Sorry dont know that much about order factions.
  21. What parts did u use to build these archers? I might borrow some ideas to build myself some Glade Guard/ Gossamid Archers proxies.
  22. I like the idea that Morghur gets the new weird chaos things faction and the bull/goats defect to a new Drogrukh faction with Kragnos. Dont think it will happen, but it had potential. It will put a lot of BoC in rage mode though.
  23. All the armies and subfactions i like the most are the least supported. Bonesplitterz, Spiderfang, Gitmob, Ogors, Dispossesed, Deathrattle skellies, BoC, Eldar... aspect....nvm XD. But after all the refreshes and updates GW pushed out this edition i am still very positive about things to come. Cant wait to get my turn, and it will be glorious. Edit: almost forgot to give a shout to Wanderers, but they already got removed i guess XD.
  24. Haha i just like rolling different types of dice i guess. Its a small thing that just more fun. Just like scatter dice or any other weird type of D6.
  25. That is kinda the point i am trying to make. It is complicated layers of rules for no real reason most of the time. But i guess it adds some flavour besides just having a single statline.
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