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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I actually think Kruleboyz are a kind of range refresh. The old Orks and the shields with faces on them, the Gitmobs warmachine influences like the Beast-skewer Killbow and the Sloggoth. They are very similar imho. I'm still hoping for something totally new for Destruction. Edit: I also would like to see some warmachines make a comeback like the Doomdiver or the Pumpwagon. A new Hellcannon and Doomwheel would be awesome too.
  2. I was wondering about what a Tyranids style army would look like in a Destruction AoS setting and now i want to buy it asap. I am also wondering what armies we are missing from the lore side of things this edition. Are we expecting a new Destruction faction or something totally different?
  3. We still have armies with 20+ year old metal and finecast models. I think its save to say we have hit the maximum faction limit.
  4. Dont forget Silent People. They are an important part of the rumour business.
  5. Im happy with this list! I'll start saving (selling marines) for new Nighthaunt stuff asap.
  6. Hi all, i'm looking for 3 things regarding battle reports. 1. Many Battle Reports are about the same thing. 2000 points matched play and 1 to 2 hour long videos that are very boring to watch in most cases. I dont want to waste my time and watch someone perform every step of the game or look up rules. I could play the game myself in that time frame XD. I would like a sports channel style summary or commentary of a game. The only channel i know of that does a decent job at this is Play on Tabletop. They do a 40 min report on 40k and it looks great (check it out). Does anyone know a similar channel for AoS? 2. Where can i find something that is not about matched play? Something about narrative play, open play or campaigns would be awesome. 3. Anything about 1000 point battles would be awesome. Its the thing i play the most because it takes less time and space (luxuries i dont have a lot of). I am kind of surprised by the lack of 1k content to be honest (also for 40k). If anyone has some channels/blogs/vlogs i could check out while commuting to and from work would be great!
  7. I guess thats true if u only talk about publishing books, My original post was more intended towards model/army releases and the books that follow those models. I'm sure GW is able to publish a ton of books if they want to. 40k has 34 armies at the moment and 12 of them are marine chapters and 1 Ynnari that basically is normal and dark Eldar. Sure some chapter have some more unique models. AoS has 24 unique armies not counting everything souped. And they release like 6 to 8 books a year for each system? That would be a full refresh every 4 years. I think that is already stretching things and some armies get supported every year while others are neglected. I dont have all the numbers to support this but i actually think the model range of AoS is around the same size as 40k. On the webstore AoS has 312 items available to order and 40k 298. But marines are easily a third of the model range for 40k. GW needs to invest way more to keep things fresh for all AoS armies imho compared to 40k where they just release marines and a third of the armies will be happy for a while. Thats why i still think they cant keep adding to the AoS army roster without it having a negative impact at some point.
  8. Marines are popular and it does kind of make sense to make people buy more of them (even to the point it becomes ridiculous). Most Chapters are just a hero + upgrade kit + supplement though. Its basicly the same army, u just have to pick they flavour u like most. Edit: Its different from AoS where every army is unique. They can release a new marine tank and like 10 chapters will be able to buy the same model for their army.
  9. I think GW doesnt really have a choice at some point. If they release to many books. Supporting many books will take a long time. Even now some books arent getting any love for almost 3 years. Souping or squating books is the only way to make new armies and models. New stuff will make more money than some books for an old army a small number of players are still playing and already have bought a bunch of models for. I wonder what the limit is for the armies GW can support.
  10. Im actually glad Bonesplitterz made it into a book. Half my army of Orks and Goblins was already squated or put into Gloomspite Gitz. But i dont think Fyreslayers can be compared to Bonesplitterz. Fyreslayers are a new AoS army just like Ironjawz.
  11. The girls of the Cauldron of Blood and the litte Kruleboy chef Potgrot also seem te be cooking up some very tasty stuff if u fancy some other soupy options.
  12. I actually based most of these on floating rumours on TGA with the exception of Kurnothi. Nighthaunt will get a model from the trailer + rumour engines but i guess it wont be a monster/ behemoth. We have at least a DoK/Umbraneth model shown, my guess for a warband could be wrong. We also had a rumour about Eshin and with the Ulgu theme in Underworlds i thought i was at least on the right track there. Sylvaneth and Gloomspite Gitz really need a new battletome imo. I thought we had at least some rumours about a Doombull somewhere. I only added soup because of all the talk about it in the last few pages here. Guess i was really far off though :). Edit: Lumineth was said to be soon but not so soon.
  13. @Whitefang Ty for destroying all my wishlisting dreams XD. Guess i have some time this year to paint some grey plastic :D. (P.s. Spiderfang/Gitmob dream alive again)
  14. Those are the new subscription models for Warhammer+. Wont be anything special, just an alternate model for a sorcerer imo. I'd be suprised if its an aelf.
  15. My predictions for 2022 besides the things we already know: 1. Battletomes for IDK, Fyreslayers (soup), Sylvaneth, Gloomspite Gitz, Lumineth and Beastmen. 2. Beastmen models 3. Nighthaunt behemoth/monster 4. Kurnothi unit + monster 5. DoK + Skaven for the 2022 Underworlds starterbox (Silent people and Chaos Duardin stay a myth)
  16. I have another question about trees. If i am able to summon trees, could i always summon only 1? Would that be any good for teleporting or casting treesong? Why would u ever summon 3 together? My guess is only if u need more ground covered? Im trying to understand how these work.
  17. Gnarlroot sounds like fun. This makes Bow Kurnoth Hunters better when near Wizards but it doesnt include Qulathis if i understand correctly? Anyway i can buff Qulathis i'm overlooking in any glade or as a target of a spell? LEADERS Alarielle the Everqueen (740) Qulathis the Exile (100) Branchwych (90) Treelord Ancient (295) Warsong Revenant (275) UNITS 10 x Dryads (95) 10 x Dryads (95) 10 x Dryads (95) 5 x Wild Riders (120) (i know i cant ally them officially but rule of cool) Summon the Bow Hunters with Alarielle? TOTAL: 1905/2000 Guess it would turn out something like this.
  18. After the 2 vulture models they kind of revealed in the last few days this one is still mia. Just wanted to mention it.
  19. Ok this destroys my hopes of it being a Spiderfang weapon :(.
  20. Thanks this is great. I have some more questions if u dont mind me asking. Do the glades have corresponding paint schemes? I'm thinking about Harvestboon or Heartwood at the moment. Also what glade is best with using ranged attacks?
  21. A good battletome imo has rules that reflect what the army is about and make the models u play with feel alive on the table. A bad battletome is about the new statline being better than the last battletome released and picking the unit who deals the most mortal wounds. Stats are changed so many times in the lifespan of a battletome that i dont care for those at all. I wont be trapped by the favourite model of the month type of thing gw seems to create sometimes.
  22. My wife bought me half a Sylvaneth army for christmas and i dont know much about them to be honest. I know i need some more battleline options and im thinking of getting just a box of dryads to reach the minimum requirement needed. I am just a casual player and i dont really care for matched play but i do like synergy in my armies or a fun theme. I plan on choosing a glade and build around that. I need some advice on this army so i know what to build towards. These are the models i own now and i havent build anything yet: 1 Treelord box 1 Kurnoth Hunters box 16 Dryads 1 Qulathis the Exile 1 Alarielle 1 Warsong Revenant I also own a box of Wild Riders i want to ally in for open play. 1. What glades could i choose based on these models? 2. Do i need to buy the trees? I dont mind buying a box but i dont want to buy multiples if i dont have to. Thanks! Edit: Forgot to mention i also own a Branchwych.
  23. This is an interesting topic. What AoS army needs a reboot of the model range the most? I think there is great potential for Beastmen, Seraphon and Skaven. Skaven being the Eldar of AoS at this point are the obvious choice for a reboot imo. I think Cities of Sigmar needs to be redone from the ground up. Imo we lack a human army like the Empire used to be. I dont want the Empire back because i think the design is really outdated now. Models like the von Denst look great and should expanded upon. Its a relic from the whfb age. Its a collection of should be legend models with a fun story behind them because AoS would have many models without them. Many of the Order armies have already been replaced, Elves got DoK, Idoneth Deepkin and Lumineth, Dwarfs got Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords. I think the next logical step would be a human or even a mixed race army and call it Dawnbringer Crusades and remove Cities of Sigmar like Soulblight did with LoN. I predict this will be the theme of 4th edition. Edit: Also Wanderers should be replaced by Kurnothi and combined with Sylvaneth. Edit 2: With Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers getting new models and potential new battletomes almost all new Aos armies have been updated already. Soulblight gravelords, Nighthaunt and Ossiarch Bonereapers put Death in a good place. Orruk Warclans just got a massive upgrade and i think Gloomspite Gitz still have great looking models, Ogors could use some love at some point but i dont think they need it most at the moment. SoB are fine and will get a model + battletome at some point is my guess. Overall i think Destruction is looking good.
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