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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. My brain is failing me at the moment but didnt we have a Dragon Ogor/Shaggoth rumour a while back. Might be some substance to it now. Edit: Could be starting to see things that arent related but... (i know it looks really nids like at first)
  2. This is a good guess, it has a kind of gargoyle pose and look to it. Edit: Shaggoth is another good guess.
  3. I'm wondering what the hair thing is. It kinda looks like a beard.
  4. I love Open play for my 750-1000p games. Just slap together an army and have a go. I hope GW will look to Warcry as an example for the variety of setup/battleplan options it has. I like the concept of Open play but it feels like it still is in the baby fase compared to matched play. I hope the new generals handbook will fix some of this. I dont own the last one but i dont think it has much content for Open play. I have a question for u all. What table size do u use for your smaller games and how do u scale these battleplans? I use a 44x30 mat as i dont have space for a bigger table at the moment. I kept everything as is shown in the battleplan. But reading some of the comments i am thinking about reducing the range for holding objectives a bit for my next game. Btw i love the support lower point games are getting on these forums lately. I have spent some time on other sites but it mostly got ignored there. I like seeing that i am not the only one having fun with this side of AoS and reading about others experiences.
  5. Guess i must be missing something if u feel the need to call me incredibly manipulative. Doesnt really put anything positive into a friendly discussion. I dont feel the need to say more and will end whatever this became.
  6. I cant see GW doing anything wrong. They just use sales tactics like any other company would.
  7. I know this is your opinion and thats fine but i dont agree with it at all. I will never buy minis or boxed sets if i dont want all the minis included. It is a choice. GW doesnt force u to buy these boxes in any way. Warcry boxes are meant for people who play Warcry. They dont need full units, they just need a bit of everything to get started. Dont buy Warcry thats not what u aim to play. People are allowed to do their own research before buying something. If its not what u are looking for u are allowed not to buy things. GW is a company trying to sell their stuff. Ofcourse they are trying to make deals look good. They wont ever tell u that a deal is trash XD. Everything is getting more expensive and so are some minis. Cant expect them to stay the same price if the economy is really bad.
  8. Wouldnt mind if this is the new battletome cover art.
  9. Decided to rebase one of the first whfb models i ever painted for AoS. Chopped up the square bases and put them on round ones and used the broken square bases as debris with some greenstuff. The paint job could use an upgrade but i think i'll keep them as is for old times sake.
  10. I want to at least paint one unit this month. Still need to decide what unit that would be. Guess it is a surprise for now.
  11. I havent gotten close to my goal this month. I'll try again next month to paint some and base the last Troggoths. Also, no march topic?
  12. My guess is that some are tricked by the fact that it is a bundle and so it must be a good deal.
  13. My guess is Skaven first and i guess Khorne is getting a new Valkia model + tome with the latest rumour engine that looks like a Valkia wing. Since the RE is really new and some of those take a while before we see an actual model it could easily be in the winter or even next year. But this is just me trying to put things together.
  14. I would love a good unexpected AoS model reveal today. Nighthaunt would be awesome.
  15. One of the reasons for getting into this hobby was to move away from a black mirror for once and actually make something and be creative. TTS doesnt do this for me and will never replace anything in this hobby for me. I've played around with TTS a bit when lockdown was a thing playing boardgames with friends a few times. While its a funny gimmick it wont replace the real deal for me. Rather play other good multiplayer games on my laptop.
  16. Its a Chorf saxophone for all the jazz needed after a hard fought battle.
  17. They are space lumineth, what did u expect? 😛
  18. The valentines day article made me laugh though. I forgive gw for not showing silent people, chorfs or kurnothi today.
  19. 1000 point is the way to go for me. Takes less space, less time and its enough for me to do some fun list building. Also from a collectors perspective it is the sweet spot for me. I can buy most units once and be able to field a nice 1000 point list. I rather collect more 1000p armies than a few larger armies. I dont like buying 12 Gore Gruntas if i can collect and paint up different models. Do i think that it will be the new standard? I dont think it will be, for some of the reasons mentioned before. But i do hope it becomes a more popular format. I would like to see more content for 1000 point lists and battles for sure.
  20. Do u all think they will repack Dryads to be units of 10 or 20 or keep them as is?
  21. Ok i take back my no-model-monday comment. I want an army that looks like this one. Why is it only the one model :(.
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