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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Yes the flames are fire. I think i just dont like the paint scheme very much. If i picture them like my own army i think i would like them much more. I was still looking for a last unit too fill out the last few points to a 2k army and these might be it. Although i am still waiting for new Hexwraiths, seems like i still have to wait a bit for those.
  2. Lol Yndrastas Gothic little sister XD. (Beautifull model)
  3. Yes these Kroot are solving a bunch of REs right now.
  4. These Nighthaunt look ok, very generic for a Warcry warband imho. I was hoping for something in the Deathscythe Harridans style. The Lumineth look gorgeous. Might be a nice painting project some day. The thing that sticks out here is the lack of the poison/aquatic theme REs.
  5. I have a feeling that this LVO is going to be a good one and please give us new roadmaps! GW is hiding something!
  6. I get that, but some Goblins cost the same as a vampire or other hero. They have to lower the point cost for weak heroes and create these horde armies again. And i am glad i dont have to spend triple the money to build a force with the same point total like how it used to be with whfb. Dont know if i explain this well enough.
  7. I feel like Underworlds is a way for GW to test out the waters. Like Rippas and later Snarlfang Riders. Some dont make it (yet) like the Bonesplitterz.
  8. Third edition made me fall in love with Warcry. That about sums it up. It had too much rules layers an book keeping for players like me who dont get around to playing many games. Its also too much to teach my wife or friends for a single game. I rather have an easy to learn and hard to master ruleset. Oh and please learn from MTG about how to use keywords. If i ask what a unit does i would love to hear that it has frenzy and poison instead of having to listen to my opponent read the full warscroll every time. Edit: It wasnt that bad an edition, but it just wasnt for me. I would also love more support for 750/1000 point games. And a better open play mode. Edit 2: I do think GW did a better job balancing the tomes. Some early tomes got the curse of being the early tomes but i dont think any of them are actually that bad. They also provided more support and updates to the tomes compared to earlier editions.
  9. This. They should make Grand Alliances more fun or at least playable again. I would love to build a mixed Destruction force led by Gordrakk.
  10. Lore question. Why Nurgle Skaven and not Khorne or any of the others?
  11. I think they could refer to the Nighthaunt part of the Warcry box. If it was Malerion aelves we would have heard at least some rumours by now. We only got rumours for Lumineth, Nighthaunt and something Graverobbers for Underworlds. Main AoS will probably be just the Dawnbringer stuff. I hope we get to see some new roadmaps.
  12. Idoneth still are one of the newest armies with a range thats feels really well rounded. I dont think GW is in a hurry to expand them soon. There is a lot to be fixed before Idoneth. But something like a Warcry warband could be nice for them. But the same can be said for FS, OBR and KO i guess.
  13. New RE looks like something liquid in space. My vote for this one goes to 40k.
  14. I think its mostly just educated guessing at this point. It makes sense with a range refresh to start with the core units. With my limited Skaven knowledge it seems like GW prefers Skryer, Verminus and Moulder as the default Skaven subfactions. That would leave them with plenty of room for future releases like Eshin and Pestilens. I get why people want Eshin models to get updated, but i dont think it makes that much sense from a business perspective.
  15. Yes that is true. That is what i meant with the next sentence :). Just want to add that this is an AoS community first and some offtopic talk can be expected. We also have a ToW thread that seems to be really popular and some stuff can be talked about over there too. Dont see the harm in what @KingBrodd said.
  16. Imho most of the good ToW posts are the first few. After that it starts drifting in magical wishlisting wonderland. And lets be honest, if we start chatting about things without substance we always get a nudge to talk about rumours again. Lets all just be nice to the mods/admins. ToW uses models we all know and love from WHFB and AoS. So i dont care about ToW talk that much as long as its about the models and not get deep into the lore aspects.
  17. I finally found some time to paint. Made some good progress.
  18. Would be awesome if we had AoS emotes. Making those is not a skill i have yet.
  19. I also want to add that i dont feel any need to customise my hero models in any way since it wont matter rules wise. If 4.0 gets the customization back ill kitbash myself some fun general asap.
  20. Ok this is my wishlist i add to the rumours we already got. 1 Stormcast 2 Skaven 3 Chorfs 4 Spiderfang 5 Fyreslayers 6 Ogors 7 Tzeentch 8 Beasts of Chaos 9 I will have to include at least 1 Death faction, so ill go with a Neferata to Soulblight Gravelords. I think 5th edition will be Ulgu with updates to OBR, Malerion Aelves, CoS, Bonesplitterz, Frazzlegitz, Kharadron, Idoneth and Stormcast. I am probably wrong but thats what i would prefer. I actually cant wait to see anything on this list get updated. I hope we get some new roadmaps asap. Edit: making this list makes me aware that i would like to see more updates than GW could possibly do in 2 editions. Maybe ill need to lower my expectations or accept that ill be in the hobby for at least 10 more years.
  21. We already had an aelf edition an undead edition and an orruk edition. Could we be getting a duardin edition sooner than some might expect? We got the Fyreslayer build up and the chorf rumour for a start.
  22. If we talking yugioh x sylvaneth ill take an AoS version of this one.
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