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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I still believe Morghur is an option in the Gnarlwood story. Wont be sad at all if they get a warband.
  2. I feel like Slaanesh has been left out of the maps for a reason. I think they could be in the next seasons narrative.
  3. Counting the last 2 seasons we have seen Gnarlspirit pack, Sons of Velmorn, Grinkrak's Looncourt and Gryselles Arenai 7th season. With 8th we have seen Ephilims Pandaemonium, Domitans Stormcoven, the Headmens Curse, Skabbiks Plaguepack. A few of these can be matched with the maps and we know Underworlds moved on. That leaves some good options for the next Warcry box.
  4. It hasnt changed that much, but from the beginning we have seen the eater pits and the wyrdlights. The Ven Talax story and a few others. The last box could also just be under our nose the whole time. This one is from Hunter and Hunted. Centigor stampede also sounds promising.
  5. Does the Gnarlwood map actually still match up with the recent releases? Maybe we can figure something out. Still got my hopes up for Spiderfang, Warcry would be perfect for them.
  6. Dont know if i remember correctly but didnt the end of Broken Realms get rushed into a single release because of delays? I thought there was supposed to be another book.
  7. Just give me Spiderfang for Warcry. I need those in my life. Match them up with Skaven, BoC or Kurnothi and i would be a happy person for a long time. (In a magical world i would love to see Spiderfang vs Bonesplitterz)
  8. This actually makes me kind of happy. Still gives me hope that these 2 subfaction that are by far my favourite models still have a chance for an update in the future. I kind of remember it used to be the same in 8th. Im not getting all my hopes up.
  9. I like the Dwarf Cannon... those things are a blast from the past... Edit: Dig those Dwarf Miners too...
  10. I get how some can feel this way. To me Idoneth are a new army that can be updated after ranges like BoC, Skaven and Ogors have had their turn. Some of those models are 20+ years old. I feel like a Warcry warband can be a great addidition to that range to be honest.
  11. Ah k guesses as much as its a picture from a screen.
  12. Dont know if this has been shared before. I have seen this go around a few times, thought it to be fake news to be honest.
  13. Come and stick with your true love and join the green side of destruction. We have lotsa bacon and shrooms.
  14. I get what u are saying and i agree. I like playing 3rd. But it is because i dont mind putting in the extra effort. And thats the problem. It isnt easy to learn/remember and takes a lot of time. My wife and friends think its too much for them and in turn i dont get around to playing as much as i would like. They rather pick up a regular boardgame when we get around to playing games at all. Getting into Warcry fixed this problem for me. The game is easy to learn and quick to play compared to AoS. So i am glad i get to use my minis again but it isnt really the game i would have liked to play first. I think 3rd has been focussing on matched play too much and last few years has shown that there are a lot of casual players that feel left out with the current rules.
  15. Love how these are made with Kruleboyz equivalents in mind. Also no Azhag?
  16. I completely forgot to think about what i was missing from 3rd. First artillery. I have talked about this in detail in some thread. I think this is an element that has been forgotten but really adds a tactical element to the game that regular shooting doesnt. And second, character customization. I would like to be able to buff up generic heroes to create my own fun thematic general. Dont know whats the best way to go about this though. Whfb has shown that items arent the best way. A select few sre always the best, but some fun combos could be created at least. The OPR way of having multiple tiers of the same hero does work for me in some way too.
  17. This looks like a rat face... i need to take some rest...
  18. It is mostly used as a term for higher level or tournament play. So min maxed out lists lists to get the most out of your army. The most optimal way at that time. Sometimes it is also used to refer to your local tournament scene. Than it mostly refered to as local meta. It could differ from other peoples experiences. I think it originated from the gaming community.
  19. This has been on my mind too. Another possibility could be a model for a hero + tome release as the first army after the 4th edition launch to get updated. But i really hope not since the early tomes tend fall of the power scale quick. Another option would be that its not Nighthaunt related after all. Maybe this one is also related to the same unit? The woodwork doesnt look very Nighthaunt to me. They almost always have some ornaments like swirls/ rose thorns on the metal parts. They also received a few updates this edition, that makes me think this isnt a likely scenario. Underworlds and Warcry also has Nighthaunt covered this season. This feels more like something Chaos Daemons. Maybe even Skaven with the little bell. Could be part of the last Dawnbringers book too. If i could make a wild guess it could even be some kind of Webspinner Shaman. They use poisons/venom and could get redesigned. The vials kind of look similar to these. I also never rule out a new GSG model as they seem to be very popular and make GW moneys. It already looks great either way. Cant wait to see what this model or multiple models are going to be.
  20. Yes give me all those dark riders..... not all at once please XD.
  21. I guess she can get away with being a raven priestess of Morrda and make a non-sigmarite CoS Lethis army. I can see this happening.
  22. Does anyone know if Krethusa has anything to do with CoS Lethis at all? Im brewing some raven themed Order thing.
  23. This seems very likely now. If they stick with the pattern it could be small wave for Darkoath and a Khorne hero. This would also mean an end of edition army is very unlikely unless this wave is going to be the big closing of 3rd edition.
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