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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Could it be some kind of figurehead mounted onto some kind of monster/vehicle? I get the feeling it is bigger than a piece of armor.
  2. I changed my mind, it looks way to much like this underworlds model imo. I think it's Seraphon related at least.
  3. I actually think this could be wood elves or something alike. These rumours can take a year or more before we see some kind of model.
  4. Since i've seen the trailer i am getting some serious swamp creature vibes from the Witcher 3. I can see GW making the theme fit the AoS universe with their own creatures and greenskinz. Edit: Also the water hag reminds me of the troggoth hag and fits the theme. New plastic hag maybe?
  5. I can relate to this. I dont really care about replacing some older models with newer sculpts, but i dont like them invalidating older model by not updating their rules. I dont like powercreep. Imo people will always buy new sculpts because people like new shiny things. No need to remove old models from battletomes or dont update their rules to a new standard to keep older models relevant. (Still got Isle of blood Skaven to build)
  6. I do wonder whats happening with Nighthaunt models in Gravelords. Any news on that?
  7. This + the mountainworms from the Hobbit + covered in eyes. Give giant squig(swamp)worm now plz!
  8. I would like to see some new themes in Warcry terrain sets.
  9. Its never meant to be anything good for matched play. They just let u use them with some rules for people to have some fun with them in AoS. They cant force anyone who wants a comp army to buy cursed city or any other boxed games for that matter just because there is a limited run model that is OP in some way.
  10. I want to add to this that i dont mind each alliance getting a huge model. But i dont want every powerfull character to also have a huge model. I dont mind a bit of upscaling but i dont want AoS to feel like a skirmish game at some point. If everything gets huge it also loses its impact and they have to make even bigger models. We need the smaller models to be able to appreciate the bigger ones imo.
  11. I also think Kragnos looks a bit out of place at the moment. But i do think he opens up a way to a new destruction faction being released.
  12. I am trying to find something in this picture and wanted to mention the single Boggleye Gobbapalooza model behind the Ardboyz. Couldnt really find anything else and i am still hoping i can run the single models somewhere in the future.
  13. Yeah i'm also wondering about time frames. They are releasing new stuff at a ridiculous pace at the moment. Not that i'm complaining about that haha. I was looking forward to a bit more stuff on the Destruction factions and not only Kragnos. I'm keeping my hopes up for friday at the moment.
  14. They have to save some stuff fo get released another time i guess.
  15. I feel like Gordrakk will still lead his own Waaagh. Kragnos reminds me of that one guy at the party to join for some good krumpin while it lasts. Next day its back to worruk.
  16. Damn i am on the hype train again. Next stop emptywalleton! (still hoping for a orruk/gobbo mixed army)
  17. This already happened :). Bat squig mounted gobbos next?
  18. Soooo Nagash is actually a lonely god that just wants to make (build) some friends XD.
  19. I would love this to be true but this isnt a wolf if this is a toe. The fifth toe of wolves is way higher on the foot or totally gone. Hope im wrong though haha.
  20. A huge boar battering ram kind of like the lord of the rings one would be awesome! I like the idea of a new Webslinger. I made mine out of the Arachnarok parts and used it as a rock lobber in the old days. I would also like something like web/venom shooting spiders or swarms. I also think they are samey. Bonesplitterz could really use some named characters and an elite unit. I still like the old sculpts for all units we have access to now.
  21. They should give a unit over 10 models with shields a shield formation ability that gives them +1 against shooting and cant charge!
  22. I didnt have any expectations this month at all but GW hit me in the face like a Trukk with deathrolla XD.
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