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Everything posted by Acrozatarim

  1. Apart from Sentinels, who ignores LOS on shooting?
  2. The expected announcement that next week's pre-orders would be the battletomes and first wave of SCE/OWC models hasn't actually happened, so it'll be longer til the books and Kruleboyz appear. The article does mention there'll be more 'greenskin goodness' this week. I'd like to hope that means we'll see more Warclans/Kruleboyz stuff but knowing my luck it'll just be referencing the 40k Ork releases
  3. When they said they had one or two surprises left to reveal, I didn't think they meant that the battletomes had amazing vanishing powers
  4. I figure the beastskewer and the mirebrute will be first up for Kruleboyz, as they were the first to be previewed.
  5. In my limited experience thus far, the hobgrotz have played a useful role in just taking up a bunch of space for not so many points, so useful screens, for zoning, and objective capture. They've also wildly overperformed for me in terms of their dice rolls, which helps, but the sheer weight of dice a unit can throw in melee does open up the possibility of occasional spikes in effectiveness that way.
  6. Given they said they had one or two surprises left wrt to the forthcoming AoS releases, they'd better have something pretty spectacular lined up after all this hype refridgeration
  7. I'd like to think the complete absence of anything Age of Sigmar on WarCom so far this week is because they're getting ready for a few days of heavy AoS coverage. It's probably more likely that they've just run out of AoS stuff to show, but I like to dream...
  8. Since it's mostly just existing rumours regurgitated, though, we've already discussed most of it to death. The only AoS thing on there that'd be a surprise is Bonereapers being the first Death battletome for a revamp rather than Nighthaunt or FEC. Of course, Bonereapers need a new tome given their Relentless Discipline rules, and we've had the rumours for a while that they'll be getting a second wave some time next year - particularly the oft-suggested archer unit - so even that's not wildly unlikely.
  9. Overall it looks like a collection of rumours assembled from the various things that've been muttered over the past months, woven together with some reasonable predictions and best-guess ideas plus a bit of attitude. There's nothing in there that absolutely proves the provenance of the guy's claims, and nothing he pointed to in the very short-term that would prove or disprove. If he really was a GW employee with all that knowledge, I'd have expected him to throw out something that'd be shown as true in the next few weeks as proof of his claims. As it is, it'll be months before anything of the sort, at which point half of it will have percolated out into the wider rumour mill and be repeated until most people who hear it don't know the source any more.
  10. They also showed the two Necromunda miniatures.
  11. Given the Codex already released with the Beast Snaggas box, I guess we can at least be thankful that it being new Ork units is incredibly unlikely.
  12. So yeah, I guess we're basically confirmed for a battletome preorder on the 28th then.
  13. Yeah, you'd calculate the damage characteristic for the weapon then turn it into Mortal Wounds equivalent, rather than stacking the two together or whatever. The Beastskewer could be good against monsters depending on the rest of its stats and ROF, but I fear it risks being a damp squib if it's subject to the RNG of just having a single shot, and if it just has this rule, it'll struggle to do much against regular infantry despite its flavour text of punching through the ranks.
  14. Surely 2+5 damage on a 15 wound monster? It's an interesting one, for sure.
  15. I’m certainly feeling frustrated with the way they’re stringing things out, yes.
  16. I mean, personally I want faction-specific grand strategies and battle tactics, and I'm even ok with faction-specific core battalions if they're well done.
  17. Huh. The floating rocks make me think Chamon maybe? New Kharadron Overlords model?
  18. I think Nurgle could actually stand to have a more chunky release, with stuff like Pestigors and Nurgle-type marauder/cultist equivalents.
  19. Crossing my fingers for a new Kruleboyz mounted shaman tomorrow, then Kruleboyz cav next week.
  20. If the AoS pre-order is the last weekend of August, then they're having to stretch out the AoS content as thinly as possible over the coming month, I guess.
  21. If we presume for a moment that GW are going to do the whole last-week-of-August preorder for the SC and OWC battletomes, then I'd assume they'll start talking about the next book pretty much immediately after those books drop in the first week of September. GW won't want to overlap their hype, but unless there's anything else for AoS coming up for them to promote, I'd expect a September/early October marketing campaign for the October Chaos book.
  22. After the Dominion reveal, Grimdark Live did indeed say there was still Kruleboy cavalry coming according to their source, although I don't believe they specified it as Hobgrots.
  23. Yeah, the Sludgeraker generic build is a Snatchaboss, and the Sloggoth has the grots with all those nets and mancatchers, so presumably the two of them will have some sort of debuffs or model-sniping capabilities.
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