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Everything posted by Acrozatarim

  1. Personally I doubt it - Epidimius is way too chubby for that arm. Could be some sort of plaguebearer assistant, but plaguebearers don't have those very distinctive Skaven-style claws.
  2. Oddly enough, the "poisoner" ones have the right number of fingers for Skaven, but the plague book one has a digit too few (at least, of those visible from the photo angle).
  3. Wow, they do look wonderfully tatty and mangy!
  4. I imagine the loss of Bonesplitta boarboys will open the way for Kruleboyz medium/light cavalry now.
  5. I think it's inherent in the 3+ save they get. You don't choose dual-hammers or shield-and-hammer, you build them however you want and you get that stat line.
  6. No need for an FAQ, that's correct English. It's not straightforward English, but it is correct.
  7. I suspect the 'power level' Nagash loses when damaged is related to the Wizard (9) keyword he has, which in turn is probably the number of spells he can cast per turn, so at a guess once he's taken 10 damage he can only cast 6 a turn. Interesting article with some more significant info. Not super happy at the implication Liberators have some sort of mortal wounds on 6s ability - I dearly wish the game would feature less mortal wounds, not more! - but maybe 'mortal damage' in the new edition will be less irritating than the proliferation of MWs in 3rd was.
  8. I'm not going to condemn anyone right now who is feeling upset by any of these cuts. I think some of the Stormcast culling was definitely overdue, and some will be replaced with new equivalents, but that's little comfort to someone whose favourite lightning lad has begun the long walk towards the sunset. I will note that I think Bonesplittaz has been a real millstone around GW's neck for some time, and I suspect that they tried to figure out if they could rehabilitate the line in some way before finally having to face the conclusion that they can't. Frankly, I'm amazed GW got away without being raked over the coals much more for the remaining savage orc stuff for so long, and I don't think there was ever going to be a viable route forwards for Bonesplittaz that didn't involve such a heavy reworking that they basically weren't Bonesplittaz anymore anyway, as we're seeing with the Ironjaw and Kruleboy 'inheritance' of their stuff via the Wrekkaz and Monsta Killerz.
  9. Yeah, I assume a lot of the Stormcast getting cut are either getting Thunderstrike replacements soon, or getting an equivalent sort of unit in the Ruination chamber. I expect the latter is what's replacing a lot of Sacrosanct stuff, and you basically be able to use those old models for the new stuff if you want.
  10. Loss of Beasts still baffles me. They're heavily mentioned as a facet of life and danger across the realms in loads of places. They're not all going as we're keeping the god-marked tzaangor and slaangor. So what's the end goal, I wonder? Will we have god-marked gor for Khorne and Nurgle added to, or will they weirdly just be for Tzeentch and Slaanesh? Will we see generic gor added into Slaves as an explanation for where god-marked gor came from in the first place? Beastmen are such an iconic aspect of Chaos that I'm really sad to see them go, and I think AoS Chaos will be lessened as a whole in terms of feel and theme if Beasts just get totally expunged.
  11. If the system does give a strong incentive to keep your drops low, I feel like it'll be the opposite of hero hammer - you may want as few regiments, and therefore as few heroes leading regiments, as possible.
  12. Interesting info. I think I like the sense of 'hero plus retinue' feel, and opening up subfactions to be fighting style rather than actual specific colour scheme guys is good. Very interesting reference to 'manifestation lore' too...
  13. I think the wound on the arcanogeologist is almost certainly from a skaven assassin's blade.
  14. The new GW store here in Wrocław only opened last week, so is going to be starting its Dawnbringer campaign a bit late. I hope to find out the details re the particular city when it kicks off at the end of next week (I think).
  15. I'm not quite sure how much more streamlined they can even make AoS army construction. It's not exactly complex as it is. One thing I'd love them to bring back from the old days, following the prompt of 40k 10th, is a return of points costs for general traits/magic items. This is, admittedly, probably the opposite of streamlining.
  16. Archaeon is the Everchosen, the guy the four Big Gods are competing over. If he's started to pay the GHR some respect as a legitimate contender then it's bound to have some consequences more widely.
  17. I'm not sure that telling someone who is upset that their problem isn't really a problem is going to be the most constructive thing to do. It's fine to feel vexed by the cost of edition change.
  18. Pretty nifty reveals. Shame we didn't see any actual miniatures from the new starter box, and they're still being pretty cagey about a lot of the potential rules changes at hand. The Underworlds fanatics are utterly gonzo. I hope we don't see new flagellants for CoS being quite so silly, design-wise, but it really works for Underworlds. Ossiarch Warcry band is promising. Hopefully we'll see the main Ossiarch range explore a bit more of the Geiger-esque bone constructs thing in the future.
  19. I'd advise really keeping your expectations limited when it comes to info about 4th ed rules changes tomorrow. I'd expect mechanics to be kept very tight to their chest for now, and only parcelled out slowly over the months to come.
  20. Ohhh, I'm not even planning to play Old World but I'm still mightily tempted by that classic shaman on wyvern. It was such an iconic model.
  21. Glareface Frazzlegit grot cult would be a wildly out-of-left-field thing, but admittedly hilarious.
  22. I'd prefer a Warcry flagellants box but CoS already got the Wildercorps for Warcry, so yeah, this looks like an Underworld warband. May be a preview of whatever future redesign flagellants will be getting, mind you.
  23. I expect the Old World teaser will be for dwarves; they're the logical faction to pair off with orcs & goblins.
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