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Everything posted by GenericEdgyName

  1. My idea: Warhammer quest game where a crazy vampire lord kidnaps mortal heroes and warriors amd forces them to fight his undead minions. One of the heroes is the witch hunter who got caught on purpose as it let's him get to the vampire I'm probably wrong but it's fun to speculate
  2. I think You all are missing the obvious thing here: The hidden logo is 'critters and keys'
  3. Just to further cement what everyone's saying, I want to point out the font of the word 'dead' is made of blood and the 'divine' font is kinda blocky, fitting for imperium
  4. *Happy serphon fan noises* Honestly, they're perfect, even I wasn't hoping for this many skinks (which are glorious)
  5. Hmmm I used to think the pirate idea is more possible, but looking at this (which surely is part of that faction) I shift more to the nordic/draugr idea. Ravens, which appear both here and one of the critters and keys are also another argument for that. And honestly, once again, I would throw so much money at GW. I am currently living through my viking hype phase, so it would be a bullseye shot right through my wallet
  6. At first I only looked at the article without watching the video, and was like 'awesome palanquin but hoped for more', but damn that video has me so HYPED Literally all of the models shown for AoS have me interested. I loved the basic lumineth and bought their box, but didn't really like the mountain dudes. But wow, the wind temple looks exactly like what I wanted from them. The vampire hunter is so good (from what we've seen, of course) and even better if he's a part of a bigger, grimdarker faction of humans. The dead thing is absolutely, awesomely terrifying, not sure if he'll be part of FEC or a new faction (which I'd prefer). Sorry if I sounded like an overly excited teenager who's about to be even more broke, but that's precisely what I am
  7. I remember that before it was even announced, as a teaser GW posted on fb a picture of a square base with text saying: 'everything comes around. Even squares'. I used to think it means rank and file with square bases, though thinking about it now it seems like the opposite. Unfortunately I can't find that post and my memory is cloudy, so take it with a grain of salt. Personally I'd obviously prefer round bases allowing to use OW models in AoS and vice versa. Also, I hope so much they'll make new Tomb Kings. Would be an insta buy from me
  8. That is, most likely, a hand which holds a stick. But not sure, don't quote me on that.
  9. *Cries in seraphon* Also, a wild guess - what if the main AoS release was full Slaneesh release, but then, at the very end of the preview they showed off the model that was teased on the johann image, or just anything from the supposed death range. Like, even without any commentary, just show off another sillhouette with some scary music and a big 'rising from the grave this spring' text at the end. Idk, just think it's a possibility
  10. I don't know if anyone mentioned it as I didn't read everything, but this banner kinda looks like it's made out of skin. Like there is even a vein looking thing on the left. That would also explain why there is no iconography/image on it AND fit deadwalkers/vampires very nicely
  11. Awesome. Considering I won't probably buy the core set and you say you have it, could you please answer those questions for me: 1. How many members would you say the serphon warband has and what other skinks (i.e. what weapons they have etc.) are there? 2. What other warbands are there? I mean, the cards always shown as other warbands, at least partially
  12. On the topic of classic rivalries and skaven, them and seraphon in a 3.0 starter set would be perfection. I would literally die from happiness. So many updated sculpts they could do. Just realised how much I'd love it
  13. At first I thought all those crude wood and steel rumour engines are maybe for some warband or an update for FEC But now, there's more and more of them, which makes me think it's an entirely new army. I'd love deadwalkers, but they'd probably be combined with vampires, which somehow feels to 'generic' for AoS Now that I think about it, they do seem kinda skaven-y, which woulde be the best
  14. Ok now I'm sad. Didn't even realise you can already order them and they're gone. And obviously it's the one I wanted. There is still some hope in independent retailers or local stores, but I kind of feel like my dream is dying. Very dissapointed GW once again failed to deliver enough to meet demand
  15. Honestly that would make me even happier, more warbands, more models Although I don't think a flying creature would be logical in cave environments. Kroxigors are kind of feel a connectio with skinks, but now that I think about it, salamanders and razordons also dorely need a new model and are connected with skinks, but that eould probably make for a warband with too much of an emphasis on shooting. So in the end I'm still believing (and frankly, hoping) for a kroxigor and a normal skink or two
  16. Warning, heavy seraphon fanboying ahead OH MY GOOOOOOD! New seraphon models and by Sotek, they're glorious. I loved the chameleon but the priest is even better. I also feel like he's a callback to the old tehenhauin model and I love it. Interesting how they pointed out that his orb/pokeball will have "major implications" for direchasm, I hope it means they'll develop underworlds lore more. I hope that the rest of the warband consists of a kroxigor, a saurus (both of which I really want to see reimagined with modern sculpts) and maybe an additional skink. It's honestly kind funny that this warband makes me more excited than the battletome or realmshaper engine. As for the rest of the warbands I'd guess Vampires, ogres (as much as I'd love it to be some form of insects, somehow I can't see it happen), and obviously ossiarch and idoneth. So basically rip wallet (for the hundredth time)
  17. I find this really interesting. It doesn't seem to fit rest of the vampirate rumour engines. Other hand seemed skinny or pale, whereas this seems like a rather healthy, human hand. Don't think it's aelven either, weapon isn't fancy enough. I don't know what to make out of those lines, could be bite marks as someone mentioned, or maybe warpaint or just general scars, albeit weirdly placed. So I'd say either the speculated vampirates have living servants, or it's a CoS model (which I find more possible, though for Underworlds or a future warhammer quest game)
  18. Didn't necroquake make sylvaneth unable to hear the spirit song? Seems like a pretty good reason to fight, whether to restore it or just take revenge. Although so far they haven't fought much if at all as you say, which I also consider strange, especially with life and death being opposites and all. Fighting undead would be a cool change from nurgle for sylvaneth
  19. So in the end we come to conclusion that visual tastes and opinions are fully imdividual, be it lumineth, twinsouls or anything else. What a revolutionary idea indeed
  20. Btw, KiriothTV on yt said he received info that battleforces will cost 140 £ if I remember correctly. I could be remembering wrong though, considering I watched this video a while ago.
  21. Just that artwork makes me wonder why I hesitated if I should buy the tzeentch battleforce. It's so awesome
  22. So I only recently joined this community and I'm here to share my opinions nobody asked for! 😅 Just as I decide to start collecting tzeentch (btw my 8th army, only one being above 1k points) those gorgeous slaneesh models get released. Why. I'm already poor enough. The myrmidesh guys look so amazing, might be my favourite infantry models released in a long time. The twinsouls aren't as good, but cool too. Kinda surprised they're made from the same kit, considering recent monopose trend and also just how different they look. Would probably leave you with quite some extra bits, which is always good. I don't mind the twinsouls' faces, they kinda creep me out, as they are meant to do. One thing I don't necesarrily like is the horns on Sigvald, not everything chaos needs those to show how evil it is. Would probably cut them of if I were to buy him. As for the rest of the range, I'd guess it'll be archers/spearmen dual kit based on whu warband, slaangors, magician hero and maybe a big centerpiece, tho I somehow doubt that as we had new keeper of secrets not that long ago. S2D warband also looks awesome and the sorcerer continues the great trend of giving nice alternatives for not-so-great older models. Still, was hoping they'll show more of Seraphon warband, but I guess this preview was mostly chaos oriented. Overall, please GW, focus on more space marine codexes so I can stop spending money and reduce my backlog
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