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Everything posted by GenericEdgyName

  1. Another day, another beautiful seraphon rumour engine. I think this is something skink-y, I think they have feathers more often than saurus. Judging by the thickness of the highlights, they also seem to be rather small. Maybe skink crew on a new big dino? Or part of a new salamander hunting pack?
  2. Ah, why is my willpower so weak. Just two artworks and I'm basically sure that at some point I'll cave in and buy any new Tomb King minis they'll make
  3. YESSS another wish off the list, this is clearly a Kroxigor mace! They really are going to make this release perfect, aren't they? Now I just need confirmation of new saurus knights. Or a lumineth style second wave after a few months (jk, I'm not that greedy I am honoured that I have become synonimous with seraphon hype like You are with hype for gargants and ogors, kind sir
  4. I for one am happy they're on 32mm bases. Means that people can still use their old saurus models without rebasing if they want or need to. Also the saurus from starblood stalkers is on a 32mm and imo it doesn't look bad or weird in any way
  5. Alright, so I am a bit late to the preview reaction party, but I'll share my opinions anyway, bcause I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED! GW truly delivered with this one for me and I think things are looking really good for AoS. 40k: I sleep. It just doesn't do it for me, but that's probably for the best, I wouldn't be able to afford playing two GW systems at once lol. The drednought is cool but really similar to all the other ones, and the rocket launchers on those marines are too silly for me. Oh and there's a lieutenant. Who would've guessed lol AoS: Dreams really do come true. I am glad I held off on buying the old slaan, the new one is amazing and 100x better. The kit is deailed, has options, what more could one want. It'll also take me a hundred years to paint, but that's a minor problem. The saurus are incredible, finally on par with their depiction in Total War and artworks. The mask on the unit leader especially does it for me, together with their weapons ot makes them look so mysterious and alien, like they're supposed to. The vavalry is great too, I love skinks and as a dino nerd I'm very happy to see feathers. I don't like the way they painted the eyes on the dinos, but that's my only complaint and an easy one to fix. Kinda wish all this released a bit earlier, but at the same time it gives me time to reduce my backlog and prepare funds for buying the eventual army box that I'm 99% will come out. As for the other half of the seraphon release, I agree with everything others said. Other than the obvious refreshes I want and believe in a sauropod-like big dino. Warcry: it's the type of box that I'll happily see others paint up, but won't be getting myself. It's nice seeing vampires with a completely new vibe compared to mainline SBG, even if I don't love the way they look. Other than the werewolf thing, it's beautiful and I wish I could get it seperately. The khorne dudes are mire meh to me, a bit too generic khorne. I see what they were going for with them, but imo they could've leaned into the flesh hound thing even more. I wish they allhad those masks, they're awesome. Underworlds: I wanted Malerion lol. I mean, it was an unrealistic wish, but still. Nonetheless, those are cool and I'm enjoying the DoK leaning further into the whole gladitorial thing Kill team: the cop guys are awesome looking, if I played kill team I'd probBly get them. The DEldar look to similar to the basic unit imo. In conclusion: sorry for the extremely long post 😅 that's what a new seraphon wave does to a lizard fan
  6. I know this might be a bit offtopic, but I just wanted to say how excited I am for the preview. The seraphon have always been my beloved army and will always stay that way. The little scraps of lizard stuff we got through underworlds and warcry have been awesome, but what they really did was get me hyped for a proper wave of new models. The seraphon have a lot of potential for expanding their esthetic and I believe GW will deliver. I am keeping my expectations reasonable, but even then, a new slaan, saurus warriors and cavalry kit will be absolutely awesome. It's time for AoS's time in the light again, and it'll be the glorious light of a basking lamp, under it a cohort of beautiful new seraphon models! So yeah, I am just completely overtaken by cold-blooded hype and will happily wake up early to see the preview live!
  7. Don't get me wrong, these are lovely models, but I wish they either actually showed models from all their games, or truly commited and came clean that it's always gonna be necromunda models on mondays
  8. Seraphon hypeeeeeee! The saurus definitely looks like a basic infantry and thanks Sotek, we really need those. Also, is it just me or does this mount have those mechanical style feathers from rumour engines?
  9. Obviously I'm the first person to snort a large line of copium, but even the most sceptical people surely must see the amount of rumour engines that fit seraphon and nothing else. There's just enough that it surely cannot just be one small hero. In a half realistic half hopeful guess I'd say we'll get a release similar to nighthaunt or sylvaneth - 1 hero and 2 units or 2 heroes and 1 unit
  10. I voted for the Tibia Mariner also known as Awlrach the drowner. Loved him from the second I saw him. It's a pity that, once again, a 40k model is gonna win. It's a mistake that the competition is not split into Aos and 40k, the second has so much more fans that it automatically wins. All the other GW competitions like golden demon and armies on parade are split that way, I don't know why this thing isn't
  11. Just took a look at kill team which is in the most similar situation to warcry Into the dark, which was sort of a new edition starter, cost £130 at GW and is in every way similar to heart of ghur (but I don't remember the price of that lmao) Shadowvaults, which is similar in contents to Sundered Fate, cost £110, so I'd expect a similar price for our lovely chameleons. So in conclusion, cool stuff is still expensive
  12. There are a lot of people like that. This sunday I took my seraphon to a tournament and like 5 people there said they love the idea of the army but the old models stop them from collecting. I know it's just anecdotal evidence, but I think it still holds some value. Hell, I myself would collect clan skryre skaven if the weapon teams had modern models
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/06/sunday-preview-cadia-stands-again-while-da-goff-rocker-tunes-up/ Looks like we'll see what the battleforces are this week, but not much more for us AoS folks!
  14. I'm so happy the forum is back! It's been so boring to look it up and see the site unavailable message everytime. This place is the positive energy I need in my life and my hobby. It's been a wonderful time for me though, I played my first real game of AoS and the same they announced the perfect boxset that the sundered fate is. I can't overstate how much I love everyting in that box, the little pterosaurs especially were a great surprise. The S2D look perfect too and will probably become my next full on playable army (because now I'm not only buying things to paint but also play with them, what a world we live in)
  15. It'd be kinda weird and funny if after two underworlds seasons spent in Ulgu, the realm of shadow, ruled mostly by Malerion, we'd get Malerion's shadow aelves immidiately after leaving Ulgu and going to Ghur. Wouldn't complain though, I need those spiky edgelords in my life
  16. Hmm two rumour engines of things that are so similar might very possibly mean that it's a bigger release than just one unit or hero. The weird thing is, I don't recognize anything remotely similar in any army, so either an existing one gets a slight visual overhaul with these new bits, or it's something from a completely new army
  17. Ahh, a bit of a shame that the nethermaze warbands are only available together. Any chance they'll get split (maybe without the cards?) or do I just have to get both if I just want the skaven
  18. I dunno guys, maybe @DinoJon is right and I am getting seraphon-greedy, but the way it's painted and the round hole really do remind me of my all-time favourite, definitely seraphon rumour engine, aka the funky spear
  19. OMG YES THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL! I love these skinks, they didn't fall into the temptation of making them derpy and cute, they look like proper determined nimble hunters! I especially love the one with the nasal horn. I kinda hoped the warband would not be just chameleon skinks, but now I think that it's better to have that kit be properly updated. Here's to hoping it's just a taste of what the Sreaphon will get in (hopefully) near future!
  20. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/10/03/hear-the-herald-of-a-brand-new-unit-of-chaos-knights/ So today's reveal was a chaos knight. Looks very cool, but I wish shey showed the whole unit instead of just one model
  21. Underworlds continues the long tradition of releasing boxes with one warband I absolutely love (the grave guard) and one that I don't really care about (chaos barbarians #a lot). Interesting that now both Underworlds and Warcry have moved to gnarlwood. I suspect they could do some crossover and give some Underworld warbands rules for warcry. Also the freeguild dudes in the artwork are cool, and an absolute tease from GW
  22. It did mention seraphon and slaan quite a lot, which I always appreciate. Might be more hints towards the next warcry box indeed being lizards versus birds
  23. Man I don't know how he makes me feel. I absolutely love the design and I'm happy to see what modern kroxigors could look like, but that just makes me realise how much the current/old ones need refreshing, which they probably aren't getting for quite some time
  24. I really liked the preview, but my thoughts can't help but drift towards more scaly things... We know the next warcry box is coming and most likely containing Seraphon, but can anyone make an educated guess on when it's coming? We have a lot coming, but is there any chance it releases before Christmas?
  25. I am almost sure the middle-left one with a crest is a Khorne priest from the underworlds band
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