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Everything posted by spacenoido

  1. Yeah, I think I'll build my list with the Verminlord at the moment since I really like the model. If it doesn't work out I'll definitely look into running the monks, though unfortunately I'm not a huge fan of the models. I'm not super worried about playing to the meta since third edition will probably be out by the time I finish my 2000 point list lol.
  2. I see, thanks for the help. I'm generally trying to avoid buying the old metal/resin kits, but I think the easiest way to make the Doomwheel list work is to run Skritch as a normal clawlord, take a Warpgrinder, and then buy a command point for an even 2000. If I were to drop the Warbringer, what would you suggest I bring?
  3. Hey, making my first post here to try and get some advice for my 2000 point list now that I've got most of my first 1000 points done. My main conundrum is whether to bring 2 Warp Lightning Cannons or 1 WLC and a Doomwheel. I'd prefer to stick to only bringing one Bombardier since my army is already pretty leader-heavy. I haven't actually played the game yet, but my worry with my 2 WLC list is that I can only buff one per turn and MMMWP! doesn't do anything for a WLC. Additionally, the 2 WLC list doesn't really have anything that can threaten through a Gnawhole, right? That's why I'm considering going for replacing one of the Cannons with a Doomwheel and giving my Bombardier Vial of the Fumigator so he can double buff the Doomwheel before scooting it off through a gnawhole to kill something Turn 1. Only issue then is me not really knowing how to fill out the last hundred or so points left. I know I can squeeze out some more points by running Skritch as a normal Clawlord, but even then I don't know what to throw in other than maybe a couple Ratling Guns. Anyway here's the lists, ignore the artifact placement on the 2 WLC list since I just quickly modified the Doomwheel list for illustration. Thanks for any help! 2 WLC: WLC + Doomwheel:
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