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Posts posted by EntMan

  1. 2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    It's a very boring box. The upcoming dwarfs ones is much better in composition and discount (if priced the same). Also, indeed very old mini's. I think all the new O&G stuff sold out quickly.

    Have they revealed the Dwarfs box contents yet?

  2. 32 minutes ago, Son Of Morghur said:

    I fear that may be the case.

    And I am not even sure, that it would be that much of a problem. Sylvaneth have a lot of potential, just not as anthropomorphized trees. Just look at the new Belthanos model, Belthanos has long braided hair, which looks silly and makes no real sense to me - let the revenants have hair, or not and let the trees keep their fresh growing branches. His insect also makes no sense - from a design point, it feels like they threw every idea they had onto one model. The insect is grasshopper and beetle like with strong cicada elements too. It's mouth got insectoid elements but also has a radula (which is this rolled up tongue with teeth that you can see on the model) which most gasteropods - snails and clams - have.

    I also have nothing against a design change, if the models are well thought!

    Since AoS, it seems to me, that Sylvaneth do not have a clear classic forest and woods theme anymore. They are lorewise in an area that also includes jungle elements. So if that's the case, I wish that GW would let their designer go absolutely wild!

    Give us parasitic Sylvaneth, give us Sylvaneth that include elements of carnivorous plants (venus flytraps, give us plants that secrete fluids that digest their ennemies, Nepenthes and pitcher plants where ennemies also get gruesomly digested inside the plants), give us Sylvaneth that mimic plants and strike down on their unconscious foes. Give us insects that make sense in their design, give us a giant mantis that looks like a ghost or an orchid mantis, wasps are cool, insects are super diverse and there is so much potential. Give us disgusting insects that parasit their ennemies (love the lore of the gossamid archers which have arrows that contains grubs that bore into their ennemies flesh and make them explode in a rain of blood and flesh).

    Give us a rafflesia like model or even terrain, they could make a giant rafflesia.


    (Same thing goes for a lot of other armies, that have just SO much potential, there is an image in the Idoneth Deepkin book, where they have an entire city on top of a giant copepod, that is SO awesome)

    Not sure if it makes a difference but Alarielle's beetle and Belthanos's grasshopper are actually magical sprite things rather than actual physical giant insects so don't think they really need rationale anatomy. Rule of cool rules, especially for magical beasts.

    But I do like your thoughts and ideas. 

    If beast type people are going to be represented by a Kragnos faction then i think Sylvaneth won't be getting Kurnothi in the way I'd hope. But the plants and bugs theme is definitely a great way to go.

    Also, replace the Wyldwoods with something scarier and angrier looking.

    • Like 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Sylvaneth - SAFE. Another very popular army. Dryads may get a new sculpt

    Dryads, if they do get a resculpt, will likely get a re-naming as well to a unique Games Workshop name. They may also just fade back to the old world as there is both Tree and Spite Revs as infantry.

    Also not confident about Treelords staying in AoS, they are the other kit from WHFB with a non IP'd name. 


    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Because we want something that isn't a large hungry human or an angry green boy 😂

    Normal size angry humans? Still makes no sense to me that there's not Destruction humans. Abandoned by Sigmar and an alternative to the Dark Oath?

  5. 16 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Queue on the webstore this morning. It has an I'm not a robot thing.

    And the countdown is in minutes and seconds this time.

    Ok, so it turns out the countdown was for the wait to join the queue. Now I'm in the queue with the progress bar but no numeric estimate of wait time.

    Edit: just realised the count down timer was until 10am local time.


  6. 14 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    One of the things I noticed when going through the path to glory campaign stuff happening in stores is that despite there being a point for painting a piece of artillery, there's strikingly few within AoS. I think it's only Cities, Lumineth, Ossiarchs, Ogors and Khorne which have any after the purge, so hopefully Stormcast get something if only to keep some variety in the game.

    And Skaven have the green laser and the green gunk thrower.

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    To be frank, the mood around Fantasy models being squatted has always been mixed here. It's not as bad as it used to be, but there's definitely been times when people were practically giddy at seeing another "Fantasy model rightfully squatted" as a sort of strange revenge against the hatred a lot of Fantasy players had for Sigmar's launch. That's lessened as the years have gone by, but I don't think it's ever entirely gone away. 

    Its certainly how I felt about many people's response to Wanderers removal from Cities 😥

  8. 48 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Honestly Beasts fit Destruction as a faction better than Chaos. I'd be on board with them moving grand alliance narratively, breaking free from the yoke of Chaos to run wild across the realms tearing down everything and returning it back to the wilderness

    Beasts and Sylvaneth merger in Destruction?

  9. 57 minutes ago, Dindi said:

    I really hope they note all this on the store page.


    Not everyone follows Warhammer community, a new player could go in and buy models for an army that won't exist very soon.

    The old GW website used to label things as "last chance to buy" but I think stopped doing that a while before the change to the new website...

  10. 56 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

    hum what about allies? gone?

    no limit to spaming auxliaries units could lead to degenerate list?

    They're going to have to have some way to include Gotrek in armies.

  11. 10 hours ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

    I know it's irrationnal but I want that the others Warhammer Fans can see ours mini/armies and don't say with sarcasm "Yes a fantasy [insert 40kian idea]"

    I personally blame Tolkien, he was one of the first to take Space Elves and Space Dwarves and Space Wizards  and Space Hobbits and Space Orks and Space Demonic Creatures from Warhammer 40,000 and shoehorn them into a fantasy setting.

    • Haha 10
  12. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    What do you expect from today's Dawnbringers story? We gotta have to enter into Chaos territory pretty soon. I am expecting a story about either Khorne, Varanguard or Darkoaths.

    It's a bank holiday/Easter weekend in the UK today, not sure whether or not that'll affect WarCom output.

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Delves are in danger aswell, like older human minis like the tanks, the chicken or the flagellants

    But the humies will be sold for Empire. If Dark Elves are removed from AoS there'll be nowhere for GW to sell those models while Dark Elves remain an unsupported Old World faction.

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