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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. If it's realistic to the setting then no room. Except maybe join the Tau if you chance upon them.
  2. As in portraying the Imperium as a hellish fascist state with no redeeming qualities which is no better, probably worse, than all the Xenos? Cos GW like to think it's obvious there are no good guys. But then Space Marines...
  3. I wonder (I'm sure some people here at TGA will know) how often the Christmas/New Year mini is a good predictor of things in the coming year?
  4. Snotling Pumpwagons confirmed! Maybe for ToW, I don't care what system, just give me new pumpwagons.
  5. They are special. They bankroll GW so they can carry on making us our AoS models.
  6. Over on Bolter and Chainsword there's a lot of love for the Harbinger of Decay. And lots of acknowledgement that overall AoS has had the best models this year.
  7. Does 40k have rules for human auxiliaries in Tau armies? (using Imp Guard models I'd assume)
  8. According to Fauxhammer and the Spanish leak: 49 - Spite-Revenants (haven't we been here before? Issue 43 was Tree-revs, totally different, not exactly the same sprue at all) 50 - 2 paints and a texture spreader 51 - Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig 52 - Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit
  9. Don't forget the new Vespids too. And the human auxiliaries and Votann mercenaries rules.
  10. I'm no expert, but Krieg don't strike me as the furs wearing types, so hopefully we've got multiple things being teased...
  11. You're probably right, but I'm allowing myself hope that the day one picture doesn't look very Kriegy.
  12. I'm appreciating the love the NecroSquats are getting. But not enjoying that (nearly) all of them are resin...
  13. New Legion of the Damned would be awesome 🔥💀🔥
  14. Some of the folk over on Bolter and Chainsword think it might be AoS so we still have hope...
  15. What's going on with the skeleton's hand? Looks like it has a huge claw or something...
  16. 3pm been and gone. I believe WarCom articles are published on the hour so looking like sinking chances of either a Dawnbringers story today or of a WarCom advent calendar this year. (Go on WarCom, prove my pessimism wrong on both counts!)
  17. You could also check out Cities of Sigmar to see if there's a home for your Dark Elves there, either as current units or as proxies.
  18. So I guess we find out today if we're getting a WarCom advent calendar this year 🤞
  19. Cities Aelves have got dragons. At least for now.
  20. My vote goes to the realm of Metal. Chorfs. Skaven war machines. Ironweld revamp/cogforts. Golemkin. etc, Era of the war machine.
  21. For me, just picking up the odd issue here and there it's still a bargain way to get hold of some models. Forbidden Planet still has 47 and 48 on pre-order for £8.72 with a £8.99 rrp, but I guess they'll update that soon...
  22. This is just from my head and based on nothing. But as, like it or not, AoS in many ways mirrors or follows 40k, I had been thinking that maybe we are seeing the AoS version of the Great Crusade, and maybe it'll initially play out well for Sigmar but all go wrong with betrayal as he nears the completion of his grand plan. Stormcast civil war. But maybe in AoS case the corruption will be by Death, rather than Chaos, as Stormcast start to be increasingly dissatisfied with the reforging process and some begin to switch to Nagash. Edit: I should have said, this is in relation to all the posts above about possible future direction of AoS
  23. Do we ever get stuff this explicit in the annual report? I'd be interesting to know proportionately how much each system brings in.
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