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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Posts posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. 14 minutes ago, Fuchur said:

    Don`t think that they will discontinue the daemons since they are also usable in 40k (and just received new printed rules there). On top we got 5 kits which are relative new and were an explicit AoS release (2x Stormcast heads, Khorne Dragon, Skaarac, Mazarall).  Can`t imagine they`ll discontinue them soon.

    Maybe FW will just stay with the current shrunken AoS line since all of the remaining kits are selling good?

    AoS is comparatively under served by Forgeworld, that's for sure. With the recent removal of Legion of Azgorh and all those other kits that have been discontinued over the last year or so, it sure looks like the AoS Forgeworld range is being phased out. Maybe to make room for The Old World eventually?

    In any case, I agree that anything usable in 40k as well will probably stick around. Not sure about the other stuff, though. I could imagine that only staying available until the molds wear out. That happened with a Legion of Azgorh kit (Skull Cracker?) even before they were fully discontinued.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    This raises the question; How many people actually enjoy the hype?

    Personally, I somewhat enjoy the hype cycle. It's fun to speculate about what is coming, try to gather clues and make predictions. I think what is happening with Cursed City right now is super fun, for example, with everyone connecting info from different places, talking about their hopes for the game and what it could mean for AoS and the Mortal Realms. I don't find the slow release of new information in this case manipulative at all. It gets people excited in the same way solving a puzzle in a game or uncovering a mystery in a book does.

    What I don't enjoy is being treated like a ressource to be managed. The Lumineth and Daughters Battletome situation is a pretty good example of that. On the face of it: Sure, new book and new models, that's cool. That's something to get excited about. But then you start to notice how GW caused the problem that the new Daughters BT is going to solve (the Daughters rules had become fragmented over their original tome, BR: Morathi and Shadow and Pain), and how the release timing of the new Lumineth release in relation to their original release seems to be set up to exploit the sunk cost of Lumineth players to sell more units/books.

    That kind of stuff sucks, because for me it means I can't just buy GW products and trust them not to heck me over for buying in early. This will definitely be on my mind when I get interested in a new army they are hyping in the future: Will being an early adopter be worse for me than just waiting for another year to see what will happen to this army? Will my trust/loyalty as a customer be rewarded or punished? I don't like the recent developments, because it makes it harder to just stay positive about the game I enjoy. I want to be able to get excited and buy stuff that I like for my hobby. But it feels like the "smart" thing to do is to adopt a cynical attitude and not give GW any more trust, loyalty or indeed money than absolutely necessary.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, NotAWzrd said:

    Yeah I agree, could definitely see him being part of a wolf-like vampire strain as opposed to a seperate werewolf race. 

    If GW want to work werewolves into Grand Alliance: Castlevania Death, it probably makes the most sense to frame them as an expansion of the vampires' dominion over lesser creatures of the night. So I could totally see werewolves being vampires or under control of vampires in such a way.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, Gwill_of_the_Woods said:

    From the new website it looks as if there are 8 heroes and 5 enemies "generals", presumably one for each district.

    Do we have any thoughts or ideas for heroes?

    So far we've seen Witch Hunter, Aelf (kurnothi or wanderer style), KO, and some type of Ogor.

    I reckon they'll have a wizard hero in there somewhere.

    There was that other picture someone linked which also showed a woman Sigamrite mage. She seems to be holding a staff that appeared in a rumour engine previously:




    There is a also the placeholder silhouette on the hero side, which appears to be this guy/lady with the sword and armour:


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  5. Good post. A few points:

    5 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    I think you make some good, valid points, but it feels a bit one-sided to me. 

    - Battletomes being good for a while: We don't know if the Lumineth BT becomes outdated because of that. Right now we only know that likely the new units will be in BR Teclis and you can still use the BT just fine for at least several more month. Many people also feel 3 years is too long without any major releases or updates. The number one complaint generally is - why doesn't my faction not get any new stuff. There isn't some magical time frame everyone likes. And as you say 3 years is just an assumption based on previous releases not some kind of rule they put out.


    I also don't think a faction getting new stuff quickly in and of itself is a reason to complain. It can be a reason to complain based on context, such as factions like Stormcast being overly pushed when it comes to models. Or indeed in this case with Lumineth: While of course you could play Lumineth with only the battletome, chances are BR: Teclis will bring lots of new stuff to the table. You could also play Lumineth without a battletome at all. But it's not unfair to say that to get access to the full army, you need the Battletome. And likely, after the second wave, you will need to buy both the Tome and BR: Teclis to get access to the full army. And I think people feeling miffed about probably needing to buy twice as many books to play their army as players of other factions is understandable. If the Lumineth Battletome had just come out at double the price of other books, that would certainly be a reason to complain.


    5 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    - Might not have bought: Some people didn't buy the first wave of Lumineth precisely because they wanted to see more of them before they commit. GW made it pretty obvious that more is coming for the Lumineth relatively soon, and this was broadly discussed among people wanting to buy them. Some people might not have bought Lumineth if they knew that Slaanesh is coming soon, or that they are relatively difficult to build and paint, or when they realized how they play on the board, or if they had known they can't play because of Covid. Some Fyreslayer players might not have invested in that army if they'd known they don't get a second release for 5 years. Some Sylvaneth players might not have invested in the army if they had known that it's not competitive for a long time. People regret buying stuff all the time, because our expectations are often wrong. All the talk about mountains of grey plastic didn't just start in the last 2 months. I think it's unfair to put all the fault on GW or a single sales strategy.


    It is only obvious that more Lumineth were coming in hindsight. If there were no new Lumineth models coming out for another six years, I am sure people would be saying "What are you complaining about? GW never promised you new models! You can't go off of the fluff for this kind of things!".

    The point about people who might not have bought into the first wave is about the difference in information available. It's true that some Fyreslayers players might not have bought into the faction if they had known there would be no new releases for a long time. But I find it believable in that case that GW put out Fyreslayers with no future plans for them at that stage. Nobody GW likely knew for sure that there would not be more Fyreslayers releases for five years. We know GW plans their releases a long time in advance, but they probably had no concrete plans for Fyreslayers in the near future. Now, if there are actually plans at GW to have Fyreslayers be a one release army forever, I think Fyreslayers players could also feel justifiably angry that this was not disclosed to them.


    5 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    - Information advantage: That's true of course. GW has an advantage there, and tries to sell as many models to us as they possibly can. But some of the assumption behind your's and many other posts here, are just that - assumptions. We don't know if splitting the release of the Lumineth was actually good for their sales. Some of the same people who think now this is all an evil master plan by GW were saying that Lumineth didn't sell well just a few weeks ago. I doubt that such decisions are simply done because of one element. They must have thought that at least splitting the release won't hurt them of course, but there are other possible reasons, like how the Lumineth release fits with the other releases they are planning for the BR campaign, what to include there and so on. Nor is it clear to me, that for people who are really into a faction it's so much better to have all the goodies available in one go, instead of splitting it. Even if you spend more in the long run, it could have been better for you, then overspending at one point.


    People have to make these assumptions and predict what GW will do because GW does not disclose the relevant info, even though they have it. What's more, they choose not to disclose this info because it would be worse from a business standpoint. This is not surprising, it's how businesses act according to shareholed interests. But that does not make it automatically right from an ethical standpoint.

    GW is not a natural force. It's not a situation where we all try to predict what random thing will happen, and some people get it right and win, while others get it wrong and lose. GW is aware of what their customers can reasonably expect to happen based on their previous business decisions. And they can (and it seems, do) take action to deliberately exploit this. Which sucks, because I don't want to have an adversarial relationship with GW, where both they as a company and I as a customer need to perpetually try to ****** each other over.

    5 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    And again, there are a lot of people who are happy about having a chance to buy more Lumineth and having a campaign book for them. Look at this thread alone, or our TGA Lumineth forum. The same is true if you went to the Lumineth FB, Lumineth discord etc. Most people are excited! And some do feel bad about it, as it's always the case. But even here on our forum, I've seen more people excitedly returning back to the Lumineth than people grumbling about having to buy BR Teclis. 

    And if having to buy an extra book is really an issue, I think it's still overblown to brings ethics into this. It's about someone spending a bit too much on a hobby, that they likely would have spent otherwise on the same hobby. Not great of course, and if people regret their buys all the time, that will affect sales in the long run too, but I don't think you can call this unethical or cheating. 


    The problem is not with releasing more models and more books. If someone was actually complaining just about that, I think that would not be justified. But complaining about a release where the intent seems to be to get people to buy into an army, then release an update shortly after (which GW definitely was set up to do at the time of the initial release, this was not an after the fact decision) to presumably double dip with players who have already invested in the army is justified. Those players will feel more pressure to buy extra Lumineth stuff due to sunk cost. That is an underhanded tactic, no matter if it actually works out or not. It seeks to undermine the customers ability to make informed choices. And informed consent is the basis of ethics according to some schools of thought. Using a power/information differential in this way is definitely a quesiton of ethics.

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  6. 25 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    It is a good example of the situations that make me completely livid at WYSIWYG rules in tournaments -which seems to be the norm where I play. The idea that one would need to buy two (likely expensive) kits in order to legally play the two versions while in practice you would have to put yourself at table level and play "find the differences" to distinguish them is just bonkers.

    Mix up the parts, slap a skull on it somewhere and call it a conversion. ;)

    Personally, I think it would be much more reasonable to generally expect something weaker than WYSIWYG. Like, you should be able to tell what's what upon seeing the list and all the models. If you only have one spirit in your list, obviously everyone will be able to tell at a glance what it is, no matter whether the list says it's the unique version while the model is the generic. WYSIWYG seems to mainly benefit GW sales, not the playing experience.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    "The Spirefall was the result of the unchecked hubris of the Lumineth"

    Yeah sounds about Elf

    Old man Teclis is already getting ready to ruin everything for everyone once again in Shyish.  Just watch, he'll probably end up making all chaos followers immortal or something like that.

    • Haha 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I know we've been asked not to talk about piracy, but this is a genuine question - is reading a 1d4chan's summary of the rules piracy? As in, where they give a list of artifacts or traits or battalions and say what they do?  I'm no expert in copyright law so I don't know. 

    GW certainly does not seem to make any attempts to shut down 1d4chan and "man reads book" on youtube. As well as AoS reminders and Warscroll Builder for that matter. Between all of those, you certainly de facto don't need to buy books for rules. I mean, if the intent is that books are luxury/convenience products, but GW is fine with everyone getting the rules elsewhere, that's OK with me.

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  9. 17 hours ago, NorthernNurgling said:

    So is it just me, or did anyone else jump into Lumineth thinking "Oooo, elves!" only to be bombarded into submission by this unlikely menagerie of Hyshian pokemon?


    I think that'a very valid complaint, given that their initial marketing push to appeal to old high elf players. The whole "pointy elves" campaign is pretty ironic in hindsight, with their message of "Look at all those weirdo tree and fish elves. That's cool, but some people just want something more traditional".

    Although I guess where the new releases leave you with respect to your feelings about the faction as a whole depends on you. I did not get into the initial wave for Lumineth because they did not really work as a high elf callback or a completely new faction for me. I might get into LRL wave two, though, since with the new weird stuff that is coming, they are starting to get me interested in their own right, separate from the high elf connection. If I view the army not as a high elf thing, but as an interesting pseudo-asiatic army with a bunch of interesting animal spirits, it hits a certain spot for me.


    2 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    What’s the actual complaint about being greedy specifically because of the split release? That you “have” to buy BR Teclis? Wouldn’t you have bought it anyway? If it’s anything like BR Morathi, it’ll be interesting to read alone for the story, even if you don’t collect any of the models. I bought BR Morathi and I don’t collect any of them. 

    If you wouldn’t have bought it, is the money you have to spend for that really such a problem concerning what you spend for the hobby as such? 


    I think the most valid grievance is that people expected their LRL book to be good for a while (like the usually assumed three or so years). I definitely don't think that it's reasonable to assert that all Lumineth players would have bought BR: Teclis anyway. I did not get BR: Morathi because I didn't think the Cities rules in there were worth it for me, even though I play Cities. If BR: Teclis only had a few battalions or a new subfaction in it, I am sure many Lumineth players would have skipped it. Some might not have bought into Lumineth wave one at all if they had known a year ago that the army would get a second wave and book in the near future.

    I think we could view the issue as GW using their information advantage (they knew LRL 2 would be coming, players did not) to get players to buy something they would otherwise not have if they had the same information as GW. And it's reasonable to suspect that GW knew this would be the case (that people would not buy into Lumineth at release to the same degree if they knew more was coming a year later) and chose not to provide the pertinent information to players precisely because they thought doing so would reduce initial sales. This is whole situation is definitely not ethically neutral. Feeling cheated (for lack of a better word) is justified.


    25 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    GW makes no secret. They don't trick you. You know that when you buy a kit, you get the kit, not all the possible rules for all related kits, or indeed even the full rules for that kit.


    GW don't make false promises, that is true. But they certainly don't provide customers with all the information they might want to make informed purchasing decisions either. They definitely keep their plans for future expansions secret. And those plans might well impact the perceived value of a GW product for customers if they knew about them (as we indeed see with BR: Morathi and the battletome).

    Never the less, I agree with you on the point that when you buy a GW product, you should not expect anything beyond that product. However, from my point of view, that means that in the future I will buy GW products only if I am happy with the value I get out of them right now, not with the expectation that they will be valid for a certain length of time. That probably means I will buy less GW stuff overall. I don't think that's in the interest of GW. I would like to be able to give them a certain degree of trust when it comes to their games, rule books and kits as far as their long term support.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    But I would still push back strongly against the argument: it doesn't happen 'cause its too expensive

    Yes, I don't believe that's a good argument either. But it becomes more understandable if you look at their apparent philosophy of only adjusting things once they become problematic, not before. Arguably, spam list for certain units on TTS have not yet become problematic. Again, kind of flimsy reasoning, but somewhat understandable.

  11. Just now, Marcvs said:

    I don't really understand this argument. 1) TTS lists are legal lists, 2) Most people use TTS to test or train with lists they have or plan to build IRL, 3) Skewed lists very much exist in real life (last big-ish tournament in between lockdowns here in France was won by a list with 70 sentinels)

    I think you understand what I am getting at, but are not convinced it's a good argument. Which is fair.

    I think we can both acknowledge that there are different pressures shaping IRL and TTS lists. People not putting certain lists on the table due to non-rules related factors is still meta shaping. Like, maybe Gyrocopter spam is super good, but people are just not putting a list of 30 of them on the table on a whim IRL at a price point of 1200€, where they very well might on TTS. There is also the hobby time commitment, although that's less of a barrier since you can paint an army pretty quickly to a three colour tabletop standard if you don't care about quality, regardless of what the list looks like. Never the less, I am sure "I don't want to paint 120 skeletons" has been prevented at least some players of fielding that list in the past.

    Again, it's fair if you think that this is not a good enough reason not to do points updates given the data the rules team has. But at least it is a reason potentially worth acknowledging, and I could see the rules team coming down on the side of the data not being good enough to base large point changes on at least partially due to it. I think this consideration would help make their decision more understandable, regardless of whether we agree with it.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    I'm curious about what the actual difference in game data is. Sure there are events, but do we even know what GW pulls its data from? Like if GW pulls data exclusively from events of 100 players or more it's irrelevant that there are several 50 player events globally.

    I sympathize with the rules team a lot on this. I think the argument that the Tabletop Simulator meta is too different from the in-person meta to draw good conclusion on which to base their points adjustments would be solid if they made it. You don't really have to worry about lists with 15 Cockatrices in them for real life games. I even understand how they can't actually acknowledge the existence of TTS on Warhammer Community, so they are not in a position to directly say this. And I could accept that there is too little in-person data to make big points adjustments.

    But that only goes so far, because large effect sizes become reliably detectable even with small data pools. I don't think anyone really believes that Kroak or Spell-in-a-Bottle would be meaningfully more balanced for in-person tournaments (or even in-person casual games). That's why I think their decision not to adjust these particular things is pretty incomprehensible.

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  13. 10 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I am disappointed by the lack of points changes. They could have compromised and agreed to change the 4 or 5 things we ALL agree are wrong like Kroak. There is one thing that could be considered a bit of a positive though. Gw has turned a blind eye towards TTS . A more litigious company like nintendo or Disney would probably have gone after them and forced them to remove gw content. That probably means that gw has to pretend that data doesn’t exist. From an official gw perpesctive there hasn’t been a UK or US AOS tournament since last February. 


    That's basically my stance on it, too. I think the reception would have been much more positive if they had come out and said: "We don't have the kind of data this time around that would make us comfortable with making huge, sweeping points changes. That is why we are only touching the stuff that's most obviously out of line." And that's Kroak, Spell-in-a-Bottle and Tzeentch.

    The most popularly suggested "fix" for Spell-in-a-Bottle is not even a points thing: It's to errate it to only be able to take non-faction specific endless spells.


    1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    It’s probably worth noting that you can be uninterested in matched play AoS as a Thing and feel like the dominance or weight of tournament play fundamentally isn’t good for the game or hobby and still feel like this is a half-assed rush job by a company that knows people will grumble, suck it up, and keep buying any old whatever.

    It would be really good if GW more strongly distinguished matched play from tournament play. I think the vast majority of players does not go to tournaments, but still uses matched play rules. And stuff like Kroak being super underpointed is not a tournament problem. Just taking Kroak and all his synergies from the Battletome is not some kind of in-depth tournament strategy. It's the most obvious strong build once you have decided to include Kroak. Even very casual players will hit on that strategy if they decide to include Kroak just because they like his fluff.


    Personally I find this situation frustrating because it's just another in a series of recent communication problems from GW. It seems to me that they constantly keep undermining their own hype. We can see that from the preview show: Lumineth getting a big update should make people excited. Objectively, it's good news for Lumineth players. But those players are still frustrated because they feel like GW is abusing their trust when it comes to battletomes. Even though it's not stated outright, it's reasonable to expect that if GW makes you pay for both rules and models that at least the rules will be stable for a while. Sure, GW never outright makes that promise, but it's completely reasonable to be frustrated by a company that signals "Our relationship to our customers is completely one sided, we don't take your satisfaction into account, profit is always the highest priority." with their publishing decisions.

    Same for BR: Morathi. Some people are saying you should not expect a narrative book's rules to be current forever. But at the same time, the books are very obviously also rules patches. It's completely reasonable to expect them to be current at least for a while, like until the next edition that we are all expecting. Of course you can say "You idiot, you should be expecting GW to try to heck you over! They never promissed that BR books would be rules patches that would last!". But at the same time, they very strongly implied it with their marketing, constantly talking about all the cool new rules in that book.

    Not providing rules updates/rebalancing is a similar problem. A lot of players these days are not from the 80s/90s/2000s, where not getting rules updates was the norm. These days, most people are familiar with games like Magic, which gets constant attention, or video games, which are patched all the time. The expectation is not to just git gud and deal with out-of-balance, negative play experience rules for a few years. The expectation is that a modern game will receive a reasonable amount of attention even after "launch".

    To me, the signal GW is sending is "Don't buy our stuff unless you are OK with it being obsoleted out of nowhere in a few months." So that's what I will probably be recommending to people for the time being: Only buy into GW stuff if the price is worth it for you right now, not with the expectation of getting value out of it for several years.


    On more word on the rules team, because I have seen that pop up in this thread a lot: I don't want to lay any blame for this FAQ at the feet of the rules team, or accuse them of being dishonest. They are probably among the people at GW most passionate about just making AoS a good game (regardless of financial success).  Maybe (and here I go shilling again) they are hard at work on AoS 3 right now and that takes up all their attention. But if that is the case, just a little bit of a heads up that the FAQ would not be big and some adjustment of the worst, most obvious imbalances would have been all it takes to make people happy. I am laying the blame for that at the feet of whoever is in charge of PR at Games Workshop.

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  14. 9 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I'm shifting into the camp of thinking we might not see Soulblight until 3.0 as well. If we assume they aim for the usual July release we've still got..

    It seems like we are actually roughly in agreement on the timeframe. I personally just believe that AoS 3 will not come out/is not planned to come out in July.

    Following the pattern that Broken Realms: Morathi has set, it takes two months for an announced BR book to come out. Then, it takes another two months for a new book to be announced. That would mean:

    BR: Teclis release - March

    BR: Alarielle (or whatever) announcement - May

    BR: Alarielle release - July

    And then we would be seeing a potential AoS 3 announcement after that (and that is working from the theory that there will only be three BR books).

    We know for Hedonites, they were aiming for a January release (from the coin they wanted to give away in GW stores). So that's two months after the November release of BR: Morathi.

    Applying that to a potential Soulblight release: After BR: Teclis comes out in late March, we might expect Soulblight in late May, early June. Possibly a month or two later to make room for Ulfenkarn in between. That would put us in the vincinity of a July-August release. That would also be about three months after the Underworlds warband, which would again be the same timeframe as Hedonites.

    Of course, this is working under the assumption that GW will stick to the pace they have set with BR: Morathi. If an AoS 3 launch is planned for July, they might well decide to pick up the pace for Broken Realms. Psychic Awakening used to release on a schedule of one book every two months. That would make a July release of AoS 3 possible if there are only going to be three books.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I think my point is the evidence suggests that customers don't seem to care that much about "customer satisfaction", at least as it pertains to rules/gameplay. They mostly just care about good models which is why they're happy to buy even when we're all locked down.

    I don't know, it seems to me that AoS has been booming since they started treating it as a proper game and caring for customer satisfaction. It just seems really boneheaded to risk going back to the Kirby era with stuff like this.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    People can't play in person and GW's sales are higher than ever. They really don't have that much business incentive to invest a lot of time in rules and points tweaks, especially if 3.0 is going to hit later this year and shake some things up.

    AoS 3 is at the end of this year at the earliest. And "They just care more about money than customer satisfaction" is also not really an excuse.

  17. 1 hour ago, Sception said:

    BUT if that were the case, I don't think GW would have been as coy about admitting 'Soulblight Gravelords' were a thing to begin with.

    Disagree here: It makes sense from a marketing perspective to hype up one army at a time. This is currently Lumineth. GW has an interest in keeping customers in the dark as to the release of upcoming factions, because they believe they can get people to spend more that way. Plus, the existence of a future Vampire faction in itself would be a minor spoiler for BR: Teclis if we knew it's coming out after that book.

  18. 3 hours ago, Sception said:

    saw this pic online (posted by count michael on the carpe noctem forum, not sure if they made it or got it from somewhere else) showing how many (most?  maybe even all if you don't count the basket hilt previews from the underworlds warband) of the undeadish seeming rumor engine pictures seem tied to the Warhammer Quest: Cursed City set, based on art from the trailer video & website:


    I think these all seem pretty rock solid. I wonder who that round shield will end up belonging to and if they will be important. They are the placeholder image on the Overlords of Ulfenkarn section, but we know they are not one of the four important guys.

    Images missing form this are:






    Less certain, but still potentially Death:














    2 hours ago, Sception said:

    If it's the case that all of the rumor engine pics can now be ascribed to either Underworlds or Warhammer Quest, then it lends credence to my thought that the Vampire Lord leak /was/ an actual leak, that games workshop was not and is not ready to announce Soulblight Gravelords, and that we still have a pretty significant wait in front of us before we'll start to see or hear anything further when it comes to a new Battle Tome / AoS proper release wave.


    I agree with this. I think the Vampire Lord being vindicated by GW, but no mention of the Gravelords faction both in the articel and reveal show indicates that we got to see this before they were ready. I would think the smart money should be on a release after BR: Teclis. The narrative opportunities to set up the Gravelords faction as a result of whatever will happen in that book just seem too good.

    100% a real, actual leak in my book. Revealing the Gravelords faction name and then refusing to mention it again would make no sense as intentional marketing.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Yokai said:

    Huh, a Cursed City preview with the witch hunter fellow went up briefly on WarCom, then disappeared again. Anyone managed to catch it? Something about silver bullets and stakes burning the undead "alive", as far as I saw.

    It's back up for me.

    "Once he hunted witches, aethergheists, and cultists of the Dark Gods, but after he was expelled from the Order of Azyr, he decided on a massive career change and started hunting vampires instead."

    I feel vindicated for all those times I have been telling people that called him a witch hunter that stakes means vampires.

    • Thanks 1
  20. 2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    There's no reason they couldn't have included the rules and photographs in the Battletome and then release it later. They're doing this with Space Marines and Necrons who six months on are only just getting the Primaris Landspeeder and such, the Heavy Intercessors are coming out as part of a box set, etc. The Death Guard didn't get the Blight-hauler released for a good few months and the Lord of the Rings line used to have loads of stuff that took ages to actually see a physical release. Hell, the Vampire Lord was leaked as a clampack ready for distribution and they're probably not landing for at least another six months so these things presumably spend a long time in storage.

    I don't disagree. Although releasing rules without models is unfortunate in it's own way.

    However, this is also where I wish I knew more about the logistics involved. If someone told me that that Vampire Lord might be all done and packaged, but to get everything else in Soulblight Gravelords done and shipped will take another six months, I would not be surprised.

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