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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Posts posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. 2 hours ago, RandyRyan said:

    I think some factions are definitely guilty of pushing the boundaries towards “too much”. Slaanesh stands out to me as a faction where I love the models, but when I look closely and am honest with myself, I know I’d hate painting…

    That said, I have been utilising a lot of the advice of Peachy Tips and found my last few painted units came together pretty quickly. Black Legion for undersuits, belts, little straps… done!

    I sometimes wonder to what extent problems with extra detail are down to the painter's perfectionism. I certainly know some people who make painting harder for themselves for no good reason, like feeling the need to use different paints for each small leather ornament on a model.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Gailon said:

    It’s hard to project the new rules impact in how these traits and scrolls play. 

    Counter charge is a big buff to ogres that everyone just ignored while complaining? As is smaller objectives where OC could be more important. 

    my thing for Fyreslayers is the new terrain rules. Namely obscuring terrain that blocks line of sight without needing 3” of the terrain between. And maps that suggest terrain placement, making it far more likely games are played with more terrain and obscuring terrain in important places. 

    combine that with objectives and battle plans that could be built for more immediate action and I’m not sure why everyone assume Fyreslayers are getting shot with impunity for two turns. By an enemy who just doesn’t want objectives? 

    also remember that smaller objectives means that you almost always have to fight to take an objective. I won’t be able to sneak 10 gitz on the far side of an objective to take it from hearthguard. I’ll have to fight them off most of the time. 

    also, a lot of these shooting units we are so scared off can’t shoot in combat. So even if you do get shot for two turns, if you get in you aren’t getting shot again. This will really limit the ability to have mostly shooting armies in the game. 

    I think some of these rules will really change how we theorycraft these warscrolls. 

    I certainly don't want to be unnecessarily doomsaying here, but O think their low mobility and saves will be the main challenges for Fyreslayers from what we have seen. I think they can overcome them, too. The OPG abilities and synergies we have already seen are strong.

    However, I will defend 2 rounds of shooting as realistic against slow armies. It matches my experience. One round of pure approach, then one when they get into your screen. Plus potentially the new Covering Fire this edition. I feel like fast melee might be s Problem, too. We will see how much the new terrain changes that. Like I said initially, I find it hard to judge in a vacuum.

    42 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Plus “They get shot to bits!”. By who exactly? There’s like 3.5 good shooting factions in AoS, 4.5 if we include Kruleboyz, and they’ve got the tools to deal with them. Gunline armies aren’t nearly as much of a thing as people believe. 

    There are always enough of them out there so that slow melee is not totally free, I'll say that much.

  3. Just now, Vasshpit said:

    I remember Peachy talking about blissbards and their level of detail. One thing that stood out was he mentioned a thumb, just a thumb, was one tiny bit you had to put together!! Now I've not built and myself and they are wonderful sculpts but was this an exaggeration? 

    For the most part everything I collect has been just enough deets imo. But I'm a destruction/death collector mostly. 

    I think the sprue has a hand cut in half somewhere with the thumb attached to one of the arrows. Certainly seems easy to melt with plastic glue on accident.

    I have just had to deal with a similar situation: The Ironweld cannon has one of the crew members manipulating the crane on the back. Her fingers are attached to the crane and you have to line up her hand with. I was aware this would be a problem during assembly, but still messed it up.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    During my time of gaming I have learnt that sadly, there is a gap between "stats that make sense" and "stats that are good for the game." We will see in which way AOS4 lean. 

    Interesting to see that the spearhead rules use a singular ability and a list for the runes. I find that more readable than the pile of abilities of which you can use only one per turn for the non-spearhead allegiance.


    Just now, Tonhel said:

    I wouldn't have mind to see FS troops get 3 health and the non FS duardin improved to 2 health. As they are now, they will suffer from shooting attacks, rend isn't even needed. Against close combat armies like StD they will be very dangerous, but against an army that has more shooting power, they will easly have to endure 1 - 2 shooting phases before they are in combat These Heartguard Berzekers will be a priority target for shooting with their close combat power.

    I still like the FS Faction focus, but I am curious how it will play. We have a FS player in our small group, so I will know soon 😄.

    Even though it fits their look, an army that is both slow-moving and frail will have a tough time. It does not really make sense in terms of game play. It remains to be seen to what degree Fyreslayers have the ability to compensate for this with movement abilities and save/ward bonuses.

    In a vacuum it looks like using the run and charge rune early, in conjunction with whatever deep strike abilities they have, in order to engage enemy ranged units will probably have to be the default game plan. They certainly don't look like they can afford to slowly shuffle across the board for 2 turns.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The current Runefather On Magmadroth model is aging pretty gracefully, so I don't see it being replaced anytime soon. I bet they just put that in there to vindicate people who want to convert the rider to represent one.

    They set up something for Fyreslayers in Dawnbringers, with that Bael Grimnir story. I think the mention of Fyrequeens might be foreshadowing for new units they are planning to introduce later. I would not be surprised if we finally saw a 2nd wave for Fyreslayers this edition, at least.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    True although it does fit to them.

    no armour, not even some good obelix pants or a kilt, would definitely indicate that they have almost no safe

    I prefer this over 4+/3+ save hearthguard berserlers with a 4+ ward save

    I will say that I think the commitment of 4th to "sensemaking" with respect to saves and weapon profiles is interesting. I wonder if it will play well. I think those values have trended towards getting better and better over the course of the lifespan of AoS, so it is definitely a reversal of direction in some ways. It's hard to gauge the impact of these changes in a vacuum, given the new universal 3" combat range and reduced shooting distances.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Is this the first time we've seen Warmaster on a generic mode? 


    Thinking about it, what does Warmaster actually do in 4th? Sure, it gives you a second general, but what does that matter for? List building?

  8. 7 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Fyreslayers abilities seem pretty good. Not sure about the warscrolls, though. 4" moves with 6+ saves seems rough, even with all the wards and save bonuses they can get. Hearthguard Berzerkers used to be the anvillest anvils around, seem like they are a bit more vulnerable now. At least by default.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It's been interesting to see all this talk recently. I actually think gw have stepped back from the brink on this one. Compare the last two versions of Marnues Calgar and his retinue. Both sets are pretty detailed but in the previous version the details overwhelmed the silhouette of the minis. images(4).jpeg.7e1d63462d483ee261020e9213cc4310.jpeg

    The new versions are almost as detailed but those details don't overwhelm the models in quite the same way. 


    The other massive factor is contrast style paints. I recently painted up a unit of Steelhelms. 20240603_211134.jpg.25f1b5d7f718028d8ab1250009bc68eb.jpg

    I finished them faster than I painted my chainrasps despite them being more complicated minis simply because I used contrast. 20240603_211445.jpg.88894324d2c19d6a5b94ed902b34b643.jpg

    The bit that took the longest was the little checks on the banner. 

    I think the problem of over complicated minis is much more common in 3d prints than it's is with GW minis. 

    I also feel that GW is making an effort to dial back the detail in some models. The new Skaven Clanrats are an example of that, I think. Maybe it has to do with the rise of 3D printing. Loads of detail on a model is certainly not a unique selling point anymore at this point.

    It's interesting that you posted that Space Marine comparison, because I deliberately set up the poll above to only be about AoS. I think detail creep in 40k is generally more egregious, and talk about 40k also seems to dominate the debate I see online. I was curious how people feel about AoS.

    Cities is an interesting faction in relation to all of this. They are undeniably detailed, but I also found them easier to paint than I expected at first. Plus, with Cities I kind of feel like being a bit maximalist and cluttered is kind of the aesthetic they are going for. The Cavalier-Marshal is a good example:

    Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal

    He is undeniably a busy model, but all the detail serves a purpose, IMO, which is to place the character into the context of everyday life. He has a bed roll and bags and a bunch of other stuff because he also exists outside of the context of battle.

    I also think that Flesh Eater Courts are an interesting faction to talk about, because they were the next faction after Cities to be released, and they are notably less burdened with detail. I think that show that there is no trend of higher and higher detail being thoughtlessly added anymore at this point (there arguably was one around the End Times/AoS 1 period).

    • Like 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    All I can say is that painting cryptguard and morbheg knights did embody the "90% of the work in 10% of the time, and 10% of the work in 90% of the time" for me, with a lot of grumbling about missed details. 

    That's my experience with painting most of the time, honestly. Painting the Ironweld cannon recently was certainly like that. Drybrush the wood, drybrush the ground, drybrush the big shield, some easy metallics on the cannon itself, and then BOOM! 2 hours of carefully painting metal trim.

  11. 1 minute ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    I like cities a lot. I mainly want to argue about Vanilla. Proper vanilla is an absolutely delicious flavour they too often is used to mean plain. It really isn't. Some places use it to mean unflavoured but those places are just wrong and there is special rung of help for them. If you have just milk ice-cream, sure. Just don't call it vanilla unless it actually contains vanilla extract. Or I guess at least artificial vanilla since you can synthese it pretty well.

    Also, ever fantasy depiction of humans looks generic if you are unfamiliar with it. Cities actually have some fun stuff going on. It's just a bit harder to notice than the in-your-face weirdness of OBR or LRL 

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  12. 16 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Curious to see what is this "anti-competitive crowd", because so far, in social media with AoS and TOW, the competitive crowd is the one trying to push hard and very dominant.

    If you were talking about me specifically on this forum, I would understand. I admit I'm very vocal on that matter. But who else, really ?

    Otherwise, sorry for killing your hype.

    I don't want to antagonize your or anyone else on TGA with this. Everyone here is still really chill in the grand scheme of things. 

    The people who post on r/warhammetfantasy on Reddit, though, have really damaged my desire to get into TOW, for example. Like, a new player will post a thread over there asking something like "Do Mortis Engine auras stack? That seems like a fun thing to build around if they do." and be met with "If you tried that kind of ****** my table, I'd throw you out, you WAAC sweatlord. Go back to 40k."

    I believe I even saw @JackStreichercatch some hate over there on occasion for really innocuous comments, and you know that he's pretty far from a meta-chasing tournament grinder.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    Part of the flavour of each army is going to be tied to stats. Maybe not as flashy as an ability, but that's another positive feature of 4th Ed.

    Unpopular opinion: next step, remove All-Out-Attack and Defende.

    I think people don't get as excited about it because mechanically efficient stats and flavourful, but less "good" abilities appeal to different types of players. I think Ogor players are not as much into mathematically efficient warscrolls as they are into making big charges and slamming big dudes into the enemy.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, bethebee said:

    i'll sum up my thoughts on ogres with this:frostlord_hq.png.0f5273752c0603dfdef37d2948db8aac.png

    I want to say, even with how unimpressive the Ogor allegiance abilites are, their basic stats are actually pretty BIG. Ogor Gluttons are certainly the best basic infantry we have seen so far. 4/2/1/2 is just miles better than the new standard of 4/4/-/1

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  15. 5 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    The thing is, having to get a supplement in order to play all the new units your army gets is exactly the sort of thing everyone was complaining about and saying bloated the game. 

    It's not as much of a problem now that they are putting the rules for army expansions from campaign books up for download for free.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Well, I'm not a competitive player and I avoid playing tournaments, and I feel that 4th edition is building to be the best edition.

    I don't care if the metrics used to balance 4th ed. numbers are taken from competitive circuits, I care that I have fun with the game, and with just a glimpse of 4th, I feel that it's miles away from other editions.

    Same for me. And I don't play in tournaments, like most of the player base.

    In general I think the online discussion criminally overlooks the largest demographic of Warhammer players: People who don't play with either a narrative or competitive focus, but rather have roughly balanced low-stakes matched play games. People who build their list by weighing a bunch of considerations, including how good the units are, how fun they are to play and play against, how cool the models look and how much they like their lore, without having one of these aspects 100% trump any of the others.

    Most people want a reasonable balance, as well as thematic rules and a visually appealing game.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    Fun for the competitive players who don't understand they repel quite a lot of potential people into the Hobby. But feel free to keep having fun, just don't complain if you see you have less people to play with in the future.

    I can't speak for everyone, but for me personally the anti-competitive crowd in both AoS and TOW are the ones killing my hype the most at the moment. They certainly pushed me out of WHFB when I was a teen, too.


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